Tempting Him by Isabel Lucero


The weekend flew by,and I stayed with Alek the entire time. We fucked, ate, showered, and watched TV. Well, I watched TV while he worked and made phone calls, and the showers were always separate. We slept in the same bed, but there was no spooning or cuddling. Regardless of his rules, we had a good time. He’s opened up a little more, but he’s still very guarded, and I’m starting to think it’s rooted deep and probably stems from something in his past.

I didn't see him at all on Monday, and wondered if he was avoiding me because he regretted all the time we spent together over the weekend, but he’s back at work Tuesday, saying he had to leave early on Monday for a meeting.

On Wednesday, I check in with him before I’m set to leave, and he lets me know he’s happy with the work I’ve done so far. He doesn’t flirt or act like he knows me better than anybody else in that building, and sometimes I’m not sure if I should be offended or praise him for his professionalism, because I’ve thought numerous times about how I’d love to hide under his desk and suck his dick while he’s on the phone, or how he could lock the door and bend me over that same desk. I’m down for it all, but it’s almost like he doesn’t think about sex until we’re locked away in his suite.

Thursday comes and is anything but typical .

It all starts after my last class of the day. I stupidly got caught up in a conversation with Bryant, Liv, and Ronan. Once I pull myself away, I run into Dom and Trev as I’m heading to my car.

“There he is,” Trevor says as they head toward me.

“How’s the internship?”

“It’s good,” I reply. “Follow me, because I can’t be late.”

They trail me as I keep heading for the parking lot. “How’s the boss? You said your dad warned you he didn’t fuck around.”

I laugh. “Yeah. He doesn’t. Which is why I can’t be late. He already warned me after I was late on the first day.”

“Who’s this guy you’re hanging out with?” Dom asks.

“Nobody. Just a guy. Nothing serious.”

I take off my shirt and put on the white Polo. “Gotta go guys. I’ll talk to you later, yeah?”

“Party this weekend? Dex is having people over.”

“Oh cool. Yeah, text me the details.”

Dom drapes his arm over Trevor’s shoulder before they head to Trev’s car, and I peel out of the lot. I hit every red light in the city, and then on the highway that heads to MGD Advertising, an accident brings me to a halt for ten minutes.

I keep tapping my hands on the steering wheel as the time gets closer and closer to three o’clock. I pull out my phone and call the company, hoping to reach Linda to explain what’s happening, but the line stays busy.

I don’t even have Alek’s number to be able to get in touch with him, however, I doubt he’d want to hear it.

When I finally pull into the company parking lot, it’s eight past three. I run to the elevators and rush to Alek’s office where Linda’s on the phone, holding a finger up to me.

I decide to just head to Luther’s office, hoping he won’t tell on me for being late, but I know Alek is pretty on top of when all the interns arrive.

I step into his office and find Alek standing inside, talking to him.

His eyes find mine, bounce to the clock on the wall next to me, then land back on my face. “Mr. Brooks. You’re just now getting here?”

“Yes, sir. There was an accident, and traffic was slow.”

Alek spins back toward Luther and finishes his conversation before walking past me. “Come to my office at the end of the day.”

“Okay. Yes, sir,” I say, looking at Luther and avoiding the green-blue eyes burning holes into the side of my face.

“Come on, kid,” Luther says with a sigh. “We got work to do.”

* * *

The three hoursI spend here each weekday usually go by fast, but today they seem to drag, keeping me on edge. I continuously glance at the time, thinking at least a half hour has passed, only to find it’s been five minutes since I last looked. I wonder what Alek will say. Will he actually try to dismiss me from the program? How does our...relationship factor into this? He doesn’t seem the type to give special favors, and I guess that’s why they say you shouldn’t fraternize. I shouldn’t expect him to take it easy on me simply because he fucks me, but there’s a tiny part that thinks I’ll get off easier than I should.

I almost want him to call me into his office early and just get this over with. Instead, I stay focused on the work with Luther and the other guy who’s been working on this campaign with us—Phillip. When six o’clock comes around, Luther dismisses me with a job well done clap on the back.

In front of Linda’s desk, I wait and hope she’ll say he left, but when she hangs up the phone, she says, “Have a seat. I’ll let you know when he’s ready for you.” She smiles, unaware of my nerves.


Minutes tick by, feeling like hours. My legs bounce as I wait for Alek to call me in. My mind wanders with all the possibilities.

Linda calls my name, and my head snaps up. “You can go in now.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

I close the door behind me as I keep my eyes trained on Alek behind his desk, rifling through papers and putting them in folders. I sit down in front of him and he spins toward his computer, typing and clicking the mouse, never acknowledging that I came in.

After another few minutes, he finally faces me, leaning back in his chair with his hands steepled in front of him.

“I told you on your first day that you couldn’t be late again.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

He holds a finger up, cutting me off. “As much as you may not agree, there are rules for a reason.”

“It was ten minutes,” I say, trying to defend myself.

“Ten minutes can turn into thirty, and thirty can turn into an hour. Next thing I know, you won’t show up at all.”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“Maybe you think you can get away with it because of our situation.”

“It’s not like that. Honestly.”

A hint of fear burrows itself in my gut, worried he’ll want to end things.

“As a consequence, you’ll come in on Saturday and work.”

I nod. “Okay.”

“And you will not let this happen again. Several other people travel from distances farther than you and still manage to make it when they’re supposed to. You need to manage your time better.”

“I will.”

“Good. You may leave.”

I stand up, not really wanting to leave. “Alek.”

His eyes stay on his work. “Not in this building, Mr. Brooks.”

“Mr. Drakos.” He looks up at me. “I really am sorry. I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage. I’ll do better.”

He studies me for several seconds before nodding. “Okay.”