The Dragon’s Chance by Jessie Donovan

Chapter Sixteen

Finn had sent Sylvia home, saying there was nothing else she could do.

Which was why the next morning she lay on her bed, her daughter sleeping next to her, and tried her best not to think of every little thing that could've gone wrong.

Aye, Finn, Faye, and Grant had appreciated her questioning Seamus, but it didn't seem nearly enough.

And given the last time she'd had to wait and see what had happened to the male she cared for, Sylvia didn't like to think of how they could bring her bad news this time too.

Her dragon said softly, Last time we had no idea Arthur was in so much danger. But both Lochguard and the DDA are working to find Jake. This time will be different.

She wanted to believe it. She truly did.

However, she was also steeling herself for the worst, in case she needed to be strong for her daughter.

She must've finally dozed off because Connor's loud voice jolted her awake. "Mum! They've found him."

Sylvia sat up carefully, but Sophie had woken up too and squirmed. Quickly picking her bairn up, she focused on Connor. "Well, don't stand there. Tell me what happened, lad."

Connor shrugged. "I don't know any of the details. However, he's alive. That's all Grant would say. But Finn wants to see you." He held out his arms. "I can take Sophie."

Her daughter moved her lips, signaling she was hungry. She yearned to hear news of Jake, but if Grant said Jake was alive, she had to believe her human wasn't in any immediate danger of dying. "Let me feed her first, just in case I have to be away all day."

Connor nodded. "I need to call and ensure someone else can cook today at the restaurant. I'll be downstairs."

As Sylvia fed her daughter, she did her best to wonder why Finn wanted to see her. Maybe Jake had been hurt and couldn't come to see her himself?

Or maybe Finn would say Jake needed to mate her to stay.

The thought should scare her, given that they hadn't truly known each other long. But having Jake ripped from her side had made her realize a few things.

The most important being that she'd never felt as safe and cared for—not to mentioned desired—as she had with Jake since her late mate had died.

And even if it didn't work out between them, at least she and Jake could raise Sophie together. She gently stroked her daughter's cheek. She may be a babe, but Sylvia knew Sophie would want her father close by, if given the choice.

Her beast spoke up. Would that be enough, though? To merely raise her together?

One step at a time, dragon. That's all I can handle right now.

Once Sophie was fed and changed, she kissed her daughter's cheek, handed her over to Connor, and raced to Finn's place.

Finn's mate, Arabella, showed her in. But when Sylvia stepped into Finn's office, her heart sank. Jake wasn't there. "Is he hurt?"

Her clan leader shook his head, his expression unreadable. "No, he's alive and well with just a few bruises. Sit down, Sylvia. We need to chat."

Finn usually had a smile or a joke. The fact he didn't told her things weren't good.

As soon as she sat in the chair in front of his desk, Finn spoke again. "I received a short report this morning from the DDA about Arlo. Apparently, he was selling dragon blood illegally. And as damning as that is, in the end, it helped them locate Jake rather quickly."

She pushed aside her shock at what else Arlo had been up to. "What about Jake?"

"I'm getting to that." She opened her mouth to tell him to hurry up, but Finn beat her to it. "Between hacking Arlo's computer and this short report I received this morning from the DDA, it appears he's been obsessed with you for some time. There were numerous plans to kidnap you and flee to the continent. It was almost as if he was thinking of every sort of plan he could, until he found one that would work."

She gripped the arms of the chair tightly. "After learning a few things, I suspected yesterday he might've felt that way."

"Aye, well, it seems he has some contacts within the rogue dragon-shifters hiding out somewhere in Scotland. Except we don't know who they are exactly, or if he has others he's working with inside of Lochguard. Whilst he was open about plans to get you, he never mentioned names beyond his and yours."

Her chest tightened. Sylvia had a feeling she knew where this was going. "So Jake isn't safe here."

He shook his head. "No, he isn't. He's already been flown back to America."

For a second, the room tilted. She whispered, "No."

Finn leaned forward. "I'm sorry, Sylvia, but it's true. There was nothing I could do. I tried to suggest maybe you could mate him, but the DDA still said no. If an American visiting—or even joining—a dragon clan was murdered, it would cause major problems between the American and UK Department of Dragon Affairs branches. The US and UK governments didn't want to risk it."

She could feel the room closing in on her, but she fought against the oncoming panic and despair. She wouldn't let it win. Not this time. "Where is he? Back in San Francisco?"

"ADDA wouldn't say. All I know is that he's somewhere safe, near some Yank dragons who will watch out for him. And he'll stay there until the ADDA and DDA can ensure the threats are gone."

If he was near or staying with a dragon clan, then there was a chance Sylvia could see him. Maybe. Although it would take a giant leap of faith on her part.

And yet the thought of merely going back to her life without Jake—without his teasing or smiles or gentle protectiveness, or even how he looked at Sophie with love—seemed unbearable.

If Sylvia wanted a chance with him, she'd have to be bolder than she had been most of her life. Much like when she'd been in Glasgow last year and had dared to flirt with a stranger.

Before meeting Jake, she might've doubted that she could do it. But he'd shown her parts of herself she'd long hidden or had been afraid to embrace. Now was the time to be the female who went after what she wanted for once.

Her dragon murmured, I know you're strong enough.

Taking a deep breath, she blurted, "What if Sophie and I went to him? Do you think you could arrange that?"

Finn studied her for a second. "Cat's due any time now. Could you really leave her?"

No, she couldn't leave her eldest daughter and risk her dying in childbirth with Sylvia away.

However, after Cat gave birth, her daughter would most likely understand if she went away for a short while. Cat had her mate, and all of Sylvia's older children were adults.

Oh, aye, she'd miss spending more time with her first grandchild, but Sylvia wanted more than to be merely a mother or grandmother.

She also wanted to have a male like Jake in her life. Even if only for Sophie, she had to fight for him now or risk losing the closeness they'd gained over the last few days.

Maybe even lose him forever, if he was moved somewhere she couldn't go. For all she knew, Jake could be put into some sort of protective custody, far away from any dragon clans.

And Sylvia didn't want to miss the chance of better knowing the male she was already halfway in love with.

She replied, "I'll stay until after Cat gives birth and ensure she's fine. That should give me enough time to get things sorted. But after that, I want to take Sophie to be with Jake. Can you make that happen?"

Finn continued to watch her closely, his pupils flashing a few times between slits and round. "If I do, it'll involve a plane, and you know what that means."

Her dragon spoke up. I understand. I don't mind you silencing me for a few days if it means we can see him again.

Any dragon-shifter who wished to fly via airplane had to be injected with the dragon silent drug, which put their inner dragon into a sort of coma so they couldn't shift in midair and cause a disaster. Are you sure? We've never had the shot before, and whilst rare, sometimes it has strange side effects.

Her beast sniffed. Of course I'm sure. Besides, we'll get to meet an American dragon clan. It would be fun to see how they do things. Maybe they have a few flying tricks I can learn.

Sylvia nearly smiled at her dragon's words. We'll see, dear heart, we'll see.

She finally nodded at Finn. "I understand what it means. And a shot of the dragon silent drug is a small price to pay."

At least her daughter wouldn't have to get one since she was too young to shift.

He tapped his fingers against his desk. "Aye, then I'll try my hardest to make it happen. However I'd rather you take someone else with you, a familiar face to watch your back. Maybe one of your children?"

She had a feeling she'd ask Ian since he was the least likely to get into trouble abroad. "First see if I can go and then I'll decide on that."

Finn paused and finally asked, "Is this what you really want, Sylvia?"

She bobbed her head. "I…care for him, Finn. And he's Sophie's father. I want at least a chance to spend more time with Jake. It might not end up being forever, but I can't let him simply disappear without seeing how things turn out."

He stood. "Right, then I'll call in whatever favor I can. If you do go, I'll ask a favor of you, though. You'll most likely end up staying with a dragon clan. And if so, then maybe see if the leader is open to talking with me? It'd be good to have an ally in America."

Sylvia knew little of inter-clan politics, but she'd do anything for Finn. "I'll try."

He smiled at her. "Good. One way or another, I'll let you know as soon as possible about what they say."

After murmuring her gratitude and goodbye, Sylvia headed back to her cottage.

A few months ago, she'd never have imagined wanting to fly across an ocean to see someone.

And yet, she was more excited than anxious. Jake had come to Scotland for her. Now it was her turn to go to America for him.

Or at least she hoped she could. If only she knew how to reach Jake's cousin, the one who worked with the American Department of Dragon Affairs. Maybe she could help with Sylvia's case.

Then an idea hit her—she could ask Ian and Emma to use their computer skills to find out who she was. Maybe they could do that without doing anything illegal.

Surely having requests put in through both ends would help. Well, aye, provided his cousin would want to help.

But the more cards she held, the greater the chance she could win this odd little game.

And so she went to find her twin children to ask for a favor.