Family Affair by Elle M Thomas

Chapter 18




I am sitting talking to my niece, well, she is talking at me and by talking at me I mean interrogating me.

“So, who is Anita again?”

I stare down at her, having already answered this question numerous times, plus she already knows who she is.

“Liv’s sister,” I repeat.

Mia looks back at me and shakes her head before quirking an eyebrow that is essentially her calling me out on my bullshit.

“But who is she? Like really?”

I look across to my sister who quickly turns away, refusing to get stuck in the middle of this, unlike Mase who is now sitting the other side of our niece.

“Yes, Dec, who is Anita, like really?”

I fight off the near overpowering urge to tell him to fuck off and address Mia. “I don’t understand your question.”

Mase sniggers while Mia rolls her eyes. “Who is she to you? Why have you brought her here?” She turns to my brother. “Uncle Mase, doesn’t Liv have some brothers?”

He nods his head. “She does.”

“So why aren’t they here too, Uncle Dec?”

And now there is nowhere to hide. I have just had my arse handed to me by my almost teenage niece and I have no clue what to say. Fortunately, Mase chooses this moment to come good and save me.

“She was at a loose end, so Liv and I invited her to come to ours, but then Grandma reminded us we were coming over, so, we asked if Anita could come with us, and as Uncle Dec is really unpopular and has no friends, Anita is keeping him company.”

Mia laughs at the last bit but seems to buy what Mase is saying.

We are all distracted by the sight of one of our stepsister’s, Imelda entering the room with her children and husband, Christian.

“Great,” mutters Mase at the sight of Olivia’s former boss who is still a dick to her, Christian, who is already making a beeline for us.

“If it’s not the Chuckle Brothers.” He laughs, taking a seat next to me which if he insists on sitting with us, it’s better next to me rather than Mase who is more likely to punch him, especially if he starts hurling shitty comments and insults Liv’s way.

I look across and see a group of children, including Christian’s, chatting and playing together.

“The kids look well,” I say, hoping to strike up a safe conversation.

He shrugs and heads into territory that is anything but safe, although I am unsure if he realises just how potentially unsafe it might be.

“I hear we have another waif and stray interloper in our midst.”

I frown my confusion at him, unlike my brother who physically bristles.

“And rumour has it that she is of the Carrington variety.” The contempt with which he says Olivia’s maiden name is shocking and unmistakable.

I resent his derogatory tone when referring to Anita, and I don’t know why, but I have an overwhelming urge to point out that Anita is not a Carrington but assume his issue with Anita is her connection to Olivia.

“Back the fuck off,” Mase says in a hushed tone. “You start your shit today, Christian, and I swear to everything I hold dear that I will put you on your arse before throwing you out of this house and you won’t be coming back.”

Mase gets to his feet just as Olivia returns with our mother and strides over to stand between them, one arm draped around each of them.

Christian openly sneers at Olivia before scanning the rest of the room. “Where is she then, the other Carrington slapper?”

I am scanning the room myself, looking for Anita, focusing on Tommy returning without her when my brain deciphers what Christian has just said and my fury rises in an instant.

“Watch your mouth,” I snap, not as quietly as my brother judging by the eyes in the room focusing on me. “You don’t even know her, so wind your neck in or it will be me rather than Mase putting you on your arse.”

He looks slightly taken aback, not that I can blame him for that. I am a little taken aback by my reaction. Mase is the fiery one not me and yet, where Anita is concerned, I will fight for her. I will defend her against any insults or threats because she is mine and I love her.


This is not what I planned or expected. This was not supposed to happen, not to me. Not ever and yet, here I am! This is not what we agreed and while I was warning her that I wasn't looking for more, I am the one to fall for her and I hadn't even realised until this very second.

Christian looks startled by my final, one word outburst, and why wouldn’t he be? I am startled by it. My expletive clearly came out a lot louder than I thought as I notice my brother frown at me but looks across at Christian accusingly, so I assume he thinks he has said something else.

I shake my head at Mase and walk over to Tommy. “Anita?”

He smiles at me, presumably seeing through my façade of Anita being here as anything other than my plus one. My lady. My Cupcake.

“Went to find the downstairs bathroom.”

I nod at him and without another word, I am off to find her.

Loitering in the hallway, I smile when the bathroom door opens and Anita appears. She really does look amazing and I regret not fully taking that in earlier. When she looks up and sees me, she flashes me the brightest of smiles.

“I thought you’d run out on me,” I tell her and she laughs.

“Not yet.”

“You’re going nowhere without me today, Cupcake.” My firm tone confirms I mean every word. “I haven’t even kissed you today.” I am already pulling her towards me, oblivious of our public location.

“Dec,” she warns, more aware of where we are. “Someone might see.”

“I don’t care.”

She looks startled, but it’s true.

“Come on.” I take her hand and lead her to the kitchen where we can grab a drink and I can kiss her.


We have barely crossed the threshold to the kitchen when I pounce. I have her pinned between my body and the island that sits in the middle of the room and am kissing her hard. She offers no resistance and responds to me immediately, her body softening against mine as her arms wind around my neck so she can pull me in even closer.

I capture her moans and mewls in my mouth, both of us oblivious to anything or anyone that isn’t us and the closeness we’re sharing and that lasts right up to the point that a cough signals we are no longer alone. The cough is quickly followed by a laugh.


We both turn to see Liv grinning in our direction.

Anita flushes while I return my sister-in-law’s grin with one of my own.

“No judgement from me,” she assures us, maybe Anita more than me. “Mase and I have been caught in compromising positions on multiple occasions, most of them by Dec.”

I shrug, unable to dispute what she is saying.

“Right, you need to go and guard my husband who is ready to announce my pregnancy,” she says to me before turning to Anita. “But you can stay while I find something my baby wants to eat.”

I give Anita a single kiss to her lips before moving over to where Liv stands and drop a quick peck to the cheek that she swats away but smiles at me warmly as I leave the girls alone.




Watching on as Liv mooches around the kitchen, I wonder what is going on with Dec. He seems different. Different to his slightly offhand and awkward self who was in the car when Mase picked me up, and even more different to his usual cocky routine. This one seems a little more serious, and yet not serious…perhaps more intense, either way, he is different, and I have no clue why.

“Brownie?” Liv’s offer of one of the trays of sweet treats she has found interrupts my thoughts about Dec’s mood.

I laugh as she takes another couple before passing me the tray.

“Charlotte bakes the best brownies, ever.”

I quirk a disbelieving brow and my sister seems to remember that I am a baker.

“Ah, well, you’ve never made me any, but I am happy to do the comparison test.”

With a brownie entering my mouth, my response about her trying to get herself double brownies is muffled.

“What’s up with Dec?” she asks when her own mouth is empty.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

She rolls her eyes. “He seems weird, more weird than usual. He was a bit arsy when we picked you up.”

I give her a look that I hope will encourage her to expand on that. It doesn’t.

“I threatened to punch him.”


She waves her hand at me, dismissing my question.

“Anyway, he went from that, to back to normal and then, you and him in here…” Her voice trails off.

“What? Me and him in here, what?” I don’t understand what she means by that because as she said herself, her and Mase are no strangers to being caught out and Mase has caught us in various stages of undress.

Liv looks awkward. “I dunno. I mean, you were kissing and whatever else you were doing, but it was weird.”

“Weird?” I am unsure if I am beginning to feel a sense of judgement from her or whether I am simply becoming offended by the aforementioned judgement.

“Yeah. Don’t look at me like that! Not bad weird, just weird as in, clingy.”

“Clingy?” I am definitely leaning towards offended at the inference that I am clingy.

“Yes, bloody clingy. Dec doesn’t do clingy, and yet when I walked in, he seemed clingy and needy.” She shudders. “This is not a side of Declan I am familiar with, and I just don’t know what to do with that.”

I laugh, no longer offended when I realise that she has noticed the change in Dec and is in no way judging me or my relationship with him. The only one she is judging and not in a negative way is Declan.

“I thought I was imagining it, but he is different, isn’t he?”

She nods, another brownie disappearing into her mouth.

“Girls, here you are?” Charlotte appears behind us and immediately spots Liv with possibly only half a tray of brownies now. “Hungry?” she asks but wears a huge smile.

Liv looks uncomfortable, then I remember that her pregnancy is still a secret, so maybe she doesn’t want to fake hunger when she had earlier blamed her baby’s need for food.

Charlotte moves closer and pulls Liv in for a huge hug. “I am guessing this is a secret, but I knew the second I saw you today and this…” she points towards the tray of brownies, “This just confirms it. That and the fact that Mason is fit to burst.”

Liv laughs. “I hope you don’t mind that we didn’t tell you first.”

Charlotte looks towards me, then back to Liv. “I assume Auntie Anita is in on the secret, and Uncle Dec?”

Liv nods looking guilty.

“Of course I don’t mind. I’m just thrilled for you both and to be having another grandbaby on the way.” She hugs Liv more tightly before grabbing my hand and pulling me in to join their little hug fest. “But unless we want Mason to have some kind of episode, I won’t ask you to carry anything out there for me.”

Charlotte is already gathering trays of drinks and snacks.

“Let me,” I offer, happy to help and glad to have a distraction from Dec’s change in mood.

“Thank you.” Charlotte replies with a grin for me and then pauses. “Declan likes you.”

I am like a rabbit caught in the headlights, unsure what Dec has told her about us, if anything, and more unsure what to say in response.

“Come on then, before they all follow us in here.”

Clearly, I don’t need to say anything then.

I follow Charlotte with a tray in each hand as Liv mutters something about needing a wee again.


Dec grabs the trays from me as soon as I appear with his mother, looking slightly irritated.

“You are not waiting staff,” he mutters.

“I know, and neither is your mother. I was helping and as she has guessed about Liv being pregnant, she wouldn’t let her carry anything.”

“Ah. Sorry. I want you to feel comfortable here, not like you’ve catered the afternoon.”

I nod, reach up and stroke his cheek. “Thank you.”

He smiles, a warm and gentle smile that melts my heart and heats me up as I realise, I don’t think I have ever seen him wear that smile before.

Suddenly, there is nobody else present, it’s just us and I swear he is leaning in to kiss me when Mase appears, oblivious to our moment.

“Where’s Liv?” Before I can answer, he checks out the trays Dec is holding. “No brownies, so I am guessing if I find the brownies, I will find my wife.”

I laugh as I give him an affirming nod.

“Mason.” We all turn to see Bethy summoning her oldest brother. “Come here, we need to talk.”

Charlotte is standing next to her daughter wearing a slightly guilty expression making me think that Liv and Mase’s baby secret is even less of a secret than it was.

“Go,” I tell him. “You go and get grilled, and I’ll retrieve Liv from the brownies.” I smile up at Dec and take in just how gorgeous he is.

“What?” He frowns a little awkwardly.

“Nothing, just you make a very handsome waiter.”

He laughs. “Jeez, your pickup lines are cheesy, but I’m glad you appreciate my waiting skills, because later, I intend to be at your beck and call.”

I flush, knowing he is talking sex.

“Yup! Your every wish is going to be catered for.”

I flush a little deeper but seem to have lost the power of speech.

He laughs. “Go and save the brownies before Liv eats them all.”




I am about to re-enter the kitchen when I hear voices; one man and one woman. Liv is the woman and the man’s voice is familiar, too.

“So, whoring yourself to Mase is working out well for you!”

The venom in the man’s voice is shocking to me. It sounds as if this person holds real hatred for Liv, something I didn’t think was possible from anyone.

“Christian, this really is unnecessary. For whatever reason, you don’t like me, never have, but whether you like it or not we are going to be thrown together at these types of occasions.”

“I don’t like it and if I have my way those opportunities will be limited in number and time.”

I move closer, but don’t quite enter the kitchen. I can see Liv standing near the island in the middle of the room.

“Whatever. You keep being a dick to me and see how that works out for you.” Liv sounds exasperated even with her flat tone.

I watch as she seems to step away, preparing to leave I assume. I physically jump when I watch a hand grab her wrist, the owner of the hand still out of sight.

“Take your hand off me.” Liv’s voice is still flat, but I can hear the determination in her voice.

Briefly, I wonder if I am about to see her punch someone first-hand.

“How is my company?” he spits.

“Doing considerably better than when you had any involvement.”

“You little bitch!”

There sounds to be real menace in his voice, and I am genuinely concerned for Liv’s safety. This is her former boss who with no reason disliked her, his dislike turning to vitriol contempt once she became involved with Mase and he in turn involved himself in her career.

I do cross the threshold now in order to somehow protect Liv, but when I do, I am rendered immobile and speechless at the sight before me. Liv looks angry rather than scared and is shaking herself free. My gaze moves from her wrist to the other person’s hand, up his arm until my eyes come to rest on a face I unfortunately know. No wonder his voice sounded familiar.

He turns to see the source of the interruption and the hatred his face morphed into for Liv, is nothing compared to the look of loathing when he takes in my face and the penny of who I am drops.

The others, including Liv had called her former boss Christian. I had no idea if that was his name, but assumed it was. I had known him as Tristan.

I am still rooted to the spot as Liv passes me by with a muttering of, “Come on, he really isn’t worth our time.”

With a slack jaw and feet of lead, I remain, unlike Christian or Tristan, whoever the fuck he is. He closes the gap in no time and as he glares at me, he laughs.

“I couldn’t have dreamed this up. You, and her? You’re the sister? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with you Carrington girls, does it?”

He steps closer still and my breathing hitches, seeming to please him.

“If the rumour mill out there is to be believed, our Dec is smitten with you.” His face forms a scowl, and his mouth contorts into an evil looking grimace. “I wonder if he’ll feel the same way when he discovers what you are and the depths you’ve sunk to? The fact that my dick was inside you long before his?”

I feel sick, like, really, vomit down myself sick, but somehow, I hold it down. Not that what Tristan is saying doesn’t scare me shitless because it would completely blow me and Dec out of the water if everything comes out and I know everything will come out if he follows through with his threat.

Somehow, I manage a reply and act far braver than I feel. “Maybe we should return to everyone else…perhaps you could introduce me to your wife and children.”