Fiery Fighter Daddy by Scott Wylder










I hadn’t been kidding about my place having plenty of space. It was a three-story house out on the outskirts of Knoxville. It used to be a ranch, but I had only purchased a couple acres of the original property. I planted a lot of trees, hoping to eventually have a nice shady piece of property to run laps around.

Hazel’s eyes widened as we got out of the cab. There was nothing but the sounds of birds and a faint breeze. The air smelled clean and fresh. It was a far cry from the slightly stale air that always seemed to fill the cities.

A stone pathway led up to the front porch, where two rocking chairs rested. The entire house was painted white with cheerful blue shutters. I chose this place because it was so peaceful. It helped me recover from the stress of bouts. “This is beautiful,” she said breathlessly.

I smiled. I was glad she enjoyed it as much as I did. Hopefully, she wouldn’t want to leave anytime soon. I wanted her to feel comfortable here with me. I wanted to take care of her for as long as she would let me.

“I’m glad you like it,” I said. “Let’s go in. We can have some dinner and then get you to bed. You must be exhausted.” It was almost nine o’clock at night and we had a long day.

She followed me inside. I told her to leave her luggage by the front door--I would take it up to the guest room later. And then I led her into the kitchen, where I took out a couple of frozen meals. “Normally I would cook, but it’s getting kind of late,” I said. “Hope you don’t mind a teriyaki chicken power bowl.”

“That sounds perfect,” she said. “But let me make them. You’ve already done so much for me.”“Don’t even think about it,” I said. “Sit down. You’ve had a much longer couple of days than me.”“I’m not the one who beat somebody up,” she muttered.

I winced a little. I didn’t regret giving Todd a black eye and a broken nose. He deserved much worse for what he had done to her. But I do wish I hadn’t upset her. She didn’t deserve to feel guilty over that asshole. She deserved a lot better.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I should have handled it differently.”

“He could have hurt you.”I smirked slightly as I popped the meals into the oven to cook. “I’m used to getting hurt. It’s part of the job. But trust me, Todd didn’t hurt me. He doesn’t know how to fight or how to hide his tells when he’s thinking of throwing a punch. You don’t have to worry about me.”

She nodded hesitantly, but she didn’t look convinced.

I turned to put on the tea kettle. “How about some chamomile tea with your food? It might help you sleep better tonight.”Hazel smiled. “That sounds nice.”

“Good.” I hoped I could keep her smiling instead of scaring her.

After dinner, I carried her luggage up to her room, which was the guest room next to mine.

“The bathroom is down the hall, and I’m right next door if you need anything,” I said. “Anything at all. And if you want to play music to help you sleep, it won’t bother me. I promise.” I didn’t care what she did if it kept her from screaming in her sleep like the night before.

She smiled and suddenly threw her arms around my shoulders in a hug. I stepped back in surprise but then grinned and hugged her back. Her body felt so small and delicate pressed against mine. It felt so good. I didn’t want it to end. “Thank you,” she whispered. “For everything.”I closed my eyes. “You don’t have to thank me, little one.” The endearment slipped out before I could stop it. I pulled away from her. “Shit. I didn’t mean to say that. I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t apologize.” She smiled, but a small blush rose to her cheeks. “I kind of liked it.”

Her head dipped down in embarrassment, her hair covering her face. “Goodnight,” she said before scampering into her room and shutting the door.

I stared at her door before I realized I was grinning like an idiot. She was so adorable. And so sexy.

I went to my own room and shut the door. It was a good thing she hadn’t noticed how hard she made me. The more time I spent with her, the more I wanted her to be my Little.

I lay down on my bed. I shouldn’t be thinking of her like that. She just needed help. She was still a little scared of me. Even though she was getting more comfortable around me, I could tell she was still nervous. Having a Little doesn’t work if the Little is scared. She is supposed to be comfy and happy around her Daddy. She needs to know her Daddy will always have her best interests at heart and never hurt her.

Hazel might set off my Daddy instincts. And she might be the very image of a Little in need of some love and care. But nothing could ever happen.

I unzipped my pants and pulled out my hard cock. Maybe if I let out some of my pent-up energy, I would be able to function better around her.

Slowly, I stroked my hard cock, imagining a faceless Little under me, wearing a puffy dress and a cute little adult diaper. I would peel that diaper off her to reveal her sweet little pussy underneath. After slipping a finger into her slick folds, I would tease her by thrusting that finger in and out of her tight hole until she starts moaning. Once she was nice and ready for me, I would shove my cock into her pussy. I moaned, slightly as I imagined it. I stroked my cock even harder, imagining it being surrounded by my Little’s warmth.

But then the faceless Little started to look like Hazel, until she was looking up at me as I fucked her harder and harder. I gasped, imagining her moaning, her face flushed with pleasure as I claimed her body as mine. I came all over myself, imagining her writhing with pleasure underneath me.

I took a shuddering breath as I came down from my orgasm. I sighed and covered my face with my hands. There was no denying it. I wanted her as my Little. I wanted to be her Daddy.