Dragon with the Girl Tattoo by Julia Mills

Chapter Ten

“Yes, I know, but none of this makes sense,” Tessa implored. Restating her question as a statement she hoped didn’t sound like an accusation, she flatly stated, “You and dad said we destroyed all the Cambion. We’ve been on the phone for almost thirty minutes, and I feel like I’ve been chasing my tail.”

“We thought we destroyed them all,” Vanessa Mooreland stressed, repeating exactly the same words for the fourth time. “But no one could be sure.” Pausing for the briefest of seconds, she went on, “As you well know, if they have never fed from a human, the Cambion can be incredibly hard to identify. Then there is the fact that we were not the only ones fighting them. Maybe someone else failed. There was no way of knowing. We had to use the best information we could collect to connect the dots.”

“Wait a minute, what do you mean, we weren’t the only ones fighting them? How many of the damn things were there?”

“Tessa!” Her mother scolded. “You know I don’t like that kind of language.”

“Mother, please just answer my question. I’m way too old to be lectured about cursing when people are dying.” Close to screaming, but knowing it would be a waste of breath, Tessa softly added, “Just tell me what happened. I need to help if I can.”

“As you wish, my dear,” Vanessa agreed, her voice filled with regret and anxiety. “There were seven factions fighting the Cambion all over the world. Your great-grandfather - Antonio and his Pride in South America, the Dragons in the UK, Scotland and Australia, and there we, the Vampires, covered all of North America in three strategic strikes.”

“Why didn’t we know they were active all over the world?” Tessa tried not to accuse as she questioned her mother, but it was hard considering Vanessa never seemed to tell any of her children the whole story about anything. Each one got a piece of the story, and only when they got together and compared notes, actually had a chance of seeing the whole picture.

Sighing, Tessa’s mother scoffed, “Everything was done on a need-to-know basis and your Uncle Ulnac decided you and your sisters didn’t need to know.”

“Mother,” Tessa growled. “That is not a good answer. Did dad know?”

“Well, of course he did.” Her mother sounded astonished that Tessa would even ask. “Your uncle does nothing without consulting your father. You know that.”

“Right, and my name’s Tinkerbell,” Tessa mumbled under her breath.

“What did you say, Darling?” Vanessa inquired in a sing-songy voice.

“Oh, nothing, Mother.” Then quickly changing the subject, Tessa asked, “Is dad around?”

“No dear, he’s away on business. I can have him call you when he gets back or checks in.”

Tessa was just about to answer when her mother uncharacteristically interrupted, “Oh, Tessa, dear, your sister, Amara wants to talk to you.”

“Put her on.”

“Okay, Darling, take care of yourself.”

“I will, Mom. Thank…”

Tessa was still talking when her younger and much more exuberant sister squealed, “Oh my Goddess, Tessa, have you found him? Have you met your Mate?”

“Well, hello to you too, Amara. How are you? Nice to hear from you too.” Tessa chuckled as her sister’s giggle floated through the phone. The youngest Mooreland daughter was always happy, always bubbly, and always, without a doubt, her older sister’s biggest cheerleader.

“Sorry, Sis. I’m just so excited to hear all about your Mate. Is he tall? Handsome? A Panther? A Vamp? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!”

Not wanting to dampen her sister’s exuberant mood, Tessa put as much happy into her voice as she could muster and pretended things had not gone horribly awry.

“He is tall and incredibly handsome. Has short, dark hair and beautiful green eyes that remind me of the emeralds on mom’s favorite bracelet. And thank the Goddess, he’s not a Vampire or a Panther – he’s a Dragon – one the revered Guardsmen.”

“No way!” Amara gasped. “A Dragon? A Guardsman? Wow-oh-wow, that means he was a Knight way back. That is so cool. Have you seen his Winged Warrior yet?”

“No…no, I haven’t…not yet.”

Tessa knew she should be saying not ever, but decided she’d explain the tragedy that continued to be her love life after she’d gotten home and had time to lick her wounds. There was no reason to upset Amara. After all, it had been Tessa’s little sister who’d finally convinced her to go see Babs.

There was a mischievous chuckle then a whispered, “Does he make your toes curl, and your heart go pitter-pat, Mo daor dheirfiúr?”

Smiling despite all that had happened, Tessa laughed out loud, “Yes, you little stinker, he does.”

“Yes, he must be really good. He’s scrambled your brains,” Amara giggled. “Damn you are so lucky.”  

Clearing her throat to hide the hitch in her voice, Tessa chuckled, “Yeah, I really am.” Quickly changing the subject, she added, “Hey, is Maisa around?”

“No, she’s taking care of something for dad while he’s gone. What’s up?”

“Nothing. I’ll have to catch up with her later.”

“Why do you do that?” Amara sounded almost angry.

“Do what?” Tessa truly had no idea where the conversation was going but Pandia was whispering warnings in the back of her mind.

Finally, Amara sighed, “Try to keep things from me. You know I have the best hearing of any of us and am by far the nosiest. Just tell me what’s happening with the Cambion. Maybe I can help.”

Exhaling as she tried to think of what to say, Tessa opted for the truth. Hell, it hadn’t failed her yet.

“To be honest, I have no clue what’s going on, Mars. I thought they were all gone. That they had been for decades. But then I heard a couple of Lennox’s friends talking about them and...”

“And your big, strong Dragon told you not to worry about it, but you’re a Mooreland and we never do as we’re told,” Amara snickered.

“There you go, Sis. You know me so well.”

“Well, I have to give you credit,” Pandia snickered. “Technically, you didn’t lie. You just didn’t correct her incorrect assumptions. And before you ask, no, you are not going to Hell.”

You tell that handsome Mate of yours that you’re an independent woman and don’t need him to coddle you. Make sure he knows if he doesn’t treat you like a true partner, he’ll have to deal with me.”

“You got it, Mars. Now, I need to get going. I’ll call you later this week.”

“Okay, Sis. Have fun,” Amara giggled. “’Cause I know I will when I find my Mate.”

“Love you, Mars.”

“Love you, too, Tessie.”

Smiling despite the pain she felt for lying to her sister, Tessa hung up her cell phone and was just about to brush her teeth when Patty burst into her room with Babs close behind. Raising her hands to explain, she couldn’t get her mouth open before all four-foot-eleven-inches of Scottish piss and vinegar was yelling, “What the hell happened? Did that short-sided, arrogant, still-should-be-in-short pants Dragon really turn his back on you because you’re half Vampire?”

With her red curls bouncing in every direction as she shook with rage, the Babhdóir went on, “I swear to the Heavens. I try to help, and this is the thanks I get - a big, fat, slap in the face for my troubles.”

Spinning on her toes, her hands flying in the air, Babs added, “I told Kayne to find that worthless fire breather and get him over here to apologize right away.”

Jumping to her feet, Tessa pleaded, “No, no, please not that. It doesn’t matter. There just must’ve been some mistake, wires crossed or something…”

“Oh crap,” Patty whispered. Eyes wide, she backed away from Tessa with her hands up in mock surrender as Babs spun around, her eyes golden and glowing with fury.

Closing the distance between them faster than Tessa could track, the really powerful, super Magical, quite frankly, scary as all Hell Babhdóir tapped the tip on her perfectly manicured fingernail on the end of the Vaepanther’s nose as she growled, “I. Don’t. Make. Mistakes.” Taking a step back, she leveled her gaze. “Neither does the Universe, little girl. So, you listen, and listen good. That lunkheaded Dragon is your Mate. The one and only you will ever get. No do-overs, no givebacks, no returns even if you kept the receipt. He is yours and you are his.”


“There will be no but’s.” Sitting down, Babs straightened the pleats on her skirt, and took three perfectly measured inhales and exhales.

Acting as if the last few minutes hadn’t happened, she started again in her normally pleasant voice. “Unlike you, Lennox cannot have a relationship of any kind, with anyone, now that he has met you.”

Tessa tried to interrupt, but the words froze in her throat as Babs looked over the rim of her glasses and slowly gave a single shake of her head. When she was once again silent, the Babhdóir went on, “So, where you’re only loss will be children if you Mate with another…”

Eyes getting wide, the Magic in the room growing cold, she continued, “…which is no small matter that I’m not underestimating it in any way…”

Another nod then the room grew warmer and the atmosphere more serious. “…your Dragon is giving up any chance of love and more than likely, will lose the rest of his life when he ascends to the Heavens way before his time.”

Leaning forward, she put both feet flat on the floor and her palms on her knees. “I say this not to make you feel bad or obligated, because, let’s face it, he’s the one who screwed up. I’m telling you because I have no doubt that once Lennox pulls his head out of his ass, he’ll see the error of his ways and come crawling back. Which puts the ball squarely in your court. You will have some major decisions to make.”

Waiting until she was sure Babs was finished, Tessa thought carefully before speaking. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, and I meant no disrespect when I said a mistake may have been made.”

With her nerves getting the best of her, she stood and started to pace. “I know you’re the very best at what you do.” Looking out the window, trying to make sure she was properly expressing her feelings, she went on, “It’s just that… well, I think the stars got crossed, or Fate took a day off or whatever, because although I haven’t spoken to Lennox…”

Stopping to take a deep breath, she turned to face Babs and slowly let the words flow. “What I do know is that he left me alone in the Clinic to wake up to one of his friends telling me he wasn’t there.”

Anger, hot and flashing filled the space between Tessa and Babs, coming from all directions. She was speaking louder with each word but couldn’t stop the rush of emotions, the pain, caused by the man who was supposed to love her. “If it hadn’t been for Calysta being honest with me, I still wouldn’t know what happened! Can you believe that shit? The bastard just left me there! Like I was day old bread or a pair of dirty socks!”

Shaking, panting, sweat running down her back, Tessa had to work hard to keep Pandia from springing forth. Running forward, Patty grabbed her hand, guiding her to the bed. “Sit, Tessa. Let me get you something to drink.”

“Please, don’t worry about it, Patty,” Tessa forced the words. “I don’t want to be a bother, and I’m really not thirsty. I need to take a shower and get something to eat.” Trying to smile, knowing it looked pathetic and obligatory, she remembered, “And I almost forgot…”

Her questions about the Cambion were cut off as Babs’ doorbell rang. Watching the Babhdóir get up and head for the door, Tessa was shocked when Ceasar, the butler, chef and all-around-great-Lion Shifter called up the stairs, “Miss Mooreland, you have a visitor.”

“See, Auntie Babs. I told you he’d come for her. Ooooohhhhh, I just love a happy ending,” Patty squealed.

Opening her senses, Tessa was immediately filled with dread as she groaned, “No such luck. It’s my father… and he’s not alone.”

“Who else is with him?” Patty asked, her enthusiasm dying at Tessa’s ominous tone.

“Her Uncle Ulrac,” Babs growled. “No one is ever happy to see that Vampire.”

“Yeah, because when he shows up, trust me…” Tessa groaned, falling back on her bed. “…it’s never good news.”