Dragon with the Girl Tattoo by Julia Mills

Chapter Twelve

“How nice to see you, Uncle,” Tessa lied through her teeth as she addressed the Master of her Vampire Kiss before so much as looking to her her dad, as was protocol in the Vampire world.

“A world we would both gladly leave behind if you didn’t love your family so much,” Pandia whispered. “Oh, and I like your people, too. Just not big, aloof, and asshole over there.”

“I just couldn’t be in the same city as my favorite niece and not stop to say hello,” Ulnac oozed insincerity and a stiff, practiced charm that made Tessa’s skin crawl.

Smiling sweetly as he leaned down from his seven-foot-one-inch height, kissing her on one cheek then the other, the ancient vampire sniffed her skin, adding to his creep factor by about a hundred points. It was something he’d always done, even when Tessa was a child.

Her dad explained it away as just one of Ulnac’s ‘ticks,’ but Tessa doubted that was all there was to it. Even her favorite great-grandfather, Antonio, a full-blooded Black Panther and former King of the Pride, always warned her to be careful with her uncle.

“I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule Uncle,” Tessa acquiesced, having learned long ago how to say all the ‘right’ things to keep Ulnac happy and out of her family’s hair.

“It is my pleasure,” Ulnac boasted. “And I had to make sure your father got to see you, as I will be taking him with me on most of my business trips for the rest of the year.”

Raising an eyebrow at her father as she hugged him tightly, she was about to mentally ask what was going on when a quick, whispered, “We’ll talk later,” floated through her mind.

Quick and to the point – it was the only telepathic communication they could risk with Ulnac in such close proximity. The Master Vamp was powerful, with the ability to sense when others were silently speaking. He was also one ruthless bastard who hated any secrets he wasn’t privy to, even between father and daughter. 

Nodding against her father’s chest, Tessa prayed her uncle didn’t know why she was visiting Babs and that her father hadn’t been forced to give up the information. Thankfully, the Babhdóir showed up at precisely the right moment.

Holding her hand out, with a smile Tessa couldn’t quite read, Babs MacAutley welcomed her father first. She wouldn’t have thought anything about it, but the mischievous twinkle in the Babhdóir’s eyes said she knew exactly what she was doing and was having a damn fine time at that.

“It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Mooreland.” Her smile grew at Ulnac’s obvious discomfort. “Your Tessa here is a joy and a delight. I might just keep her.”

“Oh, please Ms. MacAutley, do call me Thomas.” Tessa’s father’s smile was genuine, as was his almost even and pleasant tone. 

“Then you must call me, Babs.”

“Thank you,” Thomas accepted. Turning to his right, he introduced, “And may I present the Master of the Mooreland Kiss, Ulnac Mooreland.”

Noting the straightening of Babs’ spine and the way her smile turned to just shy of a grimace, Tessa held her breath as the Babhdóir held out her hand and didn’t move a muscle. Breaking all known protocol when dealing with Vamps, Babs stayed right where she was, waiting for Ulnac to come to her.

It was the best thing she’d seen all day. It took everything in her not to laugh out loud.

“Don’t you dare. Bite the insides of your cheeks,” Pandia warned. “If you so much as smirk, that son of bitch will make your dad pay for what he’ll call your insolence.”

“Yeah, I know,” Tessa agreed. “But it is hilarious and there’s not shit Ulnac can do about it.”

The tension mounted for a few tense seconds. The air got thick. It was hard to breathe. Ulnac was flexing his Magical muscle and Babs was basically laughing in his face.

As quickly as it had started, the standoff ended. Ulnac took the few steps necessary to shake Babs’ hand, masking his anger and smiling, “What a pleasure to meet you. I do hope you are taking care of our girl.”

Stepping in as she saw the Babhdóir’s eyes turning the tell-tale shade of fire that meant someone was about to get an ear full, Tessa chuckled, “I couldn’t be having a better time.” Looking to her dad then her uncle, she asked, “Would you all like to stay for some tea or coffee?”

“Actually, I wanted to see if we might spirit you away for some dinner. It has been so long since I’ve seen you and I’d hate for you to miss your dad’s last night before we go to the States.”

Trying to watch her father’s reaction out of the corner of her eye, not sure what he wanted her to say, Tessa finally gave in and agreed, “Sure, let me go and put something more appropriate on.” Pulling at the hem of her T-shirt, she explained, “I’ve only just gotten up. Do you have time for me to get a shower?”

“But of course, just be quick about it,” Ulnac smiled. “Your father and I have a conference call we can take in the limo while you get ready.”

“Great!” Tessa tried to act excited but felt the dread of spending the next several hours with her pompous uncle almost too much to bear.

Walking them to the door, mostly to make sure Ulnac didn’t insult Babs any more than he already had, she watched until the older Vampires were in the back of the limo with the door closed before shutting the front door to the house and leaning against it. “I am so sorry, Babs. I had no idea they were coming.”

Patting her arm, the Babhdóir shook her head, “Don’t you worry about it. Your father is lovely. You look a lot like him, but that uncle of yours.” Rolling her eyes, she sarcastically snorted, “I’d like to kick him in the shins a time or two.”

Laughing at the visual of four-foot-eleven-inch Babs MacAutley kicking seven-foot-one-inch Ulnac Mooreland in the shin floated through Tessa’s mind, making her tease, “Oh my Goddess, would I love to see that? Hell, I’d sell tickets and post a video on YouTube. That would be hilarious.”

Wagging her finger in mock irritation, Babs joked, “Don’t tease me, Girlie.” Both ladies erupted into laughter as Patty appeared from wherever she’d run off to hide, asking, “What’s so funny?”

Jogging up the stairs, Tessa chuckled, “Ask your Auntie. I’ve got to get ready, or Uncle Ulnac will be back in here and Babs might just be forced to kick him.”

“Watch it kiddo. I know where you sleep,” came the Babhdóir’s chuckled reply, making Tessa laugh all the harder as she ran into her room and closed the door.

Needing to see what sort of ostentatious limo her uncle was being chauffeured around in this time, Tessa stopped by the window. Shocked to see the door open, she looked one way then the other only to find Ulnac half a block down the street.

Not only was he without his usual entourage of her father or another high-ranking member of their Kiss, but he was talking to men who were far from the lofty standards he claimed to have. Long hair with gold teeth that shined in the streetlight, they were middle-aged, tattooed, and dressed in jeans and leather jackets.

“They look more like guys we’d hang out with,” Pandia teased. “Not the high and mighty Ulnac.”

“Yeah, maybe,” Tessa chuckled. “But those gold teeth are hideous.”

“Right you are.”

“I need to know what they’re talking about, Pandia. Wanna give me a Magical boost?”

“You know I do.”

Opening the window, Tessa wasn’t surprised to find a silencing enchantment surrounding the three men. Then it hit her - a cloying scent, almost floral, floating atop an animalistic musk followed by a deep, coppery undertone. Her stomach rolled and her skin scrawled. “Cambion,” she spat.

Memories of their horrible battle with the parasitic creatures flashed through her mind. Slamming the window shut, Tessa raced to the armoire and pulled out jeans and a clean T-shirt. Throwing on her clothes, she piled her long dark hair atop her head, slipped her feet into her tennis shoes and raced downstairs.

“Dad must know nothing about this. That’s why he looked so confused when Ulnac said they had a conference call,” she confided in Pandia. “What is that bastard up to?”

“I don’t know,” the Black Panther answered. “But I bet we’re gonna find out.”

Running into the kitchen, she asked a surprised Babs and Patty, “Mind if I sneak out through the back door?”

“No, not at all,” the Babhdóir agreed. “But what’s going on? What about your dinner? Your dad?”

Sliding to a stop, Tessa turned back around, leaned down and asked, “Do you mind making an excuse for me? Just tell Uncle Ulnac that I’m having female problems.” Making air quotes that had Babs laughing out loud, she nodded. “Yeah, he’s one of those. He won’t question it any further and dad will know it means to call me later.”

“But where are you going?” Babs asked.

Shaking her head and blowing out the breath it felt like she’d been holding since she spotted the Cambion and shrugged, “Would you believe me if I told you I was going to see the Dragons?”

“Honey, I’d believe anything at this stage of the game.”