Vik by Belle Aurora



“I thoughtyou said you were going to the doctor,” Anika said quietly, almost nervously, as we took our seats in the waiting room of the clinic.

“She is a doctor,” I quietly responded.

Anika frowned. “I know, but—”


Anxiety had my stomach churning almost violently. I stood and looked up at the tall, willowy woman with big glasses and a messy bun atop her head.

She smiled easily. “Ah, yes. I remember you. Why don’t you follow me? You can fill me in.”

I was already nodding when the doctor spotted Anika, who weirdly enough seemed to be hiding her face behind the open pages of a magazine.


My brow lowered as Anika sighed, put down the magazine, and sighed softly. “Hello, Dr. Henley.”

Wait. They knew each other?

I looked between them a moment. There were some weird vibes thrumming through the small, white room.

And then the doctor spoke quietly. “I’ve been trying to reach you.”

Anika returned just as hushed, “I know.”

“You need to come back and see me.”

My brow lowered in confusion. What the hell was going on here?

Ani huffed out a short breath. “I really don’t want to.”

“We can figure this out,” the doctor said quietly. “Just lend me your time.”

My heart clenched.

Was something wrong with Anika?

But Anika’s hollowness returned, and she uttered a dismissive, “I’m just here for my friend.”

The doctor, however, was determined. “Ten minutes. That’s all I’m asking for.”

And Anika’s mask faltered, revealing the cracks she so desperately tried to hide. It took her a while to respond. Until, finally, she let out short breath, avoiding the doctor’s gaze while muttering a cool, “Ten minutes.”

The doctor smiled with relief. “Don’t disappear on me, okay?”

Perplexed beyond belief, I was thankful that Anika didn’t offer to come in with me and followed the doctor into a sterile-white exam room. The moment she closed the door behind us, before she had a chance to sit, I blurted out, “I’m pregnant.”

And Dr. Henley blinked, then sat, and her careful gaze searched my face. She motioned to a free chair, and her soothing voice said, “Please.” At long last, I sat, and she guessed, “Not a planned pregnancy, I take it?”

“Not even a planned seduction.” I slumped back in the chair, running a hand down my face.

She began to type on her computer. “And you did a home test?”

“Yes. Ten.”

She kept typing, but her mouth pulled down. “Ten what?”

“Ten—” And as though it just hit me at how psychotic that sounded, my voice faded slightly. “—tests.”

Her brows rose. “Thorough.”

Feeling a little sick to my stomach, I folded in on myself, lowering my head between my knees and uttering a strained, “I just wanted to be sure.”

“Do you know the supposed date of conception?” I told her, and she nodded, typing still. “So.” She straightened, setting her watchful eyes on me. “What’s the plan?”

I knew what she was hinting at. I rose, sitting up once more. “I want to keep it.”

She smiled softly at the certainty in my tone before reaching into her drawer, pulling out a little cup, and wiggling it. “Fill ’er up.”

I took it and made my way to the attached bathroom, filling it as best as I could with shaking hands. When I returned, the doctor took it from me, did her own test, and then we waited in silence.

I was hardly surprised when she looked down at the result and revealed a cheerful, “It’s a baby.” My nod was solemn. That changed remarkably when she walked over to a curtained-off area and opened it, revealing an exam table, then said, “Want to meet him?”


Could we do that?

Oh shit. Was I about to cry?

What a weak-ass bitch.

I nodded once more, not trusting myself to speak.

The doctor instructed me to remove my pants and panties, leaving me a thick white sheet to cover myself with before closing the curtain behind her. When I was ready, she joined me, and I lay back on the cold bed as she brought a rectangular machine close.

Dr. Henley removed a long phallic-looking object, and I balked. She noticed, and her eyes laughed. “I know. It looks—” She thought on her choice of descriptive. “—impressive, but it shouldn’t hurt. If it does, just say the word, and we’ll stop.”

I looked up to the ceiling as she talked me through what she was doing. “I’m going to need you to bend your knees for me. Yes, like that. And now I’m going to insert the transducer. It will likely feel a little uncomfortable but, I remind you, should not hurt.” My face twisted as the cold lube-covered object was inserted. “That’s it. You’re doing great.”

The screen was turned toward me, and as I lay there, my brows furrowed as I tried to spot any sign of life. But, “I can’t see anything.”

The doctor squinted at the display, slightly moving the device inside me to a point where she was happy. Once she found what she was looking for, her eyes smiled. “There.” The little black sack on the screen pulsed as the doctor spoke. “Size is good. Strong attachment. Solid heartbeat.”

“I don’t hear anything,” I hurried out.

Dr. Henley reached out to turn a nob, and suddenly, the sounds of fast-paced whooshing hit me. And my lips parted in awe as it hit me.

There was a baby inside me. And that baby had a heartbeat. A strong heartbeat. It was growing and forming every second of every day. And it was mine.

I laughed, but it came out watery.

Dr. Henley handed me a tissue, smiling softly.

“Wow,” I whispered, dabbing at my eyes.

She began to nod herself. “Yeah. Never gets old. It really is a miracle.”

I thought I was badass until this moment. Turned out, there was no room for badassery when it came to being pregnant. My emotions were a mess.

“Holy shit.” My smile stretched and wobbled as I glanced at the screen. “That’s my baby.”

A whole freight of emotions rushed through me at once. Love. Fear. Pride. Terror. Tenderness. Dread. But mostly… wonder.

Dr. Henley snuffled out a laugh. “I’m happy with how everything looks, Nastasia.” She removed the device, then left me to clean and dress. Once I was done, I walked around the curtain to find her sitting at her computer, typing away. I sat, and she talked. “I’d like for you to start taking these.” She tapped on the bottle beside her. “Prenatal vitamins. I’d also like for you to eat well and get a decent amount of sleep.” I frowned, and she spotted it before asking a careful, “Is that going to be a problem?”

I ran the bar at a nightclub. I also didn’t cook. Yeah, it was going to be a problem. “No. No problem.”

“Good. I’d like to see you again in four weeks to see how everything is coming along. Eat well, sleep well, do moderate exercise. Nothing fancy. Walking is great. And if you start spotting, head to emergency room and call me immediately, okay?”

“Spotting?” I asked, suddenly fearful.

Dr. Henley was kind but forthright. “Spotting is generally not a good sign when it comes to pregnancy. It can indicate a miscarriage.”


“Right.” My stomach turned. “Right.”

“I’ll see you in four weeks,” she said in a reassuring way.

She walked me out, and I saw the relief in her face to find Anika sitting with her hands in her lap, wearing a void expression. I thanked her and watched as my friend stood without a word, picked up her purse, and followed closely behind the good doctor.

As she had done for me, I waited.

Fifteen minutes passed, and Anika came out with a small plastic bandage inside her elbow, with the doctor saying, “I’ll call with the results.”

When Anika didn’t bother to wait for me, I walked after her. “Hey.” Her speed rose, and then I was jogging. “Hey!”

Halfway down the block, with a glower to end all glowers, she spun on me before taking something out of her purse. “You left these behind.” She held up a white paper bag, and when she shook it, I knew what was inside. “The doc asked me to give them to you.”

Her attitude was overkill. And then realization hit.

Resentment sliced over me like slow rolling waves of lava flowing down a volcano. My eyes blazed, and I ground out, “You looked in the bag?” What an asshole. “You asshole!”

“Prenatal vitamins?” she hissed in return, clearly as pissed at me as I was at her. “You’re pregnant?”

And I opened my mouth to respond, but all that wanted to come out were sour words from a bitter heart, so I said nothing.

Some of the anger fell away. Now, she just sounded sad. “Is it Vi—”

Oh my God. She did not just attempt to ask me that. She did not.

My hackles rose. “Finish that question, Ani, and I will hack your hands off with a rusty spoon.” Her silence was a blessing. I glared as I said, “You know I’ve only ever slept with the one man unprotected.” My stare was deadly. “Of course it’s his.”

Well, by the looks of her loosening posture, she looked relieved. “Are you planning on telling him?”

“No, what I thought to do was wait ’til I got as big as a whale, then give birth on the edge of his bed, like a cat,” I deadpanned.

Anika scowled at my sarcasm.

“Well, that’s what happens when you ask stupid questions. Yes, I plan on telling him.”

“When?” Oh, she was resolute.

“Jesus. I only just found out, okay? I need time to adjust.” I paused. “And he’s already got so much going on. It’s still early. I thought to wait, just a little while.” I blew out a short breath. “I don’t even know what to say, or how to say it. I need a moment here.” I glanced at her with dejection in my eyes, pleading with her to just give me some time to breathe. “I’m trusting you not to say anything, Ani.”

Her defiance fought to stay but ultimately fled. She rolled her eyes and sighed delicately. Silence passed over us, and when I next looked up, I found Anika smiling softly. Thank God. I reached out soundlessly, and she looked down at my olive branch before placing her hand in mine, squeezing. My shoulders slumped as relief coursed through me, and then her smile grew. She spoke quietly in disbelief, “I can’t believe you’re pregnant.”

You and me both, sister.

Sounding more than a little put out, I muttered, “Me neither.”

Our smiles softened, and Anika’s tinkling laughter sounded. She came forward and hugged me, and then I was laughing too, because it was surreal. My arms rounded her thin body. I held her like she was an anchor, grounding me.

We pulled back out of the hug but remained close, and when she put her hand to my belly, she uttered a sickly sweet, “Wow. That’s my niece or nephew in there.” I simply watched her. She grinned, and it was so much like the Anika of old that my heart stuttered. Anika shook her head, looking down at my stomach, then peered back up at me and whispered, “I’m going to be an aunt.” Suddenly, her face changed as if something just hit her. “Oh my God.”


She blinked at me a moment before leaning in and letting out an awe-filled, “You’re going to be a mom, Nas. In nine months, you’ll never be alone. There will always be someone with you, someone for you to care for. Someone to love. Someone to love you back.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “Unconditionally.”

I could have been wrong, but I swear she said it wistfully, as if it were something she pined for.

And, from the way my heart warmed, I guess I pined for it too.

* * *


“That her?”

I sat still, looking at the woman. She was pretty in a confident, sassy way. But then my vision was drawn to the willowy-thin redhead by her side, and I exhaled slowly, watching them closely. They were arguing.

I didn’t know what about, but it looked serious.

Anika. Poised, graceful Anika looked wild-eyed as she yelled at the brunette I knew to be Nastasia Leokov. Nastasia spoke in low tones but looked to be giving as good as she got. And dear, sweet Anika seemed overwhelmed.

It was a shame her brother was a cocky piece of shit. I might have liked to keep her. Her, with her soothing, angelic voice. I had a feeling that her smile would light up a room. Too bad I wasn’t in the habit of making women smile. More often than not, they left my company stoic, shocked, and a little turned on.

They always wanted what they couldn’t have, and I was unavailable in every sense of the word.

That wasn’t to say they didn’t have a good time. I suppose it simply stunned them that my brand of fucking appealed to them. It had them questioning themselves, and women, I found, did not like to question the person they were.

Too thought provoking. Confronting.

Delicate creatures, women.

I liked to play with delicate things. Frighten them. Watch them squirm. Push them. Observe the struggle as they fell. The kaleidoscope of colors as they shattered when they landed. And although I would have preferred the redhead, the brunette was an example I would be happy to make a lesson of.

My eyes flashed.

I hoped she fought. I really did.

I liked when they were good, but when good girls fought… now that was fun.

Nastasia Leokov managed to calm her friend. I glanced away for a moment, reaching into my pocket for my vibrating phone, checking the display then putting it away. When I looked back up my lip curled at the sight of them. It was oh-so-sweet when they hugged. A cruel smile tipped at my lips. I couldn’t wait to make her acquaintance.

“That’s her.”

We waited until they got into the car and took off. And because I was a madman, I turned to my man, gave the nod, and followed them.

I would bide my time. Watch. Learn what I could.

And then…

My smile was dark as the demon that resided inside of me.

Then, I would strike.