Their Tangled Lust by Catherine Tramell



I stare at my son’s eyes that are full of innocence. I don’t remember my son’s father’s face well. All I have in my memory is a silhouette of him and his gray eyes. No. I also remember the warmth of his body and the shameless reaction I had when he took me against my will.

Elijah. My boss’s husband, Elijah Smith, crosses my mind again when my son smiles at me. Their resemblance is uncanny that even I would believe that he is my father’s son. But it can never be. The man is too gentle to be a heartless asshole. Also, Ronda said he had a vasectomy more than two years ago. He could not be that man.

About two years ago, on the night of my wedding, my husband sold me to a man after he drugged me. The man turned me into his slut for one whole night. And because of the drug, I didn’t have the power to struggle. Worse, the drug also made me horny towards that man. It should be my nightmare, but I keep coming back to the night. The silhouette of that gray-eyed man fills me with strange emotions. My feelings grew stronger after I found out I’m pregnant with his son.

I should be angry at that man. Just as I'm mad at my husband for betraying me. Because of him, I suffered physical and emotional abuse from my husband. The latter almost killed my unborn child back then. Because of that man, I also committed a crime.

I couldn't bear my husband's abuse and threats to my baby, so I lost my sanity and cut off his cock. Scared of his retribution, I ran to Houston to hide from him. I wanted to find the man who ruined my life and demand that he protect my baby. But that man wants me dead, too. My son is someone who can tarnish his reputation. He would not think twice about eliminating us from his life. We don't matter to him anyway.

"It would be great if you have a father like Elijah, huh, Christian?" My son giggles after hearing Elijah's name. "Elijah. Do you like him? Do you remember him? Did you two have a good time when he babysat you?" My son laughs aloud every time I mention Elijah's name.

I turn into a statue when Christian widens his eyes and points his lips – as if he wants to talk back to me. Elijah imitated that look a few days ago when we met at a mall. He looked like my son at that moment, and it scared me. I thought that he’s my son’s father and might want to harm him after finding out the truth.

But after Ronda cleared things for me, I felt sorry for my son. He'd probably have a better and happy life if Elijah is his father.

“Stop it, Allyson,” Ronda says while walking into the room.

I look at her and smile softly. Ronda thinks that I have a thing for Elijah. Well, who wouldn't? He might be a little older than me, but Elijah is one handsome man. He has dirty blond hair, a tall nose, bright gray eyes, and a masculine jaw. He always looks so neat, honorable, and elegant in his expensive suits.

Elijah also has an aura of a good man. Every woman would wish to have a husband like him, but not because of his riches. He is loyal and devoted to his wife. Kelly Smith can’t bear a child because of some sickness. To avoid giving her insecurities, Elijah chose to have a vasectomy to assure Kelly that he’ll never have a child with another woman.

Kelly is one lucky woman. But part of me doesn’t like her. Fine. She can’t have a child, but does she need to hate children? I still remember the day when she met Christian. I didn’t expect her to swoon over my baby, but to treat my baby like it’s a pesky pet in her shop was over the top. Maybe she’s not fit to be a mother at all.

Poor Elijah, then. The man wants to have a child of his own. But for his wife, he chooses not to have one.

“Elijah is a dream. Never believe that he’ll even see you as a woman,” Ronda sits on my bed. “That man is a fool for his wife. Always has been.”

“I don’t have a thing for him, Ronda.” I also know that Elijah will never want me. I look at my baby and explain, “I’m only wishing that someone like him could have fathered my son.”

“That’s impossible," Ronda's frankness irks me. She brushes my baby's tiny head gently. "You got the offer. It's a one-year salary for a three-month job. You need that money and not someone like Elijah."

I press my lips tight. Despite the objection of my master, I beg Delilah to put me in the slave program. Someone was interested in me despite my inexperience. Delilah wants me to wait for my master’s advice, but Ronda wants me to accept it outright.

“I wanted to recommend someone to become your master, but someone gives you a better offer,” Ronda continues.

Ronda convinced me to join the elite BDSM club as a commercial slave about two weeks ago. She also promised to recommend me to a master if no one from that club would want me. But yesterday, Delilah received an offer for me. The client has other requests and changes in the contract, but the fee was increased by $10 grand. I'm a little worried about the changes, but Ronda said that whatever they are, I should accept them.

“You said it yourself. It’s for Christian’s better future. Forty grand can give you a start. It’s enough to put up a small flower shop in another state,” Ronda tells me.

I put my baby back in his crib and watch him for a while. Ronda is right. That sum is nothing to them. They're only using it to buy their slave. If I have to be a slave for these capricious and whimsical rich people to give my son a better and safer life, then I will endure three months of it. I can become a bad woman for the sake of my son.