Time-Lapse by J.B. Heller

Chapter Twelve

Lying in my bed,staring at my ceiling, I can’t believe how stupid I am. Goddamn it! Rolling to the side, I slam my fist into the wall, trying to release some of my frustration. The pain radiating through my hand gives me little satisfaction.

I’ve just made things a hundred times harder. All because I couldn’t control myself.

A part of me wants to cut myself some slack. I mean, how in the hell could I possibly have held myself back with the most beautiful girl in the entire universe lying beneath me, begging me to fuck her?

Then, the rational side of my brain says I shouldn’t have allowed myself to be in that position with El in the first place.

I meant it when I said it was a mistake. But I’ll be damned if it wasn’t the best mistake I’ve ever made. Sex has never felt like that before. Never felt so right, so satisfying, so euphoric. I only just managed to pull out before I came. I wish I could have stayed buried inside of her for hours.

And with that thought, another harsh reality slams into my chest. I wasn’t wearing a condom. What the hell had I been thinking? Simple. I wasn’t thinking—not with my head, anyway.

I’m not stupid enough to think that Eliza will back down now and be content with just fooling around. Hell, I’m not stupid enough to think I will continue to be satisfied with it. I want in. Now that I’ve felt her tightness around me, I know I’ll never be able to get enough of her.

And I only have two weeks left here.

Two short weeks.


Nothing can wipethe smile off my face. Not even Wayne, who’s been giving me weird looks all morning. By the time lunch comes, I’m sick of him giving me crazy eyes, and I decide to call him on it. Only, before I get the chance, he walks toward me and grabs hold of my bicep, dragging me along with him as he goes.

“What the hell, Wayne? Let me go,” I demand. Then, I see Hux has caught sight of us, and the look on his face speaks of the violence that’s about to go down if I don’t immediately defuse this situation. Hux is still far enough away that I have a chance to deal with it before he reaches us.

Yanking my arm out of Wayne’s firm grasp, I glare at him. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” I say as I shove his chest.

He tilts his head, and the calculating gleam in his eyes freaks me out. “You’re fucking him, aren’t you? What? You feel sorry for the kid that not even a mother could love? Is that it? You fell for his sob-story bullshit?”

He’s walked me back into a corner, and I can’t see Hux anymore. Hell, I can’t see anyone behind Wayne’s big frame as he hovers over me. I don’t let him know how his words are affecting me. Instead, I steel myself and clench my teeth. “Fuck you,” I seethe. “Not every girl wants you. Deal with it.”

A humorless laugh bubbles up his throat. “Yeah, they do. Well, all except you. I can have any girl I want. And here you are, pretending you don’t want me. I’m over your hard-to-get act, Eliza.”

I snort so loud at his audacity that he rears back. “Hard to get? You are deluded, Wayne. I humor you. That’s it. I didn’t want to bruise that ego of yours, but now I can see it really wouldn’t hurt. You need to be taken down a peg or two.”

“So, you’ve been playing me? You’re a dirty little slut. I bet you’ve been playing me and fucking him this whole time,” he says, disgust dripping from his tone.

And with that, I lose my shit. My knee slams into his balls so hard I’m sure I’ve just lodged his testicles back up inside his arrogant body.

Wayne drops to the ground at my feet. His face is red as tears pour from his eyes and he gasps for breath. “Fu-ck-ing b-it-ch,” he stutters.

I step over him and begin walking away. Then, I change my mind and go back to his prone form curled into the fetal position. At least twenty bystanders are gawking as I crouch beside his head. “Don’t speak to me ever again,” I tell him then add, “You’ll be lucky if another girl touches you again after this.”

Everyone around us is so focused on Wayne that they don’t even notice when I walk past Hux, who was leaning against a nearby building, grinning at me, and take his hand. I tug him into an empty classroom behind me.

As soon as the door closes, his hands are on my hips, spinning me around in his arms until I’m pressed against his hard body. “You just got even hotter.” He grins as he drops his head and takes my mouth in a feral kiss.

My hands slide up into his messy hair and grab hold as he hoists me up his hips, and my legs wrap around his waist. Then, he slams me against the door, and I can feel how turned on he is. “You like it when I get violent, huh?” I smirk as I grind down against him.

One of his hands slides under my skirt, and he traces the edge of my panty line. “You have no idea how much,” he says as his thumb presses against my clit over my underwear and starts circling.

“Oh, I think I do.” I smile, and his thumb stops circling. “Why’d you stop?”

He’s staring at me, and my smile fades.

“Don’t do that,” he says. “I love that smile. That smile is mine, all mine.” Then, he licks my bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth. Two fingers slip inside my panties and inside of me, pumping in and out then swirling around my G-spot.

Hux swallows up my moans as I get closer and closer to coming on his hand. “Hux,” I pant between kisses.

“That’s it, El. Come for me,” he groans against my mouth.

And I do.

She’sthe most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, inside and out. But seeing her take Wayne to the ground, she became the hottest thing I’d ever seen too.

This girl… I will never find another like her. Not in this lifetime.

I wanted to fuck her in that classroom today. But that would have been totally irresponsible. Not that fingering her was much different. She makes the same sexy noises with my fingers inside her as she does when it’s my dick.

Now I’m shoveling out a new garden bed with sweat dripping down my back, and instead of focusing on the task at hand, I’m thinking about Eliza’s sweet little body. Digging the shovel in, I lean against it and try to get my head straight before I screw up the dimensions.

“You alright?” Johnno asks me.

I lift my face to see him. “Yeah, I’m good. Just distracted.”

He grins and nods. “Distracted by that sweet little piece waiting over by the curb?” he asks, bouncing his brows like an idiot.

I chuckle. “Yeah.”

“Good. I’m glad to see you acting like a normal teenager for once in your life. I haven’t seen you smile this much in all the years I’ve known you. It suits you,” he tells me with a wink then says, “Go. You can finish this up tomorrow.”

“You sure?” I ask, not wanting to run out on a job half done.

“Yes, now fuck off.” He waves me away and goes to chew out his other laborers who haven’t been pulling their weight.

I’m filthy, but I’ve stopped worrying about dirtying up Eliza’s car as much as I used to. She always has a towel over my seat waiting for me. And we’re never in it long anyway.

Swinging open my door, I greet her as I throw my pack on the floor. “Hey, princess,” I say then lean over to kiss her cheek.

She beams at me. “Hey, lover,” she says, then she bursts out laughing.

I roll my eyes. “You’re a regular comedian.” But my smile takes the bite out of my words.

She’s still laughing when she pulls away from the curb.

It’s moments like this that I’ll miss the most. When Eliza is smiling and carefree. When we’re just enjoying being in each other’s company and the thought of leaving her is as far from my mind as it can be. I reach over and rest my hand on her thigh as she drives. Contentment fills my chest for the briefest of moments, because this right here is another one of those rare moments of beauty.