Fighting Conviction by Greer Rivers

Chapter Twenty-Seven

He’d been caught off guard by her throwing herself into his embrace, but goddamn if that girl wasn’t made for him to hold. His arms wrapping around her body felt as natural as breathing.

Devil returned her kiss, teasing his tongue against hers until she pulled away from him. He tugged her back by her nape, but when he was met with some resistance, he immediately let go.

“Can we—um, can we do another one… before?” She looked down and he realized his hard cock was insistent against her clothed pussy. If they’d been naked, he could’ve sunk into her with one stroke.

Shit. I was wrong. She doesn’t want it. I need to stop. She doesn’t want this—

“No, don’t look at me like that. I want… I want to try… another one, is all.”

Relief she still wanted him coursed through his body. Devil grunted his agreement and eased her off of him, enjoying her shiver as her pussy grazed over his cock on the way down.

He cleared his throat and readjusted his sweatpants, securing his tip behind the drawstring. Still noticeable as fuck, but at least not obscene anymore. Even though he wanted to lick every inch of her body until she was wet enough for him to slide into her, if she wanted to learn more about how to save herself, he sure as fuck wasn’t going to hinder that. He’d never forgive himself if he missed the opportunity to teach her something that would’ve saved her life.

The thought jolted him back to their purpose. “Alright, let’s do it. What’d you have in mind?”

“Um… how about the h-handcuffs?” A strange look passed over her face. Her smile was innocent, but her eyes were wicked, confusing the hell out of him as he tried to silently figure out if she had a hidden agenda.

“Okay…” He went to the table and grabbed the cuffs, going straight into instructor mode. Anything to get his mind off of burying his cock inside Ellie’s soaked pussy.


“So what you do with these… I’ll go ahead and tell you because it’s hard to figure this one out. Let me have your bobby pin.” She tugged the pin from her ponytail and gave it to him. “So what you do…” He straightened the pin and held one of the closed titanium cuff loops, pointing to the shim and mechanism. “There’re teeth that make the handcuff tighter, see? You wedge whatever straight, thin metal you have between these two to split the arm and the ratchets. One click is all you need. Any more and you could jam the pin inside, making it tighter, and much harder to escape. I’ll teach you how to work around that problem one day but practicing would require you not to give a shit about pain and I don’t what to put you through that.”

He gave her the pin and locked the handcuffs around her wrists. “Here, you try now. I won’t time you this first time. The duct tape was about speed. You wouldn’t be able to do that in front of a kidnapper. But if your captor has you in cuffs, you could be working on it without them knowing.”

Ellie hesitated with her head bent low and the silver rings around her wrists. Her breaths came at a quicker pace. “Um… what if… what if you had me in cuffs?”

A bolt of desire heated through his body, but he didn’t want to assume what she was getting at again. “Uh… you’re already in them—”

“No, I mean. What would we do… if you had me in cuffs?”

She raised her head and when he saw her molten caramel eyes hot with desire and that plump bottom lip being held hostage by her teeth, his breath hitched. All the blood in his head went straight to his cock and he grew light-headed with anticipation.

As soon as the feeling passed, he stroked down her cheek and spoke in a low voice. “I would have you at my mercy…” His thumb and forefinger caught her chin. He lifted it and bent to force her to look in his eyes. “But you would still be in control.” Her breathing grew ragged as he continued. “I would spread those pretty thighs and bury my tongue in your sweet cunt to taste what I’ve been missing for thirty-one goddamn days. You’re heaven in my mouth baby, and I would take you there with me in every stroke… Would that be something you would want?” At Ellie’s nod, he growled and gripped her chin tighter. “You have to say it, angel.”

Her warm, breathy sigh sent shivers across his skin. “Take me, Dev.”

Devil scooped her up, with one arm propping her ass. He ducked his head between her cuffed arms as Ellie left small, wet kisses along his jaw. Her ponytail had loosened from the exercise and Devil wound his free hand up her spine to sink into her scalp until those long locks were freed. He pulled her away by the base of her neck, tangling the strands until they got caught between his fingers, like rays of sun peeking around shadows. With her neck in his grip, he bent her head to take her lips between his.

When her tongue devoured his, he growled into her mouth and turned, walking her to his bed a few steps away. With one arm tucking her lithe body against him, he crawled across the mattress and stroked his hand up against her skin in a fluid motion to lay her ass down first, followed by her back, and ending cradling her head to the pillow.

Devil started to back away, but she fucking bit his lip. He groaned as his cock surged, painful in its already fully-alert state. He tore his lip free and kissed her before grabbing her thighs with both hands to grind his length against the warmth between her legs. She broke away on a moan and he took the breath to duck out from underneath her handcuffed grasp.

“I need to feel you come, baby. Just remember, you’re in control, okay?”

She whispered it back and at her dazed nod, he immediately tucked his fingers in the elastic of her leggings and slid them down over her lean hips and thighs, letting his fingertips drag against her soft skin and reveling in the goose bumps he left in his wake. As he rolled the fabric down, she lifted her waist and her round ass popped free from its confines. His cock surged against his sweatpants and he nearly came right then and there.

He took a steadying breath before continuing to unclothe her and dragged open-mouthed kisses down her bare skin until he tugged her legs free.

Devil kneeled between her legs and trailed his tongue as he traveled up. His hands glided behind the touch of his lips and every time Ellie made any sound of pleasure, he squeezed—hard—making her gasp.

She reached down with her handcuffed hands and tugged at his hair, pulling it by its roots. He had no idea how the fuck she knew exactly what he wanted—the act, the pressure—but god-fucking-damnit did he love when she added a little pain in her touch. Most of the time, if a woman touched him, he’d push her away like she was on fire. But Ellie? He wanted her touch to sear into his skin, branding him as hers and hers alone.

When he got to her mound, he nipped through her cotton panties to where he knew her pretty bud was hidden. Her cry electrified his skin down to his tip and he thrust against his comforter to alleviate the pressure.


“Fuck, I love that you call me that.” His fingers curled around the waistband of her panties, grazing the golden curls underneath, until she stopped him.

“No, wait—”

His hands nearly leaped from her body.

“No, I actually… I want you to… teach me something else.” Her shy smile made his cock weep with precum, but his brain couldn’t catch up.

“Teach you? Now?” He sat up on his knees to question her further, but she pulled his shirt so he had to catch himself with his hands on either side of her shoulders. Her bound hands tucked under his shirt and scratched down his abs, making him groan. Blunt nails ended on the waistline of his sweatpants and his cock jumped as she scratched the sensitive skin outlining his Adonis belt.

Now that he had an idea of what she had in mind, his voice was like sandpaper as he worked past the need to moisten his tongue with her arousal. “What is it you want to learn, angel?”

Ellie pulled at the string tying his sweatpants and cool air kissed his tip. A shudder rolled down his spine and he closed his eyes to soak in the sensation. The cold metal of the cuffs shocked his skin as her index finger swirled around the head of his aching cock.

“I want to take you in my mouth.”

He’d expected her words to come out as a tentative whisper, but the conviction there opened his eyes to see a woman more confident than she’d been the entire time he’d known her.

“With the cuffs on? You sure?” Please for the love of God, say yes.

She nodded and bit her lip, pulling the string loose on his pants until the air told him she could fully see his length peek over the top of the gray fabric. “I want to… I want you to teach me what you like, Dev.”

A groaned curse rolled out of his mouth in several syllables before he dove in to let his tongue dance against hers.

He snuck his arm behind her back and the other wrapped around her ass, pulling her up into his kiss until he flipped their positions. She landed straddled on him, but kept the kiss going without missing a beat. Her nails stabbed into his scalp and he loved that every time she bit his lip, she left a salving lick. Eventually she sat up and scratched her fingernails underneath his shirt, watching his reaction the entire time.

“You can do more than that on me, baby. I’m a fighter, I like a little pain with my pleasure.” He winked and Ellie’s eyes widened with… intrigue?

“I-I think I do, too.”

Devil’s breath caught in his chest. He held her hips down on his half-naked cock and bucked up into her heat, making sure to use a little force behind the thrust. She moaned even though he had to have bruised her inner thighs.

Fuck, if she likes pain… he couldn’t think about it. One day he’d flirt with the line to see what she liked. But no fucking way was he going full tilt on her before she was ready.

Ellie bit her lip and maneuvered off his cock to kneel between his legs. Her fingers returned to his waistband and when she tugged him free, her sharp inhale was nothing short of satisfying. His thick length bobbed against his stomach and Ellie sat mesmerized.

Devil chuckled at her expression. “Get beside me.” He tugged his pants off the rest of the way before grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it off. “I want to make you moan around my cock while I fuck your mouth.” Ellie’s eyes widened but she did as she was told. “Good girl.”

She bit her lip and Devil smiled with satisfaction. He’d noticed what those words did to her and fuck if he didn’t love the accompanying blush dusting her skin every time he said them.

He tugged her lip from her teeth with his thumb. “Can’t be doing that, baby.” He smirked. “You’ll bite your pretty lip off before I can feel it around my cock.”

Ellie pinkened even more, but she kept him from chuckling when she stroked her fingers up his thighs, leaving the metal chain of the handcuffs trailing behind her. The titanium rolled over his cock, making him jump and hiss from the cold.

She encircled his length with both cuffed slender hands, leaving the tip bare. Her grip was soft, tentative, like she was awaiting instruction. He was about to tell her what he liked, but her nails bit into the skin just beneath his head. His hands desperately gripped the comforter with the urge to hold on to ride out the delicious pain, but his girl didn’t let up. She stroked him slowly, going back and forth between a strong grip and a slight pinch from her nails, seemingly taking cues from the faces he couldn’t help making.

Her hands left his shaft to help prop herself on the bed and she bent over his cock to lave the top. Devil fought against closing his eyes to feel it more intensely. He had other plans.

“Yes, keep doing that.” He leaned up and she tried to sit up with him, but Devil smacked her ass and she yelped. “Nope, I said keep doing what you were doing.” He didn’t stop to take in her expression and instead reached his fingers to unzip her midriff hoodie while she slid her tongue around the head of his cock.

Thank fuck she’s wearing her front zip bra.

“Don’t stop, Ellie,” he ordered her as he tugged the second zipper down. Her breasts fell out and he twisted a nipple until she moaned, vibrating around his cock.

“Goddamn, that feels good.” With his hand around the breast closest to him, he kneaded the soft mound and circled its dusty rose tip into a peak. “I wish I had this in my mouth.” He pinched her slightly and her eyes relaxed closed.

Her tight mouth slid down until his cock nudged the back of her throat. She was at a disadvantage needing to use both cuffed hands to hold herself up, so when Ellie tried to push past the resistance, Devil threaded his hands in her hair to pull her up. He was too long for her to deep throat, at least for the first time.

“It’s okay, baby. The tip is fine.”

He let go of her hair, but kept his hand on the back of her head. She returned to his cock and fucking watched him with her molten caramel eyes as she slid her lips down his length. Her tongue stroked the bottom of the head, sliding the sensitive skin there up with the suction and Devil groaned—loud. He felt the slight difference as she fought back a smile.

“Fuck, yes. That’s it.”

He closed his eyes and bucked slightly in and out of her mouth as she kept pace. There was a small click and suddenly, the grip changed when one of her hands joined her mouth.

Devil looked down in surprise to see her hand sliding up and down his cock underneath her mouth. “You got loose from the cuffs.” He growled his approval as she tightened her lips around him and showed off the pin she’d kept somewhere the whole time. “That calls for a reward.”

One brow raised but he didn’t give her enough time to ask any questions as he sat up and palmed each hip. He picked her up and whipped her around so her panty-covered mound was positioned over his waiting mouth.

Air caressed his cock and he heard her yelp. “What the—”

Devil slapped her ass. “Keep going and you’ll get your prize.” He couldn’t see her face, but she sucked him deep into her mouth again and he groaned into her panties.

With his index finger, he slid them to the side, revealing her pretty pink cunt. With one swipe of his tongue, he tasted her sweetness and moaned along with her in pleasure.

“Angel, you’re like goddamn candy.” Devil gripped a cheek with one hand and cut right to the chase, spreading her legs apart to swirl his tongue around her clit. He was seconds away from finishing and he needed to get her up to the same speed.

She grazed him lightly with her teeth and he bucked into her mouth. It wasn’t enough to choke her, but when his tip went past the tight muscles in her throat and she didn’t gag, he tried again, thrusting farther in. He cursed at the tightness strangling his tip, and he drove his tongue into her core, lapping at the arousal filling his mouth and striving to get her to come before he did.

She whined and matched his intensity, swallowing his head down as she took him. The vibration in her throat threatened ecstasy before he could get her hers.

“Ellie, I’m gonna come. You should get—baby… I—” He tried to get her attention so he didn’t come before she was ready, but she kept bobbing up and down on his cock.

Deciding the best course of action was to get her distracted with an orgasm herself, Devil continued to hold her panties while he thrust a finger into her core. He feathered her G-spot while his tongue tapped her clit so fast it had to feel like he was pulsing against her. Ellie undulated over him, grinding her cunt into his face and goddamn was it sexy. She was already so fucking ready, Devil could feel small contractions as she tightened on his finger. He joined another finger with the first and increased his speed.

Ellie slipped and her lips met the base of his cock. Her legs trembled around his head and her pussy clamped down as she rode his fingers.

Ellie choking and swallowing him whole was too fucking much and Devil lost it. He closed his eyes and roared her name as pleasure cascaded out of him and into her wet mouth. She drank up his cum as he pistoned into her until he was spent.

He dropped his hips back to the bed and he lazily trailed his finger down her cunt as he caught his breath.

The wet heat left his cock. “Please, I can’t. Oh God, Dev.” She leaned away from him and he grabbed her thighs, pulling her back until he could suck her clit between his teeth one last time. His name erupted from her in a long moan and her thighs trembled as he drew out the last remnants of her orgasm. After, she collapsed onto his chest and he lifted her from her straddling position.

“Come here, angel.”

Devil used his abs to sit straight and pull her sated body up by her upper arms to straddle him again, this time with her soaked panties against his semihard length. A sleepy grin took over her face.

“I love that smile.” Despite his words, he kissed it away, forcing her mouth open with his tongue, not caring that he tasted himself. Fuck, it was hot knowing she took him in her mouth. He gripped the front of her neck and lifted her up to look into her eyes. “I want to give you that ‘just fucked’ look every day for as long as you’ll let me.”


The thought flitted through his mind, but he quickly pushed it away.

“If it’s like that every time, I wouldn’t mind that at all.” Her smile widened and he released her with a peck on her lips. She sighed before laying her cheek and half-naked body on his bare chest.

He was gone for her and he knew it. But she was only a freshman in college for fuck’s sake. Cornering her into a serious relationship, assuming she’d even want one at nineteen, would make him one selfish son of a bitch.

As if she read his mind, she spoke softly against his chest. “You know… when we, um… when we have sex… ugh, sorry. I’m awkward.” She slapped her hand over her eyes. He chuckled and peeled her fingers away from her face before she exhaled and continued. “It’ll be my first time and, um… I’m on birth control. I don’t want anything between us… if that’s okay. I don’t know what you wanna do with that information. Just thought I’d tell you.”

Devil tamped down the sudden urge to roar and beat his chest like some testosterone-driven gorilla. It wasn’t necessarily that he would be her first that made him apeshit, but the hope that he could have the privilege of being her only.

“I’m clean. I’d never risk anything with you, but if you’re sure… it’s your call.” He cleared his throat. “We do this at your pace, El. You’re in charge.” Devil stroked her spine with both hands as she nodded. He felt her cheek lengthen as she yawned and he tugged her closer against him, enveloping her in his hold.

He wouldn’t tell her, not yet anyway. But she was full of firsts for him, too. The first hand he could remember holding, the first time he’d given the reins over to a lover. His first relationship—if what they were doing was even a fucking relationship. A wave of shame passed through him as he realized they never did go on that date.

He was about to try to plan another one with her, but her breath was already slow and steady, a rhythm he could listen to for the rest of his life if she let him. He rubbed her back softly, more for himself than for her. He didn’t want to wake her, but having her in his arms eased an ache in his soul he’d developed the first moment he saw her.

“So glad I found you, angel,” he whispered against her golden hair.

“I love you, Dev.” Her voice was so faint, he thought he’d imagined it, especially when the lazy cadence of her breaths never changed.

He wanted to say them back. The words itched to get out from the back of his throat. But that one last step to opening himself up after closing himself off for so long was a leap into a fucking canyon. After ten years, thinking emotional attachments were distractions was deeply ingrained in him. When he’d told Ellie after she’d passed out that he didn’t want to be that way anymore, he’d meant it. But old habits die hard and he’d been convinced for too long that caring too much made him make mistakes that wound up hurting people.

Can’t risk it until after tomorrow. I’ll tell her after.

BlackStone had a big day the next day. He hoped to God Ellie was kept busy enough by classes the next day to not worry about what the Crew was up to. He needed her as far away from him as possible. Hopefully nothing bad would happen, but with a mission, you could never be too sure. And he needed as few distractions as possible.

Ellie was strong, but Devil sure as fuck wasn’t strong enough to keep his head on straight if she was somehow involved. And if she knew they were crashing the scholarship party, there was no way she’d be willing to stay out of the thick of it. He understood though.

When you have skin in the game, it’s hard not to want your pound of flesh.