Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz


To all the readers who kept on wishing for us to write a book together. It has happened at last. Thank you for the love and support. We really hope you loved Davina and Macsen as much as we do and continue to talk about Deviant Vows, recommending it to others. We appreciate you. To our amazing beta readers – Zavi, Laura and Natalia. You guys helped us so much we cannot thank you enough for your input. This book wouldn’t be the same without you. To Julie who continues to work with us as a badass PA and as a friend. You mean a lot to us. We love you! To Val at Books and Moods – You took our ideas and made them into a reality. Only much better. Thank you for the cover and graphics and always being ready to help and create masterpieces for us. To everyone in our lives who supports us and makes our lives better every single day. We wouldn’t be where we are without you. And to all those websites where we searched for names and surnames. We hated every minute of looking for those so thank you for making it at least a little bit easier.