Dirty Sexy Daddy by S.E. Law



It’s been really nice staying with James. Of course, I’m making it sound as if we’re having teenage sleepovers, but of course, our interactions are anything but innocent. Most nights, I’m utterly wrung out and sated by the time my lover is done with me. James has a way of coaxing multiple orgasms from my body, and there were a few times when I literally had an out of body experience. He made me feel like I was soaring in space, untethered to the Earth, it was that good. But the handsome man always brings me back with his tender aftercare, and that’s one of the reasons why I adore James as well. This man sponges and cleans my sensitive spots after every playdate, and then cuddles me close while whispering praise in me ear.

But it’s more than just fun in the sack. Tonight, we’re going on a real date, and I’m over-the-moon excited. I’ve gone all out with my outfit, which includes a short, salmon pink skirt, a white spaghetti strap top, and a light blue denim jacket. Underneath, I’m wearing special lingerie that James ordered: a baby pink lacy bra and matching panties. The crotch was a little bit different, almost like they were extra thick for some reason, but I didn’t question the gift. I’m sure it’s going to be fun.

On my feet are white kitten heels that add an arch to my posture, putting my girls front and center, and I curl my hair into beachy waves before letting the tresses fall over my shoulders. My makeup is simple with just a bit of eyeliner, some concealer, a hint of light pink lipstick, rose-copper blush, and some bronzer in the hollows of my cheeks.

At 8 p.m. sharp, there’s a knock and I fling open the front door before throwing my arms about James’s broad shoulders.

“Hi baby,” I greet in a whisper after a long kiss. “How was your day?” He’s so gorgeous in a dark suit that I almost want to say screw the date and have him ravish me instead. But he growls.

“My day was fine, and you look gorgeous, honey,” he replies, those blue eyes searing over my curves. “Good enough to eat.”

I giggle.

“Thank you, but I think you promised me something nourishing, and I’m starved. Ready to go?” I ask.

James nods as his gaze travels over my bodacious curves again. “I’m always ready for you,” he rasps, and I shiver. I don’t know how this man does it, but even a few words or a look from him can set me on fire. I’m now burning and shivering at once, but James is taking my hand and leading me into the elevator. Once we get to the building’s basement, he escorts me to a fabulously sleek Jaguar.

“Goodness!” I exclaim, my eyes going wide at the muscular yet elegant silver curves of the car. “This is such a beautiful vehicle!”

James nods while holding the door open for me.

“A beautiful ride for a beautiful woman,” he growls as I get in. Then, we zoom off into Manhattan, the city flying by. After about ten minutes, we pull to a stop in front of an elegant restaurant with a green awning that reads Dominina’s. A smartly dressed valet stands out front and bows as James steps out.

“My brother recommends this place,” my lover muses to me. “Apparently everything on the menu is amazing.”

I giggle.

“Well, I do like to eat, so I’m sure I’ll agree. But James, I didn’t know you had a brother!” is my surprised exclamation. After all, the handsome man hasn’t told me much about his life. He’s curiously close-mouthed, but as a woman of the night, I know better than to pry. It’s just not how things work in my profession.

Even worse, I have to remind myself not to get attached all the time. But I’m not sure my efforts are doing much good because I feel myself bubbling with joy at the smallest things, and it’s scary, to be honest. My time living in Mr. Montlake’s fancy apartment is quickly coming to an end, and I’m not sure what will happen afterwards. Of course, I’ll move back into my homey little studio, but it’s more than the physical environment. It’s that I’ll miss James, even if I wasn’t supposed to develop feelings for him to begin with.

But the billionaire seems totally at ease. He takes my hand as we approach the restaurant.

“I haven’t mentioned my brother?” he asks, tucking my hand into his elbow. “Well, we’re not super close, so that’s probably why. Luke’s my big bro, and he works at the family company too. By the way, I should let you know that my real last name isn’t Montlake,” he says with a rueful smile. “I just told City Girls that as an alias of sorts. My real last name is Montgomery.”

As if on cue, the hostess greets my date with a chirpy, “Welcome to Dominina’s, Mr. Montgomery. It’s good to see you again.”

I merely shake my head and murmur, “No, it’s okay. A lot of clients use fake names because granted, I’m not exactly in the most up-and-up business.”

James grins at me.

“Well, is your real name Simona Maybell?”

I giggle.

“It is. A few years ago, when I was a new girl, I thoughtlessly blurted my real name to a client, and after that it didn’t make sense to use an alias. I figure if someone really wants to find me, they can. After all, this is New York City,” I say.

James lets out a shout of laughter.

“Okay good. We’re on equal footing then. I’m James Fenimore Montgomery and you’re Simona Maybell.”

“Simona Ann Maybell,” I amend.

“Simona Ann,” he grins at me. “Very pretty.”

With that, we’re seated at the best table in the restaurant, and I look around, so thrilled to be with this man. Dominina’s décor is wild and zany, but in an elegant, modern way. There are pops of crimson and orange in an otherwise black, minimalist aesthetic, and flickering tea lights lend a cozy, intimate vibe.

“Knock yourself out, baby,” James rumbles. “Order anything you like from the menu. It’s all delicious. Oh, and by the way, it’s small,” he says.

I wrinkle my brow, confused.

“Small? This menu is definitely substantial,” I say, glancing in the leather-bound case.

He grins.

“No, I meant my family is small. It’s just me, my brother, and our mom. That’s it. My father died two years ago.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” is my heartfelt reply. I reach across the table to squeeze his hand. “It must’ve been hard to lose him.”

“Thank you, princess,” he growls. But then James shakes his head ruefully. “Well, it’s technically more than the three of us now. My brother got married, so he has a wife now, and I have a niece too. Sorry, sometimes I forget because a lot of this happened while I was overseas.”

I laugh.

“I take it you don’t get along with your sister-in-law very well?”

He grins.

“No, she’s fine. It’s a little more complicated than that, but I’ll tell you the story another time. But how about you, baby girl? Do you have any siblings?”

I shake my head.

“Nope. After my parents had me, they decided they didn’t want to have anymore, I was that bad,” I giggle. “When I was little, I used to beg them to give me a little brother or sister to play with, but they got me a dog instead.”

He smiles warmly. “I’m sure you were absolutely adorable, sweetheart. But what kind of dog did they get you?”

I beam.

“A Jack Russell Terrier. He’s mostly brown except for markings on his face and paws, and actually, he still lives with my parents in Jersey. Here, let me show you a picture.” Like a doting mother, I whip my phone out of my purse and scroll through my camera roll until I find a recent one that my mom sent me. “There he is.” I show the screen to James. “I named him Eddie. Isn’t he cute?”

“Eddie,” James repeats, admiring the adorable pup. “Isn’t that the same as the Jack Russell Terrier from Frasier? The name suits him though.”

“Yeah, it is from Frasier. I think all Jack Russells should be named Eddie, just like all Scottish Terriers should be named Toto. It works, don’t you think?”

My lover grins at me fondly.

“It does, sweetheart. Anything you like.”

I smile, my heart melting. “Thank you. And I think I’d like to write a story about Eddie someday too.”

James nods with approval.

“I think you should,” he growls. “You’re good at everything you do, honey, and I’m sure this will be amazing too. But do you ever get homesick? You’re still young, baby, and just out of college.”

I think for a moment and shake my head.

“No, not really. I used to, but not so much anymore. I talk to my parents at least once a week, and they send me lots of selfies, and sometimes even let Eddie say hello on the phone. Plus, I could never go back to New Jersey now. My life is here, in Manhattan, where I belong.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that,” James rumbles, running his fingers over the back of my hand. “I don’t know what I’d do without you around, sweetheart.”

My pulse zooms to a hundred in an instant, and my face starts to heat up. OMG, what is the billionaire saying? Is James hinting that he has feelings for me too, despite the fact that our relationship is fundamentally transactional?

Thankfully, I’m saved by the appearance of our server, and I order the chicken piccata while James asks for a rare steak with fries on the side. Our conversation is light and easygoing, and when the food arrives, it’s delicious. Each morsel is packed with so much flavor, it puts anything I could make to shame.

“Have some more,” my lovers says, offering me another bite of fry.

“Oh no, I couldn’t,” I giggle. “I’m stuffed!”

“There’s always room for more fries,” he intones before gently placing a kiss on my lips. “Especially when you’ve got a figure like yours, Simona. I want to keep you curvy and beautiful, and that means keeping you fed.”

I giggle because it’s true. My man adores my lushness, and has actually made me promise never to lose any weight. He doesn’t want me to lose my sex appeal, and I think having a Jessica Rabbit figure is very much part of that.

When we’ve had our fill, neither of us are ready to call it a night, so we hit up one of Manhattan’s clubs on the Far West side called the Shore.

“Have you been before?” I ask as we’re whisked by a velvet rope.

“You betcha,” my lover grins down at me, the shadows making his features look even more masculine and sharp. “Come on baby. You’ll have fun.”

The moment we step inside, a heavy bass thrums through my bones, making me shiver. Colored lights pulse as bodies slink and slither on the dance floor, almost making love in public. I’ve always adored dancing so I grab my man’s hand.

“Come on, dance with me!” I have to shout to be heard over the music.

James casts a skeptical look over the crowd of gyrating shadows but then shakes his head. “I don’t dance,” comes his low growl.

My eyes widen. “No, it’s fun! How can someone as well traveled as you not dance? You must have gone clubbing a lot when you were in Bangkok!”

But again, he shakes his head with an amused little grin. “Listen, I was busy doing something else that had nothing to do with dancing in Bangkok. But you go ahead, baby girl. I’ll get us some drinks, alright?”

I pout and nod, already shimmying in time to the music. Then, the gorgeous man kisses my forehead and heads to the bar to grab some cocktails. Almost immediately, I feel a large pair of hands wrap around my hips as I sway with the beat. The stranger whisks me to the dance floor with a low growl, and I let myself get pulled in by the music.

After a few minutes, my eyes open and I see James staring at me from across the room. Oh shit. He looks semi-angry, not to mention a bit aroused. I throw him a saucy wink before twirling seductively in the stranger’s arms. The man I’m with takes that as a sign, and runs his big palms up and down my sides in a gentle caress. He doesn’t touch anywhere private, but it’s enough to arouse possession in my benefactor. Drinks forgotten, James stalks towards us, those blue eyes flashing. His shoulders are stiff and expression threatening as he cuts between the stranger and me.

“Hey, what the?” the other man protests.

My lover merely turns his back and rasps, “Get your own girl, asshole.”

Then, he pulls me against his chest as I wiggle my assets against him, making him growl. “I bet you think you’re quite clever, don’t you honey?”

I throw him a look of mock innocence. “But my prince, you’re such an amazing dancer,” I say. “It’d be such a shame if you didn’t show off your moves.”

He snorts and then squeezes my ass possessively. “Oh really? My moves, huh? Well, two can play at this game. Are you wearing those panties I got you?”

I giggle. “Of course I am, my prince.”

He grins devilishly before leaning down to whisper in my ear, “Good, because you need to be punished. You know bad girls always end up paying a price.”

Suddenly, a jolt of vibrating pleasure courses up my body from my clit and I let out a breathy shriek. Good thing it’s loud in the club because I’m sure others would think I was having a convulsive fit. But instead, my panties are vibrating and my pussy gushes hotly as I moan, clinging to my man’s strong biceps.

“Oh god,” I moan. “Oh god, oh god, oh god.”

James merely grins, his blue eyes glinting in the darkness.

“Like I said, baby girl, God can’t help you now. Only I can.”

With that, pure sensation explodes through my veins as I come hard on the dance floor. My knees buckle as my womanhood convulses violently, but fortunately, James is there to hold me up, crooning in my ear the entire time.

“That’s my good girl,” he whispers as I grip his shoulders, trying to fight off another orgasm. “Let go and let yourself feel.”

A second massive climax tears through me, and I’m literally crying this time with sheer ecstasy. This man always makes me feel so good, so how can I leave him? How can I continue this agonizing dance of pleasure and pain, knowing that our relationship has a set end point? Suddenly, in my heart of hearts, I realize that it’s already too late for me. I’ve fallen in love with James Montgomery, and there’s nothing I can do about it.