Family Affair by Elle M Thomas

Chapter 10




We enter the club, and I must admit it has a nice vibe to it. It’s not as big as Dazzler and it is only across one floor but there are two bars, a huge dance floor and a good variety of seating. Mase is still checking his phone and sighing. He’d already told Liv to wait outside because we were literally five minutes away. Liv, as she does, did the opposite and text him to say she was in the club. With his messages and attempts to make contact fruitless, Mase puts his phone away to scan the club. I hear an eighties track come on, maybe a power ballad about needing a hero and then in the middle of the dancefloor we see her at the same second.

“For fuck’s sake!” Mase curses while I laugh at him and the captive audience my sister-in-law is holding on the dancefloor.

My brother is already making his way to her, and I am simply following. Nobody dances quite like Liv. I laugh as I recall making her a job offer to be my professional dancefloor filler, an offer she giggled at. The same offer that got me a hard punch to the arm from Mase. Her arms are up in the air as she dances in a series of actions that appear to show her serenading the gathered crowd. She does look bloody phenomenal with her amazing body packed tightly into a pair of skin-tight black trousers and a tiny gold vest style top. Her pregnancy is undetectable in her current state, but I am convinced that even when she is nine months’ pregnant, she is still likely to be hot. Mase has reached her now and as pissed off as he looked when he pulled her to him his expression is already softening, especially when she wraps her arms around him before dancing for him.

I think I might as well grab a drink from the bar when something catches my eye, somebody near Liv. A fucking vision in black lace, Anita. She is wearing a very short dress that has a plunging back I see when she twirls on the dancefloor. Her legs look bare meaning that other than the dress she is likely to be wearing just a pair of pants. Her tiny frame as she dances looks as though she needs protecting and her tits and arse are calling to be cupped, held. As I watch, it appears that somebody else agrees because a man is zeroing in on her. His hands are already on her hips as he appears behind her. My look for him is as murderous as my look for her is salacious. I catch Mase’s eye, or he’s caught mine. Either way he is following my glare, but I am already making my way to where Anita is standing. Briefly, I see Mase say something to Liv who momentarily looks uncomfortable but then smiles as I close the distance.

“Anita.” I turn my attention to the man with his hands on my lady’s hips still. Fuck, she is not mine, but even so, she certainly isn’t this fucker’s! “You need to take your hands off her.”

He looks at me and smirks. God I am going to wipe that smirk off his fucking face if he doesn’t have a word with himself and unhand Anita.

“Now.” I insist, taking another step forward and increase the menacing expression on my face.

I feel Mase step alongside me, but I really do not need my big brother to fight this particular battle.

“Okay, okay.” The guy laughs but he does remove his hands, then the dumb twat allows his mouth to run. “You clearly have something going on so if you’re banging it, I will graciously retreat.”

I think he had more words he planned on sharing, but I stop him right there with his banging comment because Anita is not someone you bang. My fist is already colliding with this joker’s jaw and my other hand is grabbing Anita’s arm to pull her away. Bouncers are already heading towards the dancefloor, and I have no doubt we are all about to be ejected from the place. So much for checking out the competition, although as Anita’s hand grips mine, I figure the night is a greater success than I dared dream.

We are leaving the club and along with the initial pleasure at having Anita’s hand in mine, I can feel anger surfacing too, not at the guy I have just punched, but her. For being there, no, not being there because I know for sure that Liv was responsible for that. My anger at her is for being on that dancefloor, allowing another man to put his hands on her and then I am seething about that guy she was seeing, of what they did together. I am unsure if she senses my conflicting emotions but as I turn to face her, she looks wary, apprehensive, but not afraid.

“You!” I snap.

Her response is to bite and nibble her lip rendering me helpless to do anything other than kiss her.

She is pressed against a wall, my weight crushing her as I tilt her head and drop my mouth over hers and am handsomely rewarded by a low moan echoing around us as it escapes her lips. My hand is skimming over her outer thigh to her hip that I am digging my fingers into, pulling her into my body. The sensation of her squirming beneath me spurs me on because I can feel that she is beside herself with the feelings and desires I am bringing to the surface in her, the same ones she evokes in me. Her hands are reaching up, raking my head, tugging my hair as I overpower her tongue that had been attempting to compete with mine but no more, she is compliant and submissive now, whimpering and whining. Then a new sound comes, but from behind me, Mase.

“Anita,” he says, looking past me to where a dishevelled but very sexy looking Anita is, still resting against the wall with her eyes wide and her lips swollen. “Are things, okay?” he asks, and I almost feel sorry for him when I take in his mortified expression at finding us kissing, clearly in a very okay position.

“Things are fine,” I say with a huge grin that quickly disappears when Mase continues.

“Anita,” he repeats. “We’re going. Courtesy of Rocky here, we were asked to leave too, but you can come with us. If that’s what you want.”

I am considering how many ways I can tell him to back the fuck off when Anita replies. “Thanks, but I’m fine, with Dec.”

She looks across at me and smiles but her smile quickly dwindles leaving only an unsure expression I don’t like and then I realise she is giving me a get out. She wants me not to cock this up again by reminding her that she needs to go home once we’re done. I will not balls this up again.

“Cupcake, you are more than fine with me,” I assure her and immediately reinstate her full smile which in turn makes me reciprocate.

“Aww,” Liv suddenly chips in. “He called her Cupcake,” she says, and I swear she is actually crying.

“Baby,” Mase says as he pulls her close while Anita laughs and then explains to me.

“Hormones, she cries now.”

“And then some,” Mase mutters but is already preparing to lead his wife away. Not before she’s hugged my lady and warned me though.

“Dec, I love you, but don’t be a dick and make me have to hurt you.”

I can’t help but laugh, although I assure her that I intend to do this right. “Scout’s honour,” I say and salute her.




Uncertainty is beginning to kick in as we grab a taxi back to Dec’s after Mase’s intervention regretfully broke the moment. Although I should probably be grateful he did intervene or at least interrupt because without his arrival I would have probably shagged Dec there and then against a wall and most likely been arrested which I am sure would thrill my parents even more than my other recent behaviour. We are both quiet, but I am unsure if doubts are creeping in for us both or whether we’re so aware of the electric tension that I’m sure can be heard crackling between us that we can’t risk a word or even a glance lighting the touch paper that will see us ripping each other’s clothes off in the back of the cab, oblivious to anyone or anything else.

It’s no surprise when we pull up in front of a new and quite swanky looking block of apartments located a relatively short distance from Dazzler. I wonder if the location was part of the attraction in choosing his home and then question if he and Mase share their control freak tendencies. That would explain why they both live so close to their work, their businesses, although Mase lives in his office building so maybe he is more controlling than Dec who I realise is helping me out of the cab.

With my hand safely in his, we enter the secure building and head straight to the lift that comes to a standstill in a matter of seconds. We still haven’t spoken but as the lift door closes and I plan to speak, I am literally knocked sideways by Dec who has me pressed firmly against the mirrored wall next to the control panel. I have no idea how he has managed it, but the lift is already rising, much like my dress. Dec has one hand in my hair, angling my head so that it is in the perfect position for his mouth to capture it and his other hand is beneath my dress, sliding up my leg until he is cupping my silky covered behind. He squeezes my flesh quite firmly, but his powerful, almost painful kisses stop. 

With his eyes firmly fixed on mine he tells me, warns me maybe, “I am very fucking pleased to find you at least have pants on, Cupcake. If you hadn’t, I think I might have spanked your sexy fucking arse until it glowed.”

I have never been spanked, neither of my parents have ever hit me or my brothers and I think it is unnecessary. I don’t understand the message it sends beyond I am bigger, stronger, and higher ranking than you so do as I say and want, or I will hurt you. I am especially confused when parents smack their children for hitting or fighting. That baffles me every time. However, now, in this moment I would happily bend over and welcome the feel of Dec’s hand on my behind and the breathy gasps and moans I am releasing seem to convey that to him who is still rubbing his hand over my behind, although a finger is slipping beneath the elastic of my underwear now. Instinctively I spread my legs to give him greater access to my body. I think he is going to accept the invitation when the lift comes to a stop and the doors open.

Released by Dec, my hand is now back in his and he is virtually dragging me towards a door that he quickly unlocks. He leads me in and instantly I am pressed against another wall, my third one tonight, but I am hoping we won’t be disturbed this time as our lips clash, and we commence battle once more. Dec doesn’t disappoint me when he pins me beneath his weight that is almost too much, but not quite and his tongue is already winning the almost familiar dance we partake in every time we do this. I force myself to divert my attention away from the fact that we have started this several times before and have fucked it up each time in spectacular style. Instead, I refocus on his hands that are everywhere, or at least that’s how it feels. His lips that are shaping my own, caressing them until they are moulded into the perfect shape for his while his tongue seems to work in perfect unison with mine, like they were made to find each other. Like they belong together. My tongue is submissive to his dominant one that is teasing, taunting and provoking mine to react, it doesn’t. It simply absorbs the feelings he evokes in me from my erratic breathing, hot and flushed skin, pebbling nipples and slick arousal between my thighs, taking whatever Dec gives it and it and I am beyond grateful for it. The sharp sensation of teeth grazing and then sinking into my full bottom lip startles me enough that I cry out in shock as much as anything. I am sure I taste the metallic tang of blood but before I have time to consider that further, Dec is drawing my lower lip into his mouth where he simply sucks it.

“Dec,” I say when he eventually releases my mouth completely to gaze down at me as he brushes the loose hair back off my face.

“Yes, Cupcake.” He grins, his white teeth clearly visible in the darkness of the hall.

“Take me to bed,” I shamelessly plead and like that, with no further words, he is leading me down a hallway to the bedroom I know I won’t be spending the whole night in, but I am okay with that. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.