Bariloche Sector by Lexi C. Foss

My world is a nightmare.

I’m a sterile Omega female because my father didn’t want me to take a mate. So he turned me into a shell of a being, used solely for male pleasure and dark deeds.

Alphas took me.

They abused me.

They broke me.

I no longer know how to trust or how to live.

My story is cruel. It’s twisted. It’s not for the faint of heart.

Happy-ever-afters don’t exist in this universe. Only pain and suffering and power exchange.

Maybe one day I’ll escape it all.

But today isn’t that day.

Tomorrow likely won’t be either.

Sven Mickelson promises to help me. I don’t believe him. I know what he really wants—an obedient little Omega willing to take his knot. He won’t give me a choice. He’ll take me because he can.

Alphas are all the same.

They’re dark, soulless beings with the single-minded desire to procreate.

My father ensured that would never happen.

So now all I am is a fuck sleeve.

I learned my place long ago.

Nothing ever changes.

Because this universe isn’t kind; it’s savage.

Alphas are dominant and lead. Betas work for them to maintain productive societies. And Omegas are the prized jewels, the rare beings Alphas take as mates to help continue the X-Clan race.

But that’s not my story.

I’m an Omega with a broken womb. There’s only one fate for me. And it’s certainly not one of devotion or love.

You’ve been warned.



Winter Sector

One more night.That’s it. Survive this and I’ll be… I trailed off on the thought, unsure of how to define my future state. My life rested in Alpha Enrique’s hands. I wouldn’t be free. There would still be pain. But it couldn’t be worse than Bariloche Sector.

The sensors buzzing against my erogenous zones suggested otherwise. They served as a blatant reminder of my purpose in this world.

A pleasure sleeve for Alphas.

They didn’t care about my well-being or enjoyment. Only theirs. Always theirs.

Howls reverberated around my cage, sending shivers of cruelty down my spine. My stomach churned. My thighs clenched. And my slick permeated the air.

The vibrations increased, forcing my arousal and sending lightning through my veins. It burned. It throbbed and pulsated. It hurt.

One more night, I repeated to myself, willing my mind to relax. I can handle—

A fierce growl rose above the others, causing all the hairs along my arms to stand at attention. Blood splattered along the ground as the Alphas brawled. They all had one objective in mind—knotting me.

They would take turns. One after another. Until I was a broken mess on the floor.

These sensual stimulators had intensified my state to a point of near estrus, inspiring all the Alphas around me to go into a rut.

Who would break through the barrier first?

Would he be so lost to the violence that I might actually die this time?

Would there be two of them trying to get inside me at once?

I shuddered, recalling the vivid image of my sister being nearly knotted to death just last week. Her mate had been killed, leaving her a pile of bones and flesh with only one purpose—to take a knot.

My eyes fell closed.

Are you alive? I wondered for the thousandth time this week. Or did peace finally find you?

I often wondered what death would be like. Quiet. Soft. Gentle. An oblivion of darkness. The ultimate escape.

No, my inner wolf snarled, sending a jolt down my spine and drawing me back to the present. My legs shook with need, my body begging these Alphas to take what belonged to them, to make me whole.

It was a false promise. No matter how hard they tried, I would forever be dissatisfied because of what he had done to me.

A knot only created more agony.

Not that the Alphas ever noticed. They gained their release, which was all that ever mattered to them.

A roar of sound had me curling into a tight ball, the violent dance coming to an end.

I didn’t even bother to look at who had won. Nor did I listen to the female Alpha addressing the contestants to discuss whatever came next.

I already knew.

They would take turns in order of strongest to weakest, ensuring the best Alphas in the room had me while I was still conscious.

It worked well for me in the end. The strongest were always the cruelest. And they tended to knock me out first.

Sweet oblivion would be mine soon. I just had to endure. Survive. Wait.

The electricity humming over my skin continued to taunt my reactions to life, ensuring my body provided smooth entry for whoever took me first.

My nipples beaded in false evidence of interest.

All programmed responses to my body’s inherent preconditioning. Omegas were born to accept the knot, to be the lowest of society, to serve as slaves who were fucked and used to an Alpha’s content.

Betas stood by and did nothing, choosing instead to maintain societal standards by doing whatever the hell they did every day.

And Alphas ruled.

Well, not all Alphas. Only the strongest. The others were warriors who protected the king among them.

Although, from what little I’d seen of Winter Sector, it seemed this colony was mostly Betas. Which explained why Alpha Enrique had been recruited to join Alpha Vanessa’s ranks. She needed a Second, someone to protect her back and serve at her beck and call.

The Alpha of Bariloche Sector had told me I was to be Alpha Enrique’s gift for his service. He’d told me to be a good Omega and do whatever was asked of me. In return, he might one day tell me the fate of my sister.

It was all a lie.

I’d learned long ago never to rely on an Alpha’s word.

But Alpha Enrique did give me hope. He wasn’t like the others. He was always… kinder. Supportive. Curious, even. He never lost himself to the hallucinogenic rages of the others. He’d held me while I’d cried.

A whirring of energy put my instincts on full alert as the glass around my cage began to rise.

It’s time, I thought numbly, trying and failing to close my eyes.

The Alphas surrounding me roared with violent intent, their instincts to claim taking hold of reason and sending them all toward me.

One cut through the masses, his blue eyes that of a wolf with icy determination. He destroyed everyone in his path, the rage etched into his features causing my heart to skip several beats.

He’s going to rip me apart, I realized, noting his massive size and feral growls. It was a thought that had crossed my mind several times before, but something about this Alpha made it all the more real.

He exuded a dominance that I felt deep within my soul, causing my wolf to whimper with the compulsion to submit immediately to his needs and allow him to do whatever he desired.

The other males tried to reach me first, but their bones snapped beneath his wrath and the growls of another.

I squeezed my legs together, both in need and in fear.

There wasn’t just one male coming for me, but two.

And from what I could read of their approach, they were equal in strength and stature.

If they both enter me at once…I trailed off, unable to fathom the experience. It would be unlike any of my history and would destroy me before I even had a chance to breathe.

Alpha Enrique’s snarl met my ears, his fury over the mounting situation evident. He knows I’m going to die. I tried to shift my attention to him, to tell him with my eyes that I accepted my fate, but strong hands wrapped around my waist before I could summon the strength to move.

My wolf immediately went limp, surrendering herself to the much stronger Alpha. He had me in his clutches now. There was nothing I could do but try to survive it.

I couldn’t tell which one held me, and I fought not to care. His heat wrapped around my clammy skin, making me moan as the vibrations continued to force my interest.

He tucked my head against his chest, then sprinted through the crowd, looking for a safe spot to mount his prey.

I closed my eyes, willing myself to find a secret place inside my mind that allowed me to escape the horrors that I knew were coming.

Only, icy air met my hot flesh what felt like half a beat later, drawing my eyelids upward once more.

He intends to knot me outside? In the snow?

I whined a little at the concept, not liking at all how that would feel. He’d probably leave me for dead afterward.

And what happened to the second Alpha? I wondered deliriously.

I could hear the howls and growls echoing behind us as this Alpha ran, but he was too fast for them. Too strong. Too dominant.

He eventually slowed his pace, leaving me to shake in his arms with a convoluted mixture of dread and anticipation.

I needed him inside me.

And yet, I knew his knot might kill me, too.

It was a dizzying combination of desires that stirred a mewling sound from my lips.

“Shh,” he hushed, the sound odd to my ears and accompanied by a low growl that stirred another of those moans from my throat.

He cradled me with one arm, holding me against his upper body, while his opposite palm roamed over me with interest. His fingers immediately touched my sensitive parts, stroking me like the prize he probably thought me to be.

The rumble in his chest intensified, his irritation palpable.

Something about my situation irked him. Was I not wet enough? Did he expect me to beg? To cry out with need? What did he—

The buzzing against my slick flesh ceased, stirring a shocked sigh from deep within. It was so sudden and unexpected that it prompted black dots to dance before my eyes.

Then the stimulators on my breasts disappeared, followed by the one placed deep inside my wet channel.

He yanked it out, like it was in the way.

A jolt ricocheted through me at an alarming rate, stealing my vision.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got you, little wolf,” the Alpha told me softly, his words reverberating through my mind.

I wasn’t sure if they were real.

Or if I’d made them up.

Regardless, I could only say one thing back to him. Yes, you have me. And that’s exactly what I’m afraid of.

I couldn’t tell if I’d voiced it out loud or not.

Likely the latter.

Because, by the time I even considered the thought, I’d already fallen into my coveted oblivion. A sea of darkness. My favorite state of being—unconsciousness.