Hellfire Crown by Meg Xuemei X.


Hell Cat







Fuck, Lucifer had returned.

Snow White cursed, but there was nothing she could do about it. Her old master had summoned her just before she was rushing to tell Tessa that she’d found a loophole in the third trial and would aid her mistress. She’d be the most famous sidekick in history.

Her plans had included jumping out of nowhere, spitting at the other contestants, and clawing their eyes out if necessary to help Tessa win. She’d also learned a few new skills she’d love to put into practice, such as blowing high-pitched whistles to hurt other bitches’ ears or dropping sleep potions on those bitches’ heads. She had also bought three kinds of nasty spells at a bargain price from the black market with Tessa’s money. She was more than eager to try them and see how the recipients would react.

She’d prepared. And Fayette had gotten her a fanny pack to wear around her neck to store the potions and spells.

And then Lucifer had summoned her, and everything had gone downhill from there. He claimed her mind and will and made her spy on Tessa.

She’d become a high risk to her favorite mistress.

She couldn’t tell anyone. She couldn’t warn Tessa or Loki, as she’d been bound to serve Lucifer when the archangel had first fallen.

So, the Hell Cat thought long and hard and decided to go down the path of no return. It was better her than the lady.

She found her old lair in a cave near the black sea.

Snow White chewed the blackthorn leaves while watching the shooting lava.

She’d sleep for a century.

The Hell Cat cursed and spat and hoped Tessa Morrigan and the world would still be there when she woke up.