Ramliel by A.M. Griffin

Chapter Ten


In a word, Ram was intrigued.

And Mia was the source.

He’d known immediately after meeting her that she was his. He’d felt that down to his bones. He needed her. The thought was overwhelming and overpowering. Even when Varona had tried to sever their connection by standing between them, he’d still felt Mia’s presence. He’d wanted her back at his side where she belonged.

By the time he’d moved Varona out of his way, Mia wasn’t where he’d last seen her standing. A quick inquiry with the car service revealed she’d left.


While he was so intrigued he couldn’t think of anything else.

He’d done what anyone would do if their mate had left without them. He sent Varona home and followed Mia. On the way to Mia’s house…his house, he called Hinduru and learned all he needed about his mate. Her likes, dislikes, food choices, what she did in her free time and to his absolute horror, that she had a job.

Why would she need to work when he provided everything for her? She had a house, vehicle and a monthly allowance even Varona couldn’t spend in that amount of time. Upon arriving to her house, he wasn’t exactly sure what he would say to her.

Sorry for not meeting you sooner? Are you enjoying life on Teague?


His questions sounded so…so…mundane. When he really wanted to ask her, “Where have you been all my life?”

He knew that answer. She’d been on a transport from Earth. After she’d arrived, instead of greeting her as a mate should, Ram had left her to figure things out. At least she hadn’t been alone. Hinduru had stayed in close contact with her and done everything Ram should’ve.

“I know you own this house,” she said, dark brown eyes glaring at him. “But what are you doing here?” She glanced up and down. “And where the hell are your clothes?”

He leaned a shoulder on the door frame, not sure why there was a smile stretched across his lips. She was obviously confused and upset, but that only added to her appeal. She looked like a dazed and confused child.

He nodded toward the bedroom across the hall from hers. “In there.”

Her eyes widened. “What?!”

Ram chuckled. He couldn’t help himself. “I came last night. I was going to wake you, but it looked like you needed the rest. Your snores were really loud.”

He’d come to talk to her and ended up watching her sleep for a little while. It wasn’t a peaceful sleep. A frown scrunched her pretty face. Her eyebrows pinched together and plump lips were pursed tight. She tossed and turned. And snored.

He couldn’t bring himself to wake her. He’d thought briefly about leaving and returning to speak with her in the morning, but then he had a better idea.


She reared her head back. “I. Do. Not. Snore.”

He laughed again. “Yes, you do.”

She frowned then shook her head. “None of that matters. Why are you here?”

Maybe she hadn’t heard him the first time? “I told you. I own this dwelling.”

“Yes, but why are you here,” she said slowly. “Hinduru said you live somewhere else.”

“Oh, I moved in last night.”

She sat back, going out of view. Only the top of her flower printed bed hat could be seen. “What the actual fuck.”

“Why do you wear a hat to bed? Is it a human custom? I don’t remember reading about that. But all of the information I have on humans, I studied long ago. I should review those files.” If he had he wouldn’t have needed Hinduru to tell him about his mate. He had everything he needed to know at his fingertips, but he’d needed to hear it from someone who actually knew her.

She touched the top of her head. “It’s called a bonnet. People who want to protect their curls wear them at night. It helps to keep the curls hydrated and the frizz down—wait. Why am I even explaining this to you?”

He raised a shoulder. “Because I asked?”

She grumbled, getting up to stand. Ram caught his breath. Last night she’d been wrapped in her blanket pulled up to her chin. Now, she stood in her underwear. Plain black panties hugged nice hips. Her legs were shapely and smooth. Her stomach was flat and waist small. She had a black band covering ample breasts that would fit nicely in his palms.

His cock hardened, straining against his pants.

Mia pulled the bonnet from her head and tossed it on the bed. Dark curls spilled down her neck and past her shoulders. Ram inhaled a sharp breath. His only thought was crossing the distance between them and taking her on the spot.


Mia was in trouble. Serious trouble if the look in Ram’s eyes were any indication. She was scared. Nervous. Turned on.

Wait. No.

She couldn’t be turned on. Not by Ram.

She shook her head adamantly. “You can’t stay here with me.”

“Why not?”

Oh, God. Even his voice was deeper. Her eyes shifted to his crotch.


Things were happening way too fast. The room was suddenly too hot. She fanned herself with a hand. “Go back to your other place. I’m sure your girlfriend is there waiting for you.”

“She is.”

Mia didn’t know why that simple statement had her seeing red. She wanted to claw out Ram’s eyes. Instead of launching herself across the bed, she folded her arms over her chest. “Then go to her.”

“I’m where I want to be.”

“I don’t want you here.”

“That’s too bad.”

She narrowed her eyes and snatched her comlink off the nightstand. She spoke into it while keeping her eyes on Ram. “Call Lina,”

She wasn’t afraid of him doing anything to hurt her. She was more afraid of what she would allow him to do to her if he advanced.

A few seconds later her friend’s cheery voice came on the line. “Good morning, Chica. How was the shindig last night? Was it full of a bunch of old work stuffies?”

“It was lovely,” Mia gritted. “But I have a favor to ask. I have an unwanted guest who has decided to move in with me. Can I live with you until I find another place?”

“I’m so confused. What do you mean ‘unwanted guest’? Like a rodent or something?”

She narrowed her eyes on Ram. “Yeah, sure. Let’s call him that.”

Ram chuckled.

Sooo confused. But of course ,you can come with us.”

Mia smiled at Ram, showing him a mouthful of teeth.

Ram lifted his dark eyebrows and said into his own comlink “Hinduru.”

“Yes?” came Hinduru’s voice.

“Are you familiar with Mia’s friend Lina?”


Ram smiled at her slowly. “Please inform her mate that my mate cannot move into his dwelling. If he allows this, I will buy his home and put him and his mate on the street.”

Mia couldn’t believe what she heard. Hinduru had met Lina many times. Mia, Lina and Diana visited each other often. How could Ram think about kicking them out and more importantly, did he have the authority to do it? “Are you serious?!”

“Wait,” Lina said in the background. “What do you mean you just received a threatening call if we help Mia?”

Mia gripped her comlink tighter. Her breaths came out too hard and heavy as the answer to her question was answered. The more she looked at Ram, the more deserving he was of having his eyes plucked from his face.

“Um, Mia?” Lina said. “We can’t do it. Your bitchass of a mate threatened to kick us out on the street if we helped you.”

Ram smirked at her.

He wanted to play with her? Fine.

“Thank you anyway, Lina.” She disconnected the call and went to the restroom, leaving Ram to stand alone, reveling in his smugness.