Breathless Secrets by Elizabeth Lennox


Should she step in and save him? 

Molly snuck a glance at the secret service agents.  They weren’t overly concerned about the ambush.  So, instead of stepping in and giving an assist, Molly sat down in one of the comfortable chairs and watched the battle unfold. 

“You can’t do it, Daddy!” six year old Melissa’s voice yelped as she jumped on her father’s shoulders. 

James laughed, pretending to collapse onto the carpet. 

“Yes, he can!” four year old Michael asserted, reaching down to pull his father’s arms away. 

James laughed, and grunted as he rolled over, allowing both Michael and Melissa to attack his vulnerable stomach, which really wasn’t all that vulnerable, since it was still packed with muscles.  Even after years of marriage, two senate campaigns and the latest election, James had maintained his rigorous workout routine and was still the magnificent man that she’d met so many years ago.  He still made her laugh, still tormented her with his outrageous comments, and still made her scream with passion just about every night. 

Goodness she adored him, Molly thought as her smile increased. 

Obviously, James had endured enough “torture” because he stood up with a roar, causing both children to squeal with delight.  With a child under each arm, he walked over to where Molly was sitting. 

“You could have helped me,” he groused. 

Molly laughed, rubbing her full belly.  “I thought you were handling it well enough on your own,” she admitted. 

James shook his head.  “You’re going to pay for abandoning me to these little hellions,” he warned.

Molly smiled.  Even after all this time, that look of promise still made her heart pound with anticipation.  “Promise?” she asked.

James nodded. “Absolutely!” he told her. 

Molly laughed as Michael and Melissa looked at each other, sharing a grimace, as they always did when their parents got “mushy”. 

“Are you ready?” she asked. 

He sighed and looked down at his children.  “You two ready?”

They both grinned, nodding enthusiastically.  “We’ll be very quiet!” Melissa promised. 

James laughed.  “Good enough.  Let’s do this!”

James led his family to the armored limousine that took them to the steps of the US Capitol building.  After a great deal of pomp, Molly held the bible for James, who laid his hand on top and took the oath of office to become President of the United States. 

A message from Elizabeth:

Okay – what did you think?  Was “Breathless Secrets” too political?  Did I handle the issues well enough?  I tried very hard to make the political issues non-partisan.  I think politics is tearing up, not just the United States, but other countries as well.  I wanted this story to be deeply romantic – and not get hung up on the political issues.  Please – let me know if I hit it right, or if I failed and how I can improve.  Not that I have another “political” story coming in the future.  But I always want to know if you enjoyed my stories and how I can do better for each and every one of you wonderful readers. 

As usual, I’m asking for reviews on your preferred retail site.  Reviews are so painfully important and I read all of them.  Here’s a QUICK LINK to the review page – and I thank you – as do so many other readers who are looking for a story to escape from their problems. 

Last month, I received 108 reviews.  With your help – do you think we can top that number?  I’d love it if we could!  (I’m such a data person!  Weird, right?

As well as a review – would you mind spreading the word?  Just tell ONE PERSON about my books OR – could you post a link to this story on your social media page?  If you post the link – email me a picture of the post to [email protected] and I’ll choose three submissions at random for a prize! 

(As usual, if you don’t want to leave feedback in a public forum, feel free to e-mail me directly at [email protected].  I answer all e-mails personally, although it sometimes takes me a while.  Please don’t be offended if I don’t respond immediately.  I tend to lose myself in writing stories and have a hard time pulling my head out of the book.) 

Thank you!  Seriously – a big, huge hug for your help in making this book, and all of my stories, a success!  I can’t do it without you! 


(Keep scrolling for a fun excerpt from next month’s “In Love with the Wrong Man”!)