Time-Lapse by J.B. Heller

Chapter Seventeen

After ridingme so hard my eyes roll into the back of my head as I blow my load, Eliza rolls off of me and picks up the box of pizza. “Hungry?” she asks with a devious grin.

That belongs to me too. That grin.

We eat the pizza in silence, Eliza snuggling against my chest, now wearing my T-shirt, and I’ve never been so happy. I reach back into the tent to grab my camera out of my pack and hold it above us, taking a selfie.

I don’t bother checking if it was a decent shot. I’ll keep it regardless.

The thunder I’d heard earlier rolls in the sky above us once again as drops of water sporadically fall. Eliza’s eyes light up. “I love electrical storms.”

“You do?”

She nods, and I relish the feel of her silky tresses brushing over my bare skin. “Yep. I love the way the sky lights up and the smell of the rain. Nothing beats that smell. It’s fresh, and sweet, and new.”

She closes her eyes, turning her face up to the sky as another drop falls, followed by a hundred more. She doesn’t move to get in the tent and out of the rain. Instead, she snuggles closer to me and sighs with contentment.

If I could freeze time and capture this absolutely perfect moment, I would. This right here is my definition of a moment of beauty. Sitting on a blanket in the rain with the most amazing person I’ve ever met.

I kiss her temple and slide my hand under the edge of my shirt that looks more like an oversized dress on her small frame. Closing my eyes, I tip my head back, letting the rain soak me to the core. But I don’t feel cold. Not with Eliza in my arms.

I’m not sure how long we sit like that, but El’s soft lips on my throat snap me out of my daze. I look down into her eyes. They’re deep and soulful. She never tries to hide herself from me, and I can see right inside her.

I cup her cheek, my eyes not shifting from hers, as tiny water droplets cling to her long lashes. When she blinks, it’s in slow motion, and the droplets slide down and over her smooth cheek, coming to rest at the edge of her full top lip.

Leaning down, I lick at it and taste the perfect mix of Eliza and the sweetness of the rain. I wish I could bottle it.

My free hand slides around her hip, and in a move I’ve performed with her many times now, I switch our places so I’m on top of her. She got her way before, and we fucked hard and fast, but now it’s my turn, and I want to savor it.

I start at her toes. I touch each of them, tracing the lines to her heels and up her firm calves. I pause at her knees and kiss the soft skin there then slide my tongue along the crease behind them before moving up her thighs.

Spreading my hands out so I can touch as much of her as possible, my palms glide up her silky smooth, wet flesh. My shirt is now plastered to her body like a second layer of skin, and I peel it off as slowly as everything else I’m doing.

She can’t lie still. She fidgets and twitches.

“You okay, El?” I ask quietly by her ear then trace the shell of it with the tip of my tongue.

A shiver rolls down her body, and I feel it with my own.

“Yes,” she says, nodding as she lifts her hand to trace my body the way I’m doing to hers.

I grab a condom from my open pack just inside the tent, tear it open, and roll it down my aching dick.

I’m looking into her eyes as I finally slide inside her, and she bites down on her lower lip. It takes all my willpower not to pick up my pace but to enjoy the slow push and pull of our bodies as we move together. The thunder overhead continues to roll, and lightning flashes somewhere in the distance, surrounding us in purple light.

As the storm moves closer, the thunder becomes louder, our bodies continue to grind, our mouths continue to taste, and our breaths continue to come in pants that mingle together the way our bodies are.

Sweat coats me even though it’s raining hard now, but nothing has ever felt as good as this. One of Eliza’s legs is curled around one of mine, and her arms are holding on to my back, her nails digging into my flesh.

“I love you,” she cries as her body begins to shake and shudder.

I can’t hold back my own release when her pussy squeezes me so tightly and pulses in time with my thrusts. “Love you,” I grunt as I come with her.

This will forever be etched in my brain as the most beautiful moment of my entire life. Nothing will ever top it.

Sliding out of her warmth, I miss the closeness already. I swallow down the emotion that rises inside of me and reach a hand out to her. She takes it, and we stand. Naked. In the rain. In the clearing by the stream where we first spoke.

Looking at her, I have to kiss her. Sliding my hands into her drenched locks, I hold on like I could hold her like this forever. And I wish … I wish I could.

When I finally release her, her eyes are shining with tears. “I’m going to miss this,” she says with a sad smile.

I don’t respond. Instead, I tug her inside the tent then into my arms when I lie down on the air bed she has set up in there.

She wraps herself around me, and I know she’s thinking the same thing I was only a moment ago. She wishes we could stay like this forever.

We fall asleep like that, to the sound of the storm raging outside our little tent.

I didn’t know it then, but that storm would never leave me—not until I found her again.