The Billionaire’s Nanny by Logan Chance



“Hey babe, I’m home,”I say, dropping my keys on the console table.

“Bree,” Carter yells, running toward me.

I scoop him up in my arms and hug him tight. “I missed you today. How was daycare?”

“I made a picture for you and Daddy,” he says with a huge smile.

“I can’t wait to see it.” I put him down and he dashes off to his room. “Babe?”

I look around for Smith, but can’t find him. I go into what is now, our room and when I turn to leave, I feel his comforting arms wrap around me.

“Hey, looking for me?” he whispers against the shell of my ear, sending shockwaves straight to my core.

Immediately, I get chills and my heart starts to pound. The effect this man has on me still catches me by surprise. The last few months have been amazing and cruel. The first few times we went out, Smith got a lot of stares. We ignored them, but the first time he brought me to a company party, that was a different story. While he was off talking business, I was confronted by Roger. He all but told me that I should stop shaking my ass in front of Smith. That I was nothing but a distraction, an itch that Smith needed to scratch. He said there was no way a man of his intelligence, status, and wealth, could possibly have anything in common with someone as young as me. It felt as though someone reached in and ripped my heart out. I wanted to shout, to cry, to run away from the insults. But, I pushed it all down and gave him a smile. Words at that point failed me, but Smith had come back and heard it all. I don’t know exactly what was said between them, since they left the room, but I do know that the next day Roger had one hell of a shiner.

This was something we encountered quite often in the beginning. The question of how could Smith possibly have anything in common with me. My parents all but disowned me. My friends told me I was crazy jumping all in with a man that had a built in family. His friends watched me like I was going to need a bottle and burp. It was hard on me, but Smith didn’t let it bother him at all. He’s told everyone the same thing. “What we have is between us. You don’t need to understand it. We do and that’s all that fucking matters.”

On the flip side of all the criticism, I’ve been swept off my feet. Smith has taken me places I’ve only dreamed of going. Restaurants, theaters, blacktie weddings. But, we’ve also been on picnics with Carter, sipped coffee at cafes, and eaten pizza in bed. He was determined to prove to me that not only were his feelings real, but that this would work. I’ve been convinced a hundred times over.

We became this family of three and I couldn’t ask for more. He wants me to finish school, so I can begin my career in fashion. But, in order to do that we needed to put Carter in daycare. It broke my heart, but I know that in the long run it’s the best. I’ll be doing what I love and Carter will be used to being away from the both of us. He loves it and I’m so glad. I can’t wait to not only graduate and find my path in the fashion industry, but not rely so much on Smith. I want to feel like an equal partner, not a dependent. He’s never made me feel like that, but having him pay for my schooling, our home, and anything I could need, it sometimes feels like it. I’ve got big plans though, I’m determined to have my own fashion line and I know I’ll do it.

“Hey,” Smith says, turning me to him. “Everything alright?”

I hug him tight and kiss his chest. “Everything’s perfect.”

And it is. I’ve never in my life had this feeling of being so complete in my life.

Carter busts through the door, holding a drawing he made of the three of us together. I’m in the middle, holding each of their hands, and when I see it my eyes well up with tears.

Never in my life did I ever think I could be this happy.