Dragon with the Girl Tattoo by Julia Mills

Chapter Eight

The hushed sounds of whispers combined by a myriad of beeps, bloops, and bleeps woke Tessa from her day sleep with a start. Slamming her eyes shut almost before they were completely open, she slowly cracked one just enough to recognize the light above her was huge, blinding, and fluorescent. Blinking to clear the spots, she gasped, realizing the man at her bedside was not her Mate.

Sitting upright while holding the sheet she was covered with close to her chest, Tessa croaked, “Where is Lennox? What happened?”

Giving her a cocky grin Tessa had no doubt had worked on many women over the ages, the Dragon with the long blonde hair and sparkling eyes smiled, “He’s not here right now. I’m Kayne, one of his friends and I was given the great honor of watching over you until you woke.”

His words were smooth and his smile alluring, but he couldn’t disguise the steel behind his compliments. Tessa could sense anger, and if she wasn’t mistaken, a heavy dose of disappointment.

“But it’s not aimed at you,” Pandia assured.

“Then who?” Tessa whispered.

“I have no clue,” the Panther grumped. “I was asleep, too, ya’ know.”

Clearing her throat, she nodded, “Nice to meet you, Kayne. I’m Tessa.” Then she asked again, this time in a more insistent tone, “Where is Lennox?”


“He’s a stupid son of a bitch who needs to have his ass kicked, that’s where he is,” replied the tall, strawberry-blonde Witch with enough power to light Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Walking into the room, the Witch frowned at Kayne before looking back to Tessa and smiling what felt like a strictly professional expression. “Don’t let Casanova here cover for that rat bastard the Goddess saw fit to stick you with.”

Setting a tray with tea and a few bottles of herbs, along with a small vial of blood, on the table next to Tessa’s bed, she looked up and smiled a smile that finally reached her eyes. “Sorry to be so forward.”

Holding out her hand, the very pretty Witch chuckled as she shook Tessa’s hand. “I should’ve started with ‘my name’s Calysta, and it’s nice to meet you’, but that man of yours…” ending with a groan that shook with anger, she inhaled sharply through her nose then right back out through her mouth. “Well, that dumbshit makes me mad enough to spit.”

“Why? What happened?” Not only was Tessa getting a really bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, but Pandia was growling low in her throat and pacing the confines of her mind.

“This is not a good sign,” the Black Panther snarled. “Why isn’t he here? Whatever this Witch is about to say is going to piss me off. I can tell by the look in her eye.”

Unable to answer Pandia, Tessa looked at Kayne, then Calysta, then back to Kayne before Calysta shook her head and scoffed, “And you said you could handle it.” Swatting the Dragon in the shoulder, she went on, “Just go. Get outta here. Find that stupid idiot, Lennox and tell him I’m mad as a wet hen. OH, and add that he better steer clear of me for a very, very long time.”

Tipping his head and with wide eyes, Kayne mumbled, “You got it, Callie.”

Calling over her shoulder as the Dragon disappeared into the hallway, Calysta added with a grumble, “And tell him I told Maddox what he’s done, so he needs to watch his back.”

“Yes ma’am,” came a faraway chuckled response.

“Now,” Calysta shook off her frustration and smiled as she pulled up a chair and sat next to Tessa’s bed. “First of all, you are in the Clinic here in the Lair of the Blue Dragons. Lennox brought you in because you were barely breathing, your heart rate was low, and you were unresponsive.”

“But…” Tessa stopped speaking when Calysta raised her index finger.

“But you thought the dumb butt was smart enough, or at the very least perceptive enough, since he shares a soul with one of the oldest creatures known to any of us, to know you are a Hybrid, right?”

“My family has always said I’m a Vaepanther, but yes, I thought he knew what I was, just as I knew what he was.” Looking down at her hands, Tessa clenched the sheet and sighed as sadness seeped into every fiber of her being and her heart felt like it might break, “I’m guessing he has a problem with my heritage?”

Looking up when Calysta didn’t answer, she saw the rage burning in the Witch’s expressive emerald eyes and added, “And it’s not the Panther side of the family that bothers him, am I right?”

Patting Tessa’s leg, Calysta nodded as she growled, “Yes, and when he started to get upset and spout off, I threw him out on his ass. I’ve got no patience for that kinda shit.”

Not sure what to say, she was swamped in a bone-deep sadness that threated to steal the air from her lungs. She’d thought this was the beginning of her happily ever after, not the most horrible heartache she’d ever felt. How could everything have gone so wrong so quickly?

“It’s time to put up a good front until I can be alone and cry for a week or two,” she sighed to Pandia.

“And plot that fucking Dragon’s slow and painful death,” the Black Panther snarled.

Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and pushed back the tears burning the back of her throat. All she could think about was leaving the Clinic.

“I need to get as far away from this place. I just can’t stand to be pitied.”

“Oh, you won’t be pitied,” Pandia growled. “From the look on Calysta’s face, they’ll be the ones getting out the pitchforks and lighting the fires. That Dragons the one I pity. He better hope his people find him first.”

“Yeah, well, they can have him. Lennox was made for me. Our Mating was supposedly blessed by the Universe. Apparently, that shit doesn’t matter.” Getting madder by the second, she raged on to the Panther with whom she shared her soul. “Guess it doesn’t cover being part Vampire. Next time, I’ll read the fine print. To Hell with Lennox. I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with me.”

“You get ‘em, Tessa. I’ll kick ass, you take the names.”


Looking Calysta right in the eye, Tessa clipped, “Am I free to go?” 

“Well,” the Witch’s shocked look was immediately replaced by a renewed anger. “I really wish you wouldn’t.” Handing Tessa a cup of tea along with the vial of blood, she went on, “Have something to drink and rest for a bit. Della, my sister, will be in soon to check on you and get you something to eat.” Smile widening, she winked, “I have a feeling your Dragon will be back when he realizes what an ass he was.”

Taking the cup from the witch, Tessa poured in about half the vial of O Negative and took a sip. Letting the warm liquid calm her nerves, the Vaepanther faked a happy face and smiled, “Sure, I’ll wait for a bit.” Laying her hand atop Calysta’s where it still sat on her thigh, she nodded, “You go and do what you need to do. I’m sure this is a busy place.”

When the Witch started to object, Tessa quickly reassured, “I’ll be fine.” Adding a snicker, she went on, “Heck, there wasn’t even anything really wrong with me.”

“If you’re sure…” Calysta left her question hanging as Tessa took another drink of her tea before nodding. Pointing to the tray, she added, “There’s also an herb mixture for anemia. I did a real quick exam just to be sure you were okay when Lenn brought you in.” Tapping her temple to let Tessa know she had mentally scanned the Vaepanther’s body and mind, she went on, “You seem a tad low on iron, but I also know things work differently for you all with both Vamp and animal alter egos.”

“Thank you so very much for everything, Calysta.”

“Not a problem at all Tessa.” Stopping at the door, she turned, looked right into the Vaepanther’s eyes. “Don’t give up on Lennox. Trust me, being Mated to a Guardsman is gonna make you want to pull your hair out. They are obstinate, opinionated, and on the best of days overbearing. I should know, my Mate’s nickname is the Mad Dragon.” Winking, she gave Tessa a wicked grin. “But Lenn will love you with all he’s got and make you the Queen of his world. I could see it in his eyes. He knows you’re the One just as much as you know the same about him.”

“Yeah,” Tessa tried to laugh, but even to her ears it sounded flat and lifeless. “If he can look past the fact that I drink a little blood and sleep like the dead during the day.”

“Stop that,” Calysta scolded. “He was just shocked, shouldn’t have been, but he was.” Leaning on the door, she nodded, “Think of it this way, he was so taken with you, so wrapped in what you made him feel, that he totally missed your Vamp side.” Smiling, she added. “I would say that Dragon isn’t gonna be able to live without you.”

Needing to be alone, Tessa gave an Academy Award winning performance as she smiled brightly, nodded and even sounded chipper when she said, “I guess you’re right. As my mom always says, it’ll all come out in the wash. Thanks again.”

“Your mom sounds like a smart cookie,” Calysta chuckled as she opened the door and walked out.

“That she is.”

“Take care. I’ll be back soon.”

Letting out the breath she’d been holding since realizing Lennox had run out on her as soon as the door clicked closed, Tessa set down her cup of tea, threw back the covers and jumped out of bed. Looking in the full-length mirror on the wall across the room, she examined the T-shirt and sweats that were four sizes too big and thanked the Goddess she wasn’t still naked.

Creeping to the door, well aware that everyone in the Clinic was Supernatural in one way or another and equipped with extra-sensitive hearing, she stuck her head into the hallway and looked up and down several times. When she was sure the coast was clear, Tessa made a beeline towards the back of the building. Stepping out the double glass doors, she’d just taken a deep breath of the cool evening air when voices sounded in the far corner.

“Yeah, your boy really stuck his foot in it this time, Pearce.”

“My boy?” A low, smooth voice she guessed belonged to a Dragon named Pearce, objected. “Since when is Lennox, my boy? I’m the last person to try to tell that hard-headed jackass what to do.”

“Yes, but you live with him. He listens to you.” The Guardsman’s words flowed towards her a split second before both men appeared and Tessa realized one of them was Kayne, whom she’d met a little while before.

Laughing out loud, the Guardsman she now knew was not only named Pearce but was also Lennox’s roommate, shook his head, “Proximity means absolutely nothing, except that I have had to listen to him whine about finding a Mate for so very much longer than you or anyone else. He has been positively insufferable.” Shoving his hands in his pocket, the Dragon kicked a rock with the toe of his boot. “And true to form, he finds her and before even giving her a chance, has walked away over something completely outside of her control. What an idiot!”

“You said it, my friend. I met Tessa and she’s a very sweet girl, not to mention she’s drop-dead gorgeous. Lenn’s a dumbass fool, plain and simple.”

“I know. I told him as much.”

“Well, Calysta called Maddox, so if I were you, I’d stay clear of your house for a day or two. I have a feeling the old Mad Dragon is gonna beat some sense into our Mad Bomber,” Kayne chuckled.

“I can’t think of anyone more deserving of Maddox’s wrath,” Pearce snickered.

“I totally agree. I bet Lennox wishes he’d gone on the scouting mission with Max and the others.” Stopping, Kayne opened the door Tessa had just exited. “Chasing down murderous Cambion damn sure beats having his ass kicked by Maddox any day of the week.”

As the chuckling Guardsmen disappeared into the clinic, Tessa replayed the tall blonde’s words over in her head. “Murderous Cambion” did not set well with the Vaepanther. There had been a time, many years ago, when her family had also been at war with the treacherous soul-eating abominations.

She remembered the little villages all over Europe that she, her sisters and her parents had protected. The newly mature Cambion were killing machines. Tearing through every fringe settlement they could find, gaining strength, with plans to attack the larger cities and eventually take over everything. It took every vampire and Panther from both sides of her family tree to stop the fiends.

So much needless loss of life, so much pain and through it all both her mother and father swore someone, a leader of some kind with power and influence, had used those creatures for his own ill-gotten gains. Of course, no one was ever able to prove it and it was never spoken of again.

But we always wondered,” Pandia chimed in.

“Yeah, we did. Who could be so evil and power-hungry?” Tessa pondered. “Now, it’s happening again. We have to stop this shit before anyone we love gets hurt.”

“Oh, joy, joy,” Pandia groaned. “Time to call you parents. Can I get a double bourbon and a bowl of catnip? This ain’t gonna be pretty.”