The Dragon’s Chance by Jessie Donovan

Chapter Fifteen

Jake had been staring into the fire for hours, wondering about how worried Sylvia had to be, when something splashed along the shore. Trina moved toward the door and he followed. Outside, standing in the shallow water was a purple dragon, and a few feet up the shore where it was dry was a pale man, not much older than him, dressed in a suit.

The man approached him, shared a glance with Trina—they knew each other, obviously—and then said, "We're here to take you back to the mainland, Jake." He frowned at the man knowing his name, but he continued before Jake could say anything, waving at the dragon as he did so. "This is Iris Mahajan, one of Lochguard's Protectors. She can waste time shifting back to tell you, or you can simply go with her and get back to Lochguard sooner."

The unknown male apparently knew a hell of a lot about Jake, which made him wonder how. Especially since Trina hadn't made any calls or used anything that could send a message, as far as he could tell.

Maybe they'd been watching him. But why? Did the British government keep tabs on all foreigners who set foot on a dragon clan's land? That was the only reason he could think of for being watched.

Jake quickly switched his focus to the purple dragon. Her name rang a bell. Then he remembered—he'd met her during one of his visits to Finn's office, albeit in her human form.

Glancing back to the man, he said, "Frankly, I don't know you. And seeing as I've already been kidnapped by one dragon-shifter today, I'd rather talk to Iris and confirm both her identity and your story before I go anywhere."

The man merely raised a brow. "Have it your way." He glanced at Trina, and then they headed into the dilapidated cottage.

The dragon began to shrink into her human form, and Jake turned around. He knew that dragon-shifters didn't care about nudity, but it still seemed weird to him to openly see another naked woman when all he wanted was to see Sylvia again.

Iris's voice filled the air. "Turn around, Jake."

He did and was grateful to see it was indeed the dark-haired, brown-skinned dragonwoman he'd met before. And she wore some sort of loose dress, as if knowing he was uncomfortable with her nudity.

Once they were close enough for whispering, he asked, "Who are these people?"

She shook her head. "I only know some of it. But I'd rather get going before the male changes his mind. We have a rendezvous point where my clan members should be waiting, along with some bloke of Antony's I have to pass information onto."

"Do you trust them? I get the feeling they're some sort of secret agents or something."

Iris shrugged. "I wouldn't say I trust them. But for this one instance, I think Antony and his female are helping us. I can't speak for the future though, aye?"

Even though Jake didn't know Iris well, Finn trusted her implicitly and said Jake could rely on her. And so far, Finn hadn't given Jake any reason not to believe him. "And what about Arlo?"

She raised her dark brows. "He's here?"

He nodded, explained what had happened, and then Iris replied, "Aye, well, stay here a second and I'll see what they're doing with him now."

"I can't let you go in there alone."

Iris smiled at him. "I can take care of myself, Jake. And whilst I know Antony shouldn't hurt me, I can't say the same about you. So stay put."

He hated being so useless, but Jake knew his strengths and faults, and taking on skilled agents, or whatever they were, wasn't his forte. So he nodded and Iris went in alone.

Tapping his hand against his thigh, he was eager to leave. He yearned to hold his daughter in his arms and reassure her he hadn't left her on purpose. Even if she couldn't understand, it would make him feel better.

Finally Iris returned wearing a scowl. Before he could ask, she growled, "They're going to take him in custody. And apparently there will be a report by tomorrow on Finn's desk, detailing all of his crimes."

Jake wanted to know more, such as why the damn dragonman had taken him in the first place.

As if Iris could read his thoughts, her expression softened a fraction. "Finn will make sure to find out why he snatched you and see if any others wish you harm. He didn't tolerate threats to him or his clan before, and Finn won't sit idly by now, either."

Jake was about to say he wasn't part of Lochguard, but held his tongue. He'd rather leave this place and be that much closer to seeing his two ladies and holding them close.

With a nod, Jake turned back around. "Okay. Then shift and let's get the hell out of here."

Iris snorted but went back into the water along the shore. Once she tapped his shoulder with a talon, he faced her again. And before he knew it, Jake was back up in the fucking air, yet again hoping a dragon wouldn't drop him.