The Billionaire’s Nanny by Logan Chance



I leftin the middle of the night. Afraid to face Smith in the morning. Smith. Last night was beyond words. It was sensual and surreal. It was something I’d been wanting for some time.

Of course, I felt it was a teenage crush. Something he would never even think about. Or actively pursue. I’d seen the way he would stare at me late at night, but I never imagined it would ever happen.

I dreamed it would. Even fantasized by touching myself late at night in my bed. He was always first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I lay my head down at night. He really is such a good man. The way he is with his son, well, it makes me swoon.

On my way home in the wee hours of the morning, I tried to talk myself out of the feelings beginning to take root deep inside me. I tried to make me forget about all the late night chats him and I would have discussing poetry, or pottery. We would discuss everything and anything.

This wasn’t anything to him. It was one night, and I’m sure he’s already regretting everything. I pull up to my tiny apartment complex and hop out of my two-door Sedan. Julia, my roommate and best friend, should be up and getting ready for school at this hour. My classes start a bit later, so I usually miss her in the mornings.

I walk inside, tossing my keys on the entryway table by the front door. I lean my body back against the white door, and scream a happy squeal. Julia rushes out of the bathroom, a red towel wrapped around her long torso.

“Is everything alright?” she asks.

“Everything’s perfect. Well, kind of. It happened.” I smile, wide.

Her eyes grow huge, and she comes closer to me, stepping over all the books and magazines in the middle of the floor. Most likely left there from her late-night studying. “It it?”

“Yes. Smith and I had sex.” My grin is too big, my own face can barely contain it.

She covers her mouth, her towel slipping a little and she adjusts it higher. “Are you freaking kidding me? Oh, wow. How was it?”

“Insane,” I say, kicking off the door and moving further into the apartment, tossing my purse on the purple couch we got at a thrift store.

Julia glances down at her towel. “Come to my room and tell me. I need to get dressed.”

I follow her, recounting my whole night with Smith Prince. The way he held me close. His tender touch. His naughty words. Everything, I leave nothing out.

She hangs on my every word, and I can’t believe it’s all real either. She smiles as I tell her how I feel about him. It makes my chest heavy thinking about it. But, I’m an adult now. I need to act like one. Sleeping with my boss is something I should have never done, and I have to accept the consequences. I quit my job.

I love Carter. I love working for Smith. And I need the money. School and rent are expensive. I can not afford to be without a job right now, but I walked out. My resolve strengthens when I decide I will act like an adult and behave accordingly. Start looking for another job. And, for God’s sake turn off my feelings for the gorgeous man with the dark hair and dark eyes that keep me company at night.

Julia leaves for school, and after a long, hot shower, I get ready to head off to class. I throw on my jeans and a little white babydoll tee, tossing my hair into a ponytail and I head off out the door.

Right when I step on campus, my phone chimes. Five words in a text from Smith stare back at me:

I need to see you.

I fire off a rapid message about being busy with school and send it off, worried I may be overreacting. I will have to eventually see him again to get my last paycheck.

Halfway through my first class, my mind is a mess of broken thoughts about Smith. I send another text:


Within a few minutes, he answers.

My place tonight.

My chest heats up, and a smile travels all over. As much as I want to push him away and pretend I don’t care, I can’t. It’s obvious. But, then, I worry. What is this about?

The rest of my day is spent in misery with looming thoughts of Smith tossed aside. Not having money for bills, and possibly having to call my parents and beg for some money until I can get a new job.

The latter upsets me most. My parents never had much faith in me, and never thought I’d make it this far in school. They swore I’d come running home after my first semester.

Don’t get me wrong, they love me. I’m sure somewhere they want to see me succeed, but they feel I need to lean on them every step of the way. Moving out on my own was a big deal to them, they didn’t like it.

I guess they just want me to stay their little girl forever.

My nerves heightenas I stand at Smith’s front door. I chew on the tip of my thumb nail as I press the doorbell.

It isn’t late enough where Carter should be sleeping, so I’m not afraid the loud bell will wake him.

Sure enough, Carter answers the door all happy and innocent. I bend over and wrap my arms around him, hugging him as hard as I can. “Hey you,” I say with a smile on my face.

Smith comes up behind him, and my breath catches. He’s so good looking. Sexy walk, complete with a swagger I find appealing. I glance up into his heated eyes. The same eyes that pierced through me as he sank himself deep inside me. He stalls a moment, unsure of what to say until he breathes a sexy, “Hey.”

“Hi,” I say back as Carter grabs my hand, pulling me further inside the condo.

“Carter, only for a little bit and then it’s bedtime,” Smith calls after us.

“Play. Play.” Carter takes me to the center of the living room and plops down on the floor, with his toy trucks by his side.

Smith sits on the couch, a file of papers in his hand with his black-rimmed glasses perched on his perfect nose. He reads a bit while Carter and I play and it’s nice. It almost feels domesticated in a sense. But, I don’t let the fairytale run away with me just yet. I remind myself who I am. The babysitter. That’s it.

After half an hour, Smith announces it’s time for Carter to go to bed, and butterflies race inside me. I move to the couch as he tucks Carter in, waiting for whatever he has planned. I hope he doesn’t fire me.

What if this is what that was? One last goodbye to Carter, playing with him one last time before I walk away forever.

I will myself to stay positive. I fidget with the hem of my blue dress as I wait for him to return.

“How about some coffee?” he asks in a sexy deep voice that startles me.

“Oh, ok.” I get up from the couch and follow him into the kitchen. The same kitchen where last night he dined on me like I was his favorite meal. I gaze at the counter where I perched myself last night while he sucked me into his soft lips.

“Yeah, about last night,” he starts as he grabs two mugs from the cabinet.

I cut in, “It was a mistake. I’m sorry.”

He grabs my hands, leaning me back against the counter as he steps closer to me. “Don’t say that, Bree. I don’t think it was a mistake at all.”

Completely stunned by his words, I stare at him with wide eyes. Until that nagging voice in my head says, “You quitting wasn’t the mistake, you fool.” I find courage I didn’t know I had and cross my arms over myself. “Which part?”

He hands me my coffee and nods for me to follow him. Without question, I do. We sit down on the couch and I carefully sip the hot drink.

“I think I need to make myself clear,” he begins. “Last night wasn’t something I planned, but it’s also not something I just want to forget. I’d like to forget the part of you walking out, but you were scared. I’m not scared, Bree. Everything in my life seems to have righted itself since you. Carter loves you and needs you. Just like I do. I want you, Bree. I want us to be together.”

This can’t be has to be a dream. This sexy as hell, extremely wealthy, accomplished man wants me? Not only does he not think last night was a mistake, but he wants more. Things like this don’t happen to ordinary girls like me. I want it, I’ve longed for it. But, how is it all going to work?

“I want you too, Smith. So much,” I begin. “But how?”

Our coffees long forgotten on the small table, he pulls me to him so I’m now on his lap. He cups his hands on my face, running his thumbs across my cheeks. I’m lost in his eyes, in his touch. “It will work however we want it to work.”

With that, he presses his lips to mine and the second our tongues touch I no longer care. I don’t care how it works, what people will think. All I care about is how he makes me feel. The burning flame that he makes larger than life, and then extinguishes. I don’t need any more convincing, this is exactly where I want to be.