The Dragon’s Chance by Jessie Donovan

Chapter Twenty-Four

After staying nearly a month together on PineRock, Sylvia and Jake had finally been allowed to return back to Lochguard.

Saying goodbye to Wes and Ashley had been harder than Sylvia had thought it would be, but she was determined to get the pair to Scotland at some point. Not just because Finn wanted to better know the American clan leader, but because they were part of Jake's family, and she wanted to welcome any and all of his family she could.

Her dragon spoke up. Most of them are already here and waiting in the great hall. They should've come to fetch us already.

She and Jake had agreed that they wouldn't hold their mating ceremony until her dragon had returned after their flight back to Scotland, which had happened two days ago. Patience, dragon.

Why? I've wanted him for more than a year. Everyone needs to know he's ours.

I somehow don't think that's in doubt.

And not just because she and Jake had a daughter together, either. All of her older children had teased endlessly about them being smitten with one another. Well, except for Jamie. He was still sulking over having to come back to Scotland. Sylvia wondered if he'd felt more at home on PineRock without all his siblings, but she hadn't had time to talk to her son about it yet.

However, Arabella MacLeod—Finn's mate—entered the small room, smiled at her, and garnered Sylvia's attention. "Everything's ready if you are."

Jake's sisters had wanted a blended ceremony, a little of a human wedding combined with the traditional dragon-shifter attire, vows, and mating bands. The result meant a lot of quick work to get it all done in time.

None of which Sylvia had been allowed to see since it was supposed to be a surprise.

She took up the bouquet her soon-to-be sisters-in-law had given her—soft pink roses, chrysanthemums, and carnations with some bits of greenery she couldn't name—and nodded. "Aye, then let's not delay any longer."

Arabella touched her arm. "I'm so glad it worked out with Jake. I rather like him, although don't tell Finn or he'll get jealous for no reason."

Given the way Finn and Arabella looked at each other all the time—as if they each held the sun in their eyes and would wither without it—she barely resisted a snort at the idea of Finn being jealous over Jake.

Although her dragon grumbled, He's ours.

Aye, of course. Now, hush and calm down.

"Me too, Ara. Me too."

With a nod, Arabella exited, and Sylvia followed down the small hallway that led to one of the main doors into the massive hall. Unlike with a traditional dragon-shifter ceremony when she'd merely go to the dais from a side door, Sylvia was going to walk up toward the front, where Jake would be waiting, apparently like they did with human weddings.

In a way, she was happy for the slightly unusual wedding-slash-mating ceremony. It honored her love for Jake in a different way than the love she'd held for Arthur.

And even if her first mate was no longer around, Sylvia liked to think the bright sunshine streaming in through the windows was Arthur's doing, as if he approved of her finding happiness again.

She mentally whispered, I'll always love and miss you, Arthur. But don't worry, Jake will take good care of me, I promise.

Finn appeared. Since Sylvia's father had died long ago, he'd offered to walk her down the aisle in the human fashion instead. He held out his arm. "Ready, lass?"

She couldn't help but smile at Finn's words, given he was younger than her and she was no longer a lassie. "Aye. More than ready."

He winked at her. "Good. Then let's not keep them waiting any longer, or Jake's sisters may hunt me down and herd us up the aisle, nipping our heels to make us go faster."

She bit her lip to keep from laughing. Lila and Ada really had taken over the great hall for days, convincing everyone to help them give their baby brother the ceremony he deserved. Nearly everyone on Lochguard said they rivaled dragon-shifters for their confidence and dominance when barking orders.

But then music filtered into the air, and the doors to the great hall opened, and Sylvia forgot about everything but the male standing up on the raised dais, staring at her with eyes full of love and happiness.

* * *

Jake had arguedwith his sisters about delaying his mating ceremony with Sylvia so they could decorate the hall. None of that had mattered to him, only that he wanted to claim Sylvia as his mate in front of all.

But as Sylvia finally made her way up the aisle created by people standing to either side of the opening, he forgot about everything but the beautiful dragonwoman walking toward him.

Dressed in the simple dark blue gown worn by dragon-shifters, knotted over one shoulder, and her dark hair gathered up to the back of her head with a few tendrils around her face, he wondered if she'd always continue to find ways of being more beautiful to him.

Her shy smile only made him want to meet her halfway, but he held his place. He learned a little more every day about how to balance between allowing Sylvia to handle things on her own and when he needed to step in.

This was one of the times she could handle herself, even if being the center of attention wasn't where she longed to be. She was doing it to please his sisters, and he couldn't love her more for it if he tried.

Once they climbed the stairs to the dais and reached him, Finn handed her over to Jake, issuing some threat or another that he didn't hear. No, Jake only had eyes and ears for Sylvia, itching to kiss her already and take her home.

The music died down, and she shifted her bouquet to one hand so she could pick up the silver armband engraved with her name in the old dragon language. Even if the decorations and start were in the human wedding fashion, the ceremony itself would be pure dragon-shifter.

As such, Sylvia would go first to help him understand how to do it. She cleared her throat and spoke loudly. "When we first met, over a year ago, I thought I was dying and had been so determined to be the person I always wanted to be, so much so that I dared to flirt and more with a human I'd just met. Even if we parted after a day, you gifted me with our darling Sophie. But even as much as I loved our daughter, something was always missing. And then you showed up on Lochguard, and it was as if the missing piece had arrived. Sophie adored you from the first day, and even if I didn't think I'd get to keep you, you made me laugh and offered support I didn't realize I needed.

"Plenty of things tried to tear us apart since then, and our courtship spanned two continents. But it was all worth it, every tear or worry, because I love you, Jake Swift. You bring out a side of me I needed, one that said it was okay to love again and be myself after losing my first mate. I stake my claim on you. Do you accept?"

"I do."

She slipped the band over his bicep—he was also in traditional dragon garb, with a kilt-like outfit that left his arms and most of his chest bare—and then she smiled up at him, letting him know it was his turn.

Jake plucked the remaining armband up, a smaller version of the one on his arm, except the engraving was of his name in the old dragon language. Never taking his gaze from Sylvia's, he said, "If I'm honest, I never thought I'd be a father or want to get married at this stage of my life. I focused on work, wanting to forget the past. But then you showed up in my life, a breath of honesty and sweetness I couldn't ignore if I wanted to. One night was never enough, and even though it took longer than I'd wanted, I finally found you again and discovered the truth of not only our daughter but the fact you had five other kids, who are more protective than I really like." A few chuckles rolled through the room, and Jake continued, "But not even being threatened by your sons, or even kidnapped by a dragon-shifter, was enough to drive me away. When you showed up in the US, I thought I had to be dreaming. But you were real, and I vowed to never let you go again. I love you, Sylvia. You bring a softness and lightness to my life I didn't think could exist. And I hope we can grow old together, laughing and loving one another without any other big surprises. However, if they do show up, we'll face them together, no matter what it takes. I stake my claim on you. Do you accept?"


He slipped the silver around the arm without her dragon-shifter tattoo and finally drew her close and kissed her.

Sylvia had suggested a quick peck, but he held her closer, parted her lips, and devoured her mouth as if it were the first or last time.

Eventually someone's throat clearing made him break the kiss, and he spotted Finn grinning at him. "Aye, there's plenty of time for that later. For now, let's celebrate Jake and Sylvia!"

Cheers rose and Sylvia melted into his side for a few beats before they did their duty and went to accept all the congratulations from the clan members.

They finished with Sylvia's kids, his sisters, and Sophie. Jake took his daughter from Lila and kissed her cheek. "How about we dance with your mommy to celebrate?"

Sophie merely plucked at the material across his chest.

Connor snorted. "Careful, or she'll have you undressed in the middle of the great hall."

Sylvia took Sophie and whispered a bit loudly, "No undressing Daddy in public. He's not used to it yet." Sylvia met his gaze. "But trust me, I'm working on it. Otherwise he'll have you shredding a new set of clothes every time you shift."

He drew Sylvia to his side and placed a hand over hers holding Sophie. "We'll worry about that in five or six years. For now, I just want to dance with my two dragon ladies."

Not waiting to hear what his sisters or his stepkids said, Jake guided them to the square set aside for dancing. It was a bit awkward, but he drew Sylvia, holding Sophie, closer and began waltzing them around the space.

And even though he was counting down the minutes until he could claim his new mate, Jake was content to hold his wife and daughter close, dancing with them, and wondering if anyone could die of love and happiness.

But if so, it was a challenge he'd gladly look forward to.