Their Tangled Lust by Catherine Tramell



The scissors drop on the floor, and Allyson rushes to pick them up. She freezes a little when Elijah and I walk into my shop. Her eyes quickly move to Elijah before greeting me with Ronda. I look at her from the head down. Weird energy tickles my palms when my gaze stops at her breasts. Her curves are different and more delectable than Ronda’s.

Why did I fail to notice it before?

I grit my teeth. Allyson didn’t exert this much effort in presenting herself before, too. She used to come to the shop looking haggard. Her hair was also red when I left. Now, Allyson seems to have returned her hair to its natural brown color. She looks prettier, appealing, and young because of her hair.

My throat itches when I see her neck. Allyson's shirt has a deeper collar than the usual shirt she wears for work. Her neck looks smooth and supple. The tip of my tongue vibrates as I think of tracing it with my tongue. My nipples contract when I notice the core of her torso. Allyson had the curves of a MILF. The extra layer in her belly from childbirth is quite attractive, too.

“Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I thought you’d take the day off,” Ronda greets. She pushes Allyson away when the latter looks at my husband again.

I turn to Elijah, who is still on his phone. Ronda is right. We are supposed to take a day off, but Elijah has some business emergencies. I don't want to be alone in the house for the rest of the day. I'd rather be at my shop. The scent of the flowers calm me. Also, I want to have a closer look at Allyson – my new slave.

Elijah falls silent and looks at Allyson. I see their eyes meet and notice a tiny smile on the latter’s lips. Bitch. I’ll punish her for that.

“Allyson, how docile is your baby?” Elijah suddenly asks. He raises a finger at me – signaling that he’ll explain later.

“He doesn’t cry that much, if that’s what you mean,” Allyson replies while looking puzzled.

Elijah looks at me and explains that the baby in the advertisement for his company didn’t show up. The company will lose more money if they reschedule instead of casting a new baby model. I give Elijah a suspicious look, but he isn’t bothered by it. His reaction convinces me that he told the truth. My husband would never mix business with pleasure. And knowing that there was a picture sent to me of Allyson and him, he would never dare make a move in front of me.

“We promised to pay the model $1500 because this will be a national print ad,” Elijah offers. “We’ll give an increase as an urgency fee.”

Ronda grabs Allyson’s hand and shakes it, urging her cousin to accept the offer. I become curious when the young mother looks worried rather than excited. “Baby, please. Can I borrow her for a day?”

“I can’t, Eli… Mr. Smith,” Allyson cuts in before I could give my reply. “I want to help, but I can’t let you use my baby.”

Elijah doesn't look surprised by Allyson's rejection. I see his fingers twitch – as if he wants to hold and comfort her – but he quickly hides his hands in his pocket. He knew something about Allyson that I don't. I glare at Ronda and demand an explanation.

Ronda looks at Allyson and, without the young mother’s permission, explains, “Her husband or the baby’s father might find them.”

For a moment, a pang of guilt flickers inside me. It turns out that Allyson is running away from her husband. Who is her husband? I didn’t request a background check on her because she’s Ronda’s cousin. She’s also good with flower arranging. So, I didn’t bother.

“Please, Allyson. We really need a baby right now, and Christian will be a perfect fit,” Elijah’s voice has a different pitch when he speaks the child’s name. “I promise. He will never be harmed, and no one will know that he’s your kid.”

How did Elijah know the baby’s name?

“Debbie can take Christian,” Ronda suggests.

“No. Kelly, you won’t mind, right?” Elijah quickly objects. “Just for today.”

I glance at Allyson. My jealousy overshadows the pity I felt for her a moment ago. But I can’t act childish in front of Elijah. “It’s fine with me, Daddy,” I look at Allyson and give her a nod. I will only make her pay for it.
