Fighting Conviction by Greer Rivers

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“It’s like we mapped out.” Hawk’s voice came in tinny over Devil’s headset as the BlackStone leader confirmed their recon. “Four exits, two leading outside, two to the hallway, and one door to a room I’ve seen multiple older men and a suspicious number of young women go into.” Devil took a sip of the glass of whiskey he’d gotten for a prop.

“Saw that too,” Phoenix answered. “So far Nora and I’ve only heard borin’ ass bullshit about life goals with zero chance of pannin’ out.” Phoenix’s uncharacteristic growl was low in their headset. “Oh, I gotta target by the south door. At least I think he’s a target. Shit, for this party to be so hidden, they sure don’t give two fucks about disguisin’ their men.”

“Their MO’s all about hiding the party until the actual event. Then everything is in plain sight, I suspect to hide the real reason behind it,” Snake murmured.

Devil glanced at the target closest to him. A big fucking son of a bitch in all black. “He’s right though. They definitely stand out.”

“You said there was a room people were going into?” Jaybird asked over the set.

“Yeah. My count is six men, each with a woman who looks about half his age on his arm,” Hawk replied.

“Ellie said something about how she and Sasha were brought into what they called an interview room… maybe that’s it?” Jaybird responded.

“Fuck, do you think one of us can get in there?” Devil asked.

“Interview room? Lemme see what Nora and I can do,” Phoenix answered over the set. “I can act like a sleezy ol’ bastard if I need to.”

“That’s an act?” Nora’s quick quip made Devil smile behind his glass as he watched the couple head to the door in question where a balding linebacker type dressed in all black guarded the door.

“What’re you doing Phoenix?” Hawk hissed. “We don’t know what’s going on in there.”

“Gettin’ us in, now shut up.”

Devil had to hand it to the man, Phoenix was charming as fuck and Nora was a natural, smiling in a demure black cocktail dress and laughing at the jokes coming over the headset. Devil casually strode closer until he could hear them in person in case there was any trouble.

The bald guy’s mouth was razor thin and his eyes bore into Phoenix completely unamused. Devil patted his chest for his gun holster, appearing to be searching for a handkerchief, but ready to have Phoenix’s back.

But as if on cue, the guy tipped his head back to laugh and stepped aside. Phoenix and Nora sailed into the room, no sweat.

Snake laughed over the set. “Well, fuck. That was easy.”

“Yeah… very easy…” Hawk’s voice was a low rumble and Devil had to agree with the skepticism laced in it.

“There aren’t too many people in here,” Phoenix said casually over their headset. “It looks like there’s some seatin’ to our left, but I’m not feelin’ too chatty right now, are you, dear? Let’s head over near the outside exit about ten meters straight from the door—”

“Why are you narrating everything to me, Phoenix—”

“It’s not for you, Nora, it’s for anyone who might be interested.”

“Oh, right. Sorry,” Nora apologized before Devil heard the smallest whisper. “I’m nervous.”

“It’s alright,” Phoenix answered back. “I think we can talk better here, just get close like you like me.” There was a laugh before Phoenix spoke low. “Looks like some pretty big names in here. The ARShole firm showed up.”

“Makes sense. We figured the Ascot, Rusnak, and Strickland law firm partners would be there. Marco said Strickland invited him,” Snake offered. “Andrew Ascot’s been laying low since his son was murdered last year by those ‘drug dealers.’” Devil could hear the sarcasm in Snake’s voice. To keep the human trafficking investigation under wraps, the media had been told Andy Ascot was killed in a drug deal gone wrong. Terrible cover for a man who’d saved Jaybird’s life. “It’s been impossible to catch them with their pants down.”

“Fuck, man. Phrasing.” Jaybird growled.

“You’re right. Sorry. Poor word choice. But Phoenix, can you hear what they’re saying?” Snake continued. “Who they’re talking to? Who are they with? Do they have women with—”

“You’re doing it again,” Hawk quietly pointed out Snake’s tendency to talk nonstop when he was nervous or excited. It was often helpful to hear a genius’s stream of consciousness, but on missions, it was annoying as fuck.

“Shit. Sorry,” Snake apologized but kept speaking at a quick pace. “But isn’t it weird? You’d think after his son was fucking murdered last year after this party he’d keep a low profile.”

“Sloppy is what it is,” Devil responded and turned to mill around the ballroom.

“One of the big ass dudes in black just talked to Rusnak, but it looks like the big guy’s been dismissed. Oh, wait, shit. Fuck. We got movement,” Phoenix said over the com. “Strickland’s leavin’. Looks like he’s goin’ out the service exit.”

“Follow him, Phoenix,” Hawk ordered.

“On it—Oh, wait, shit, what about Nora?”

“Naomi is on her way to come pick Nora up to head to Sasha Saves. We only needed her as a decoy,” Snake answered.

“But what do I do until then while Phoenix goes to follow him? I don’t want to be left alone, not here.”

“It feels like something’s about to go down.” Hawk was thinking so loudly, Devil could almost hear him tapping his lips. “Phoenix? Escort Nora to the front exit so she can leave with Naomi. Devil, see if you can find Strickland. You’re closest. That hallway should be connected to the one lining the entire ballroom. Follow him, but don’t blow your cover. Snake, you got him on cameras?”

“I-I don’t yet. But I’m sure I will, just… hold… on… and… there you are, motherfucker. Yeah, he’s entered the main hallway. Looks like he’s heading to the elevator. Devil, when you exit the service hallway, you cross the main hall and the stairs are directly in front of you. Hey, do you guys think that’s how they take the women from the party to the room? From the service hallway straight up the stairs?”

Devil didn’t respond but kept his focus down the small corridor with its plain white tiling and bright lights. It didn’t make sense they’d use such a well-lit hallway, until Devil realized he didn’t pass a single soul on his way out. If the service hallways weren’t monitored, it’d be a piece of cake taking the women up the stairs.

“Where are you, Devil, I don’t see you on any of my cameras.”

“Still taking that service hallway.”

“Copy,” Snake answered. “Should lead you right to the exit on the south hall. From there you’ll go up the two flights of stairs to room 307.”

“Got it,” Devil answered, but before he turned, he noticed a slender woman with golden hair enter from the exit.

“Ellie?” The angel turned his way and her normally tan skin paled to a sickly white.

“What the fuck, Ellie’s there?” Jaybird growled from the other end.

“Oh, um. Hi, Dev.” She brought her hand up at an awkward level and gave a small wave.

Devil blinked back at her to confirm she was really standing in front of him. His jaw ticked with anger and every muscle in his body tensed.

“Ellie, what the—” Devil approached her only to hear footsteps on the carpeted main hallway. He grabbed her by her upper arm and snuck her back into the service hallway, suspecting it was Strickland.

“What the fuck’s Ellie doing there, Devil? I thought we agreed she’d stay out of this.” Jaybird demanded.

“Believe me, I did, too.” He brought his finger up to the small button on his clear earpiece and spoke before he pressed it. “Going offline, guys. Call me if you need me ASAP.”

“Devil, don’t you dare turn your headset off,” Jaybird yelled.

“You getting emotional is exactly why I’m turning this thing off. I’ll handle it.”

“I’m still heading up there, with or without you, Devil,” Hawk said. “Deal with Ellie and make it fast.”

“I think we have some time. Looks like Strickland’s making friends in the hallway before he goes up there. Besides, it might be good to catch him with his pants down.”

Dude…” Jaybird groaned.

“Sorry.” Snake’s voice came out apologetic.

Devil pressed the button on his earpiece, silencing Jaybird’s voice before an employee approached them in the hallway.

“Um, excuse me, sir. Y’all can’t be down here. No guests allowed.”

Devil grunted, not wanting to give any energy to the waiter. Checking that the coast was clear, Devil tugged Ellie by the arm to the nearest alcove and tucked them in.

Ellie tried to pull her arm from his grasp, but he held it tight, afraid she’d get away.

“Dev, what’re you doing? Let me go.”

“Ellie, what the fuck are you doing here?” Devil hissed and peered out of the alcove before speaking to her in a hushed—but firm—tone. “You could ruin this whole mission.”

“Dev, I need to be here.” Determination set in the scrunched and crinkled lines in Ellie’s forehead and frown. “You might not think I can handle it, but I deserve to help and I know how to defend myself.”

Devil’s heart raced painfully at the thought of her being involved in any of this shit and his chest rumbled with his frustrated groan. “This is exactly why I didn’t want you to know about this party, Ellie. Goddamnit.” He lifted his hands and scrubbed his beard and face. “You have to leave, now.”

“No, if there are survivors here, they need me. I can help!”

“The fuck you can, Ellie. I can’t have you here. You have to go.”

“No!” The little minx punctuated her yell with one gold heel slamming into the carpet.

“Did you literally stomp your foot? God, Ellie, come on—”

Someone passed by the alcove and Devil turned with his arm up the wall, cornering Ellie in the alcove, and pushing her close up so they looked like lovers in a tryst rather than a spat.

Unbidden, the realization her breasts were flush up against his chest came through his mind. When Ellie shivered against him, he noticed his thumb was drawing circles on the bare skin of her shoulder. Her trembling against him reminded him of a very different tremor he’d felt less than twenty-four hours ago. Her legs wrapped around his face. Her sweet taste on his tongue.

He closed his eyes to gather focus.

When he opened them again to reprimand Ellie, heat was in hers. She was obviously feeling what he was and it had to stop immediately, but goddamn did she feel good against his body. Unable to control himself, he brought his head down low, brushing his lips against hers and moved his hand to stroke the bare skin of her collarbone. She looked fucking amazing in her green form-fitting dress.

“Fuck, Ellie, if we were anywhere else, I’d—”

“What? What would you do?”

Helpless to the adrenaline coursing through him and the sudden spike of fear for Ellie’s safety, Devil couldn’t resist sucking her lip between his, reveling in her body melting against him. Her legs had gone lax, and it seemed that but for his grip on her lower neck, she’d be a puddle at his feet. He ground his cock into the V between her legs and tightened his grip against the sides of her neck, completely at his mercy and trusting him.

An elevator dinged and Devil cocked his head to listen to two men in the main hallway.

“Going upstairs already, Mitchell?”

Devil bristled at the laughter that followed as he realized one of the men was his target.

“Yes! I’ve gotten word—excuse you, sir! Hey! Stop! I’ll be contacting your boss! Good Lord, Andrew, the manners on people. Anyway, I’ll be back down to the soiree shortly. I’ve been told we have some fruit waiting upstairs and I’d like to get that first little taste.”

The other man barked a laugh before replying, “Don’t have too much fun without me!”

Devil could hear the elevator doors close but not before his target’s snickering made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

He returned his attention to Ellie only to find her golden skin now a sickly pale as she pointed behind him.

“What is it? Angel, what’s wrong?”

“Th-that’s him, Dev.”

At the terror in her voice, Devil spun around, using his body to shield Ellie behind him, but there was no one there. He positioned himself to see Ellie out of his periphery. “Who? I don’t see anyone.”

Ellie’s fingernails dug into Devil’s forearm. “No, I recognized his voice… the one going up the elevator. Th-that was the man who… who—” She swallowed. “Sasha—” She choked out the name and understanding washed over him in an icy wave as he turned and tugged her in a tight embrace.

“Fuck, I’m gonna fucking kill him.”

“No, Dev, you can’t.” She pushed away. “It’s bigger than him. He knows who’s behind all this. He has to. Just figure out a way to turn him in. It’s the only way to stop everything. Promise me, Dev. I can’t have another death on my conscience, not even his.” He paused, still unconvinced until her caramel eyes pled with him. “Sasha didn’t get any justice, but she believed in fate. Don’t take this into your own hands. Let justice and fate decide what happens to him.”

Fuck, she was begging him. He nodded once, still holding at bay the fury in his chest. It wasn’t like him to get emotionally involved, but where Ellie was concerned, he was a live wire.

“I’ll do my best not to kill him, that’s all I can promise you—”

“But Dev—”

“Angel, do you trust me?”

Ellie nodded her confidence without hesitation. Devil tried not to let the gesture go to his head, but there was no hope for his heart. He’d been drowning in the silence of detachment for so long, her faith burned in his chest, making him feel like he’d just taken his first deep breath.

“Good.” He coughed to clear his throat of emotion, but his voice still hitched when he spoke. “You have to leave. I can’t be thinking about you when I’m trying to focus on the mission.”

His phone buzzed and he cursed before releasing her and getting his phone.

Snake: We hear fucked-up noises from 307. Get up there NOW.

Devil shoved his phone into his pocket and grabbed his gun. “Leave, Ellie. You have to get out of here right now.”

“No, I can help! I already did!”

Anger pierced through reason like a hot poker, and words he didn’t believe forced their way out of his chest. “Christ, Ellie, leave! I can’t have you fucking up and getting yourself kidnapped again on my conscience.”

Ellie recoiled like he’d struck her. “God, Devil, that’s awful.” Her face crumpled, but he couldn’t stay there. On one level, he knew he’d fucked up everything, but his logical side told him it was too late and he had to fucking go.

He shook his head, hating himself, but hoping she’d listen. “There are victims to rescue, Ellie. I can’t worry about saving your hurt feelings, too.”

With that, he turned out the hallway and ducked into the adjacent stairwell across from the alcove. He hopped the steps two at a time on silent feet until he reached the top. He opened the door slowly and quietly, only to be greeted by the barrel of a gun.