Hellfire Crown by Meg Xuemei X.


Hellen, Asgard Goddess







Who didn’t love stalking prey?

I stalked them before slaughtering them. It was a lot of fun, and I was born to be a soul-reaper. Gotta love your job if you want to do it right.

Few beings understood that death was a beautiful thing. The moment when the light winked out of my victims was glorious and addictive. I roamed Earth, selecting my next victims, enjoying every second of it.

I was no longer confined to Asgard, my homeland, and Earth had an endless supply of mortals, plus some immortals as well when I wanted a change of pace now and then. I drew the last of their essence into me, recharging myself generously, and laughed in glee.

I could finally be who I’d been born to be—the true Queen of the Underworld.

I now wandered in Hell, loving everything about it: the scorching heat, flowing lava, the black sea and ragged mountains under the gray-red sky. And best of all was its sexy king.

My pussy grew wet every time I thought of my future consort. Hell could hear my moans every night as I pleasured myself, but soon, I wouldn’t need to use my own fingers.

I stood at the rooftop of the Morningstar Palace and brushed a finger over the slick flesh between my thighs. Soon the king would ease the ache inside. I smirked as I pictured the day when he bent me over and pounded into me with his massive cock.

My smile wilted away as another image barged into my mind. The king was with that little slutty chipmunk, finding every chance to fuck her. I sneered. Enjoy it while you can, little monkey. Soon, Tessa Morrigan wouldn’t be in the picture, and I’d take her place.

I had even left her a little gift earlier—a mortal witch, fucked and with her face half-eaten.

Sweet dreams, my son’s former whore, who thought she could compete against me.

I half-laughed in disdain.

I would take over this realm and claim its king, and my nephew would worship the ground I walked on after having a taste of me, after realizing how glorious it was to fuck a goddess.

But now, I had other business.

My eyes tracked everyone’s movement beneath the tower. A horde of vampires came into view. My sight zoomed in on the perky vampire princess.

Vampires were funny creatures. They relied on drinking blood to survive. Their kind also didn’t do well under the sun, but this bunch wore magical rings so that they could remain active under the sun for a few hours.

The Underworld wasn’t all that dark and gloomy, as rumor had it, but there was no actual sun. Vampires and demons thrived in this realm.

I waited until those vampires had entered the metallic-colored building and flew to the ground close to the side of the tower, concealing myself from view.

I tailed the vampires into their house.

It was large, empty, and cold. Thick drapes covered all the windows. Only decorative candles lit the entire place.

I would live here until I became queen.

Two giant vampire guards stood watch outside a closed double-door. One look at them, and I could tell that they’d been spelled to serve and die for their princess. An identity ring on their index fingers contained a potent spell that enslaved their minds.

I let out a light snort. That little princess was just my type.

I passed by the guards and walked through the wall. A guard widened his eyes. But by the time he’d turned, I was already inside the wall. He didn’t give up entirely but sniffed in the direction I’d vanished.

“Did you see something?” he asked his peer.

“No,” the other guard answered curtly.

They returned to being silent vampire statues again.

I was in the inner chamber. Without any windows here, it seemed like a tomb, the feeling highlighted by a dozen lit candles.

The vampire princess slept inside an ivory coffin.

I sat on the brink, staring down at her with affection, since I’d be wearing her skin.

She was a pretty thing, creamy-skinned and dark-haired. Her full red lips, straight nose, and hazel eyes marked her as a classic beauty. I was also pleased with her slender body type and ample breasts.

She was every man’s wet dream, but to my kind, the immortal was still lacking.

Sensing a present threat, the vampire princess snapped open her eyes.

I showed her courtesy by not shaking her awake.

“Hello, Princess Veronica,” I purred pleasantly.

“Who are you?” she demanded, her eyes flashing in anger. “How dare you come into my room?”

The vampire princess rose from the coffin in a blur, her claws emerging, and she slashed at my face without warning.

She wasn’t one to play nice. I grinned and grasped her wrist with her claws two inches from my face, and then I twisted her wrist backward until it broke.

She screamed for help, but my power had slammed into her and silenced her while pinning her down. She was a powerful hybrid in the vampire world, but her black witch power was no match for me.

It was a horrible feeling to have your scream muffled in your throat. I knew. It stuck there. I’d once experienced that when the giant Frost King and I had an argument. He’d sealed my voice for a year.

“What do you want?” She mouthed the words, as my power still clamped down on her to prevent her from whimpering. I despised weaklings.

Fear poured off her and terror coated her eyes, which were more white than hazel.

The scent of terror wasn’t pleasant to most high beings, but I drank it like a fine wine as the darkest being in Asgard.

“I’m Hellen, the great, terrifying goddess,” I said with a smile. “Glad to make your acquaintance. I’ve come a long way, heeding the call of the Underworld. I’m to be its queen and Loki’s mate.”

Her irises no longer dilated as she narrowed her eyes at me as if she regarded me as a madwoman. I didn’t care for anyone’s opinion, so I didn’t unbind her tongue to let it loose.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” I said with a nod and a knowing smile. I even showed her my lovely dimple. “You’re determined to be Hell’s queen, but Tessa Morrigan, my son’s ex-whore, got in your way. She won’t be a problem for us, I promise. I’ll make your dreams come true as well.”

She blinked in confusion.

“It’s alright, you cute little thing.” I pinched her cheek fondly, and she flinched. “You don’t need to understand. You don’t even need to speak, as I’ll speak for you. You should feel honored that I’ve chosen you. I’ll become you and wear your skin to enter the Bride Trials, which is the only way to become the champion and thus the Queen of the Underworld.”

Something registered in her eyes, as she was also a predator. She relied on mortals’ blood for survival and had never hesitated to kill to get what she wanted. I approved of her, but I didn’t appreciate that she was so afraid of me now. I could hear fear pumping in her vampire veins.

She struggled to no avail. She tried to scream again, and no sound escaped her throat.

The poor thing was utterly trapped.

She stared at me from inside her coffin, her hazel eyes turning black. I bet that for the first time, the vampire princess, a monster in her own right, was petrified.

Maybe I should just go ahead and carry out what I came here to do instead of describing it to her, but part of me really enjoyed her terror.

“When I start, you’ll suffer discomfort and even pain, but you won’t be able to scream,” I said with a gentle smile. “Even if your guards rush in, they can’t save you. I can easily digest them too, but you see, my dearest, I want to focus on you. I don’t like being distracted while I have a meal. And a girl’s gotta eat.”

I regarded her terrified and furious look. “Well, you might want to argue, or even plead that I don’t need to eat you, but it’s a thing with a reaper goddess like me. I learned a secret a long time ago: the best way to impersonate someone is to consume her or him. If I simply shift to your likeliness, I won’t get your essence right. I’m a pro, and I’ll achieve what you haven’t been able to do and take down Tessa Morrigan.”

And I consumed the vampire princess alive. She had been hellbent on sitting on the throne that was destined to be mine, never expecting this to be her end.

The last gulping sound I made might have been a bit too loud, so that the two guards outside the door charged in, their claws ready to slash at any enemy.

I arched an eyebrow at them, wearing the vampire princess’s face now.

They bowed. “Mistress, we heard something.”

The more alert guard darted his eyes to the empty coffin where some traces of the vampire princess’s blood remained. I wasn’t exactly a tidy eater.

These guards were lucky I was no longer hungry. Vampires didn’t taste that good, not even their princess.

“Maybe it’s the spiders,” I said.

“Spiders?” the quieter guard repeated and darted his gaze along the floor for any hint of movement.

“Never mind.” I waved a hand to dismiss them. “Do not interrupt me again.”

They apologized, bowed, and backed out.

I crawled into the coffin, lying down just like Veronica had done. I was a vampire princess now.

I smiled to myself, picturing the bright future.

“It’s a beautiful mistake,” I sang, “but you broke me first, Shazam…Boomboom…”

In two days, I’d be Tess Morrigan. I’d wear her face and ride the king like a hurricane.

My fingers brushed my hot, wet cunt.