Fiery Fighter Daddy by Scott Wylder













I woke the next morning to the smell of coffee and bacon. My stomach rumbled with hunger. I sat up and stretched, feeling more rested than I had in a long time. I smiled slightly. It had been really easy to fall asleep, especially when I knew Scott was right next door. His presence made me feel safe and secure.

I opened my suitcase and pulled out a sundress. I slipped it on before going downstairs to find Scott.

He was in the kitchen, whisking some eggs at the counter. Without a shirt on.

My breath caught in my throat. I had seen him shirtless during the fight, of course. But now, a couple of days later, I could see purplish bruises covering his rib cage and back. They were splotchy and angry looking against his pale skin.

Scott turned to smile at me. “Good morning,” he said. “I hope you like veggie omelets and bacon.”

I barely heard him. I was too busy looking at the bruises. “Do those hurt?” I asked. “Do you get those after every fight?”

He looked down, realizing where I was looking.

“They’re called bouts,” he said. “Not fights. And yes, I get them often. It comes with the job. But they’re not that bad. They’re a little tender but they don’t hurt. I didn’t break a rib this time, which is good.”

My eyes widened. “This time? Do you often break your ribs in f… bouts?”“A few times, yes. But I wouldn’t call it often.” He rubbed the back of his neck, looking a little self-conscious. “I’m sorry. I should have put on a shirt before coming downstairs. I’m not used to having guests and I didn’t think about it.” He moved to leave, probably to go put on a shirt.

“No, I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ve never seen someone after a fight. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

He smirked. “I’m pretty sure that’s my line. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I feel like that’s all I do.”

“No, you don’t! I mean, yes, I’m a little nervous, but I don’t think you’re going to hurt me.”“Good.” He looked relieved. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that, little one.”I smiled, feeling a small flutter at his pet name for me. For some reason, it made me happy.

“Now sit down,” he said. “Breakfast will be ready soon.”I sat down at the table. “Thank you. I’ll make dinner tonight. It’s the least I can do.”

“How about we make it together?” he asked as he poured the egg mixture into a cast iron pan.

I pouted slightly. “But you’ve already done so much for me. I have to repay you somehow.”“You don’t. You don’t owe me anything, understand?” His voice grew firm as he shot me a stern look.

“I owe you everything,” I whispered. “You saved me.”

“Because I wanted to and because you needed it. Not because I expect something in return.” He turned to me. His face was tense, but I couldn’t understand his expression. He looked almost sad. “You don’t owe me anything, Hazel. I want you to know that. Please.”

I sighed. How was I going to make him understand that he basically pulled me out of Hell? If it wasn’t for him, I’d be getting screamed at--or worse--by Todd right now. Only to go to work and get the same treatment from his mother. But with Scott, I was safe. I was happy. Maybe it wasn’t a big deal for him. But it was for me.

“I know you don’t think so,” I said. “But I do.”

He shook his head, swallowing. “You wouldn’t think that if…” he stopped suddenly.

“If what?” I asked.

“Never mind.” He turned back to making breakfast.

“If what?” I repeated.

“I said never mind.”

I fell silent.

He finished making breakfast and served me an omelet and bacon, as well as a cup of coffee and water.

“Make sure you eat everything and drink all of your water,” he said. “You need to regain your strength. I’m going to leave for a while today. I have to sort everything out with the press and then I’m going to start training for my next bout. Feel free to go anywhere in the house and help yourself to anything you find, okay?”

“You’re leaving now? You haven’t even eaten anything.”He pulled a protein bar out of his pocket. “Don’t worry, I’m all right. I need to get going. It’s a bit of a drive to the press conference. Just rest and relax today, okay? Can you do that for me, little one?”

A smile melted over my face. It still made me incredibly happy when he called me that. I nodded. “Yes,” I said in a small voice.

He smiled as well. “Good girl.”

A warm flush spread over my cheeks. I liked it when he praised me. It made me feel like I did something right and it reminded me that he wanted me here. But I knew that he was keeping something from me. If I didn’t know any better, I would say he wanted me as a girlfriend. But that couldn’t be right. I was a mess. Not only that, but I knew next to nothing about MMA. Why would he want me over someone who could actually appreciate his work? The idea was ludicrous. But as I watched him leave to go to the press conference, I felt a small twinge of sadness at the thought. I should know better, but I couldn’t help but want to belong to him.