Tempting Him by Isabel Lucero


Last night was fun. Thanks for that.


I dropthe paper and roll back over. No need to wonder if he’s still here, the note makes it clear he left to allow me time to get my shit together and get out.

With a full body stretch that showcases all the places I’m sore, I push myself up and get out of his bed to search for my clothes. I find most of them on the balcony, the only exception being my underwear in the living room. After gathering them up, I rush to the bathroom for the quickest shower possible.

I think briefly to leave my number somewhere, but he made it clear he was in this for one night only. No need to give myself hope for something that won’t happen again. Which really is a shame, because Alek is unlike anyone I’ve ever been with. Maybe it’s his age and his experience. Maybe it’s the push and pull between us, both of us used to running things and getting our way.

Damn. Guess, I’ll get on my app later and try to find someone older than me. Maybe I’ve been doing myself a disservice by only messing around with people in my age group.

I leave his room and travel down the elevator until I hit the lobby. Outside, I have an Uber waiting for me, taking me back to Three Sheets so I can get my car.

Once I get back to the frat house, I strip out of my clothes and sprawl across the bed, falling asleep for another two hours.

When I wake up, it’s because my phone is ringing off the hook. With a glance at the screen, I see it’s Dom.

“What’s up?” I answer.

“You still with Mr. Missionary?”

I laugh. “No, I’m in my bed, and he was anything but Mr. Missionary.”

“Oh, the old guy had some tricks up his sleeve, huh? Nice.”

“I don’t think he’s that old, but I never found out. He left me a nice note letting me know he had a good time but there’s obviously no plans to meet up again.”

“At least you can mark that off your college hook-up bucket list.”

“True. So, what’s up?”

“Not much. Me and Trev are gonna head to the movies in a little bit, but I wanted to make sure you weren’t abducted and taken to some creepy ass dungeon to be kept as a sexual servant.”

“A sexual servant doesn’t sound too bad,” I say with a laugh. “And he had this fucking penthouse suite. I’d love to be held captive there.”

“He took you to a hotel? He have a wife or something?”

“That’s what I said.” I chuckle. “He said he doesn’t have time for a family and that the hotel is temporary.”

“Weird. Anyway, did you get your car? I saw it when I left work and had to make sure the other workers knew not to have it towed.”

“Yeah, I got it. Thanks.”

“Cool. Well, I guess I’ll talk to you later.”

“All right, man.”

After I end the call, I get some new clothes on and make plans for the rest of the day. I arrange to meet up with Ivy since I bailed on her friend’s party, and want to make it up to her with lunch. After that, I’ll get with my friend, Bryant, who’s been wanting to hit the gym with me. After that, who knows? But I’m sure I’ll find something to get into.

* * *

Spring break wentby way too fast, but I definitely had a good time, so now it’s time to hold up my end of the bargain with my dad and start the internship today.

He called yesterday with strict instructions to not be late, and to take it seriously, reiterating that the man I’ll be working with isn’t the most easy going guy, but assuring me he’s a good man.

I leave campus around two-thirty, giving me a half hour to get to the new building north of town. I’m due to work from three to six, Monday thru Friday, for two months. It’s not too bad, considering I worked more hours at the restaurant, and didn’t always have weekends off. Plus, this will earn me credits.

I show up at five to three, but have to change in the parking lot, because I didn’t think to go to class dressed in the clothes I need to be in for this job. Apparently, you can’t just wear anything. The boss wants everyone in the internship to be in solid colored Polos. So once I’m out of the car, I strip out of my striped T-shirt and grab the Polo I had to stop at the frat house for. Once I pull it on, I lock my car and jog toward the tall, modern building with the words MGD Advertising plastered on top in a sleek font .

When I first enter, I spot a couple people behind the largest desk in the center of the lobby, so I go there right away.

“Hi, I’m Jayden Brooks. I’m here for the marketing internship. Can you tell me which way to go?”

The guy behind the desk glances at his watch. “You’re gonna be late. Head up to the fourth floor, they’ll tell you where to go from there.”


I rush toward the elevators, which of course are both in use and at the top floor. By the time I get inside one and reach the fourth floor, my watch lets me know it’s already three o’clock.

The doors open, and after glancing side to side, I approach a woman who’s walking past me.

“Excuse me. I’m here for the marketing internship. Can you tell me where to go?”

She purses her lips slightly, as if she’s annoyed I’d ask her for directions. “They’re in conference room two.”

I grant her my best smile, trying not to come off rude. “Can you tell me where that is? I’m new. First time here.”

With a sigh, she turns and points down a hallway. “Go down there. Second door on the right.”

“Thank you.”

When I get to the room, the door is already closed, but through the blinds of the glass window, I can see everyone seated around a table, focused on someone in the front of the room. Shit. Late is late, even if it’s just two minutes.

I try to slip in as quietly as possible, closing the door behind me with a soft click before rushing to an empty chair between two guys at the far end. The man speaking has his back turned as he writes on the whiteboard, so hopefully he won’t notice I came in late.

I scan the table, noticing everybody already has folders in front of them, so he’ll definitely realize I was late when he sees I don’t have anything in front of me. Great.

Any hope of him not looking closely enough to find a new face in the crowd is instantly shot and killed when he slowly spins around, and I see the face of the man who nearly fucked me to death over the balcony of his hotel suite.

“Oh my God.”

His beautiful piercing eyes zero in on me as soon as the whispered words leave my lips. He’s got a damn good poker face, because he doesn’t show an ounce of shock or concern after recognizing me. Aleksander simply picks up a paper and scans it before focusing on me again.

“Mr. Brooks. You’re late. I’d advise you to not let it happen again or you’ll find yourself looking for another internship.”

I swallow, ignoring the eyes of every other person staring at me, concerned only with the uniquely colored ones at the front of the room. “Yes, sir.”