Ramliel by A.M. Griffin

Chapter Thirteen


Hinduru poked his head through the entrance of Ram’s office. “Varona needs to speak with you.”

Ram didn’t bother looking up from the work he was doing. He had to go over the proposal he would present to Zephon and make sure it was in order. “Did you put her on a transport back to her home world?”


Ram finally glanced up. Hinduru stood at his door, not bothering to enter, which meant he didn’t plan on staying long. “And why not?”

Hinduru was efficient. That’s why he’s been his assistant for the past fifteen years. Ram trusted Hinduru explicitly. If Varona wasn’t on a transport, it had to be for a good reason.

“Maybe she should tell you herself.”

“I don’t want to speak with her—”

Hinduru neatly stepped to the side and Varona breezed into the room wearing an outfit made for an expensive venue rather than visiting Ram at work. He knew because he’d bought it for her. A tight smile twisted her lips. “Ram, how lovely to finally see you again after you dumped my like trash.”

Ram didn’t have time for this. He flicked his gaze away from Varona. “Hinduru?”

“My apologies, Sir. This is a private matter. I’ll leave you to discuss it alone.”

“I’m trying to win back my mate,” Ram said through gritted teeth.

Hinduru backed away and the door shut. Ram settled his eyes on Varona. “Why are you here? I sent you home.”

“Is that anyway to speak with your new mate.” She dropped into an empty chair and crossed one leg over the other.

“You are not my mate. You knew going into this that I’m already mated.”

She waved slender fingers in the air. “Inconsequential. The whole reason your species agreed to mate with human women was because of your declining birthrate.” The same hand she’d flicked through the air now caressed her abdomen. “Problem solved. I carry your child. I’m your mate now.”

The air cleared his lungs and he couldn’t catch his breath. Varona was pregnant? Ram wanted to roar in anguish. He’d assumed she used birth control. Had he asked her? He couldn’t remember. Their relationship was causal, nothing permanent. She’d needed a benefactor and he’d needed companionship since no other Yatra would take him due to his mating status.

“Are you sure?”

She eyed him with contempt. “Our arrangement was while I’m with you, I’m with you and no one else. I upheld my end of the bargain. You, on the other hand…”

This was the worst timing for something like this to happen to him. Mia was talking to him. They’d had sex. “I sent you home.”

Varona straightened and leaned forward. “I had planned to surprise you with the happy news before you so callously discarded me.”

Ram stood and went around the desk. His chest filled with parts regret and part reluctant happiness. Yatur dreamed of children. It was a gift. He’d connected with his mate and hoped to have those children with her. He’d let himself dream about it finally with Mia and now here he was. About to be a father. The child Varona carried was most likely a male but there was no way Ram could ever refuse or deny a child of his.

He dropped to his knees in front of Varona. She opened her legs and he wedged himself between them while wrapping his arms around her waist and placing the side of his face against her abdomen.

“I’m going to be a father,” he whispered to his unborn baby inside.

Varona’s fingernails scraped across his scalp. “Yes, you are. So, act right.”

* * *

Mia watched the door anxiously. What time did Ram usually get off of work? She peered out the window, watching the waning sunlight. If she were back on Earth, waiting for a boyfriend to get home from work she wouldn’t be this nervous. With it only being the afternoon, she wouldn’t expect him to get off until sometime after five, but on Teague, working late into the night was unheard of.

People got off early to allow for family time, communing with friends and to partake in hobbies. All reasons why she was falling in love with this winter wonderland.

But the reason for her nervousness? She wasn’t waiting for a boyfriend. She was waiting for her mate.

Ram was hers. The connection was real. It’d been there when she’d first met him and only strengthened after she’d given him a chance. Being together was right. Cosmic. Earth shattering. And she loved it.

Mia rubbed his mark that he’d left on her shoulder. His teeth marks were deep and the skin was angry and red, but there was pride when she looked at it and she felt a connection to him when she touched it.

“Hinduru?” she said into her comlink.

“Yes, Mia.”

“What time shall I expect Ram to come home?” She chewed on her fingernail. Should she be asking his assistant to check up on him? Was that the same as going through his phone? She didn’t think so.

“He is arriving now. I should…”

Mia stood and glanced out the window. Sure enough, his hovercar was pulling up. “You should what?”

“Nothing,” Hinduru sighed. “Please let me know if there is anything you need from me tonight.”

She frowned a little. Hinduru was always available. To have him confirm it was a little weird since he’d been at her beck and call since she’d landed. “Okay. He’s here. Bye.”

She disconnected the line. When Ram came in, Mia ran to him, jumping to straddle his middle, squeezing her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. She went to kiss him but he pulled away. Her lips brushed the side of his face.

Maybe this type of affection wasn’t acceptable? After their love making she didn’t see what the problem was. “Is everything okay? Rough day at work?”

“Mia.” Dread filled her. It was the way he said her name. It was filled with shame and regret. Then she noticed his arms hung at his sides, not holding or pulling her in close.

Heat flashed across her face. “Oh my God! I did something wrong, didn’t I? I’m not supposed to greet you this way?”

She slid down his front, searching her memory for anything relating to social gaffs and couldn’t find anything regarding greeting mates that was on par with what she’d just done.

She stepped back, giving him space. Everything about him was off. She knew the look he now gave her. The way he held his body. Her chest constricted because she knew what was coming next. This time she wouldn’t wait for him to say it. “You don’t want me.”

He blinked a few times, confusion darkening his gaze. “What did you say?”

She took another step back. Her body vibrated with the pain flowing through her veins. She knew this feeling. Felt it for weeks when he’d left her here alone. “You don’t want me. That’s what you said the last time you had that look on your face.”

He frowned. “When did I say that?”

Wait. He didn’t even remember telling her that when it was all she’d thought about for the past four months? “Your last video message to me while I was on the transport. That’s what you told me.”

She wanted to ask him what she’d done this time. How could she make this right? She wanted him to give her a chance to make it up to him.

“Mia…I…Varona is pregnant with my child. I need to build my family with her.”

Inside her heart cracked and a wail of agony built. But all she did was hold up a hand. “Leave.”