Alpha Theo by C.J. Primer



I lay on the horn as I roll up to the complex in Gray’s Jeep, waving a hand out the window at a very irritated looking Brooke waiting by the gate.

“Let’s go!” I shout, hitting the horn a few more times. “Denver or bust!”

She’s standing at the gate, arms folded, glaring at me. If looks could kill, it’d be my funeral.

“What are you doing here?” Brooke demands, stooping to pick her duffel and backpack up off of the ground. She slings one over each shoulder, trudging toward the Jeep.

“Gray had some pack business come up, so you get me as an escort instead,” I say, waggling my eyebrows. “Now hop in, kid, we’ve got a lot of miles to cover!”

Brooke heaves an exasperated sigh, stomping around to the passenger side. She throws her bags into the back seat before sliding in beside me, buckling her seatbelt immediately.

“Can you at least try to drive like a normal person?” she whines.

“No promises.” I toss her a wink as I peel out onto the road.

“Theo!” Brooke throws her hands up, bracing herself on the ceiling.

Damn I love when she screams my name.

I laugh, slowing down a little. “I’m just messing with you, kid. Now put on some music, we need a road trip soundtrack.”

Brooke side-eyes me, still clearly annoyed that I’m crashing her Denver visit.

Gray actually asked Reid to cover for him first, but when I heard he wasn’t going I insisted that I should be the one to take his spot since I’ve been working so closely with the IT unit. It really has nothing to do with that- I just figured an overnight trip with Brooke would be a great opportunity to see if I could get into those tight ripped up jeans of hers- but he bought it hook, line, and sinker. Gray even seemed pleased that I was taking more initiative with the IT unit.


So now Brooke’s stuck with me for the next day and a half, and I plan to make the most of it.

“Music?” I hold the cord out to her so she can connect her phone.

Brooke groans, arching up off the seat to fish it out of her back pocket. As she does, I slyly peep the outline of her tits against her t-shirt and a glimpse of flat stomach as it rides up. She’s rocking a Beatles tee today and it’s a little more form-fitting than her usual attire.

No complaints here.

She grabs the cord from my hand, plugging in her phone and scrolling through her apps. She must not be in the mood to chat, because as soon as she selects a song, she cranks up the volume.

It doesn’t bother me. I actually like the stuff she listens to, even though she’s basically got musical ADD. The playlist she sent me last week has definitely expanded my musical horizons. I’ve been listening to it every night, falling asleep to her eclectic curation.

I’m driving like a fucking grandma to appease her, and after a few songs she seems to loosen up a little. She bops along to the music, rolls down her window, makes air waves with her hand. It’s cute as hell. Then she lowers the volume, making conversation as I drive.

“You’re cheerful for being out all night,” Brooke comments, leaning back in her seat and peering over at me.

I arch a brow. “What makes you think I was out all night?”

She shrugs. “Isn’t that what you do?”

She’s not wrong.

“You’re a little grumpy for being in all night,” I fire back.

Her jaw goes slack, like my comment offended her, but I just let out a laugh.

“Isn’t that what you do?” I smirk.

Brooke blows out a breath. “Alright, point taken.”

I glance over at her, raking my eyes up and down her body. I don’t know why I’m so attracted to Brooke- she’s not the type of girl I usually go for, but I’m finding myself more and more drawn to her for some inexplicable reason. Maybe it’s because she’s different. There’s just something about her.

“Seriously, though, what do you do all night holed up in your room?”

She shrugs again, smoothing her long hair over her shoulders. “Code, mostly.”

I furrow my brow. “So let me get this straight- you work all day, then you go back to the dorms and keep working all night?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” She twirls a strand of blonde hair around her finger.

“Jeez, you’ve gotta get out more, kid. Live a little.”

“I like working,” she says defensively. “I’m lucky to have a job doing what I love.”

I narrow my eyes. “Do you really love it, though, or are you just good at it?”

“Why can’t it be both?” Brooke folds her arms across her chest. It tightens the fabric of her t-shirt around her boobs and I can’t help but steal a glance. I’m constantly wondering what they look like underneath her baggy shirts.

I change lanes, merging onto the highway. Try to stop thinking about her boobs. “I didn’t say it can’t, it’s just easy to enjoy something you’re good at.”

“Is that a bad thing?” she asks, hitting the button to roll up her window as we get on the highway.

I pick up a little speed, passing a slow-moving minivan. “Not necessarily. Just not very exciting.”

Brooke rolls her eyes, her head falling back against the headrest. “Okay, what would be exciting, then?” She uses her fingers to make air quotes around the word ‘exciting’.

I shrug my shoulders. “I dunno. Trying new things. Expanding your horizons. A challenge.”

She cocks a brow. “A challenge?”

“Sure.” I click the blinker on, thread around another slow driver. “I love a good challenge.”

“As if anything’s a challenge for you,” Brooke scoffs.

“You are.”

She slowly turns her head in my direction, narrowing her eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

I smirk, casting her a sideways glance. “I’ve never had to put in this much effort to get a girl to sleep with me.”

Brooke snorts. “You can try all you want, buddy, it’s not happening.”

“We’ll see about that.” I waggle my eyebrows.

She rolls her eyes, turning away- but not before I see the blush forming on her cheeks.

I grin. She wants me, she just doesn’t know it yet.

“You’re already warming up to me,” I tease. “Admit it.”

I see her purse her lips in the reflection of the passenger side window. “Nope.”

“Aw, c’mon. Not even a little?”

She laughs, blonde hair swishing as she whips her head back around. “No chance, Lance.”

Brooke uncrosses her arms, pointing a finger at me.

“And let me let you in on a little secret, mister smooth talker. No girl wants to be referred to as a challenge.”

I smirk. “Isn’t it better than being called easy?”

Brooke heaves an exasperated sigh, cranking the volume back up on the radio.

The six hour ride to Denver is more of the same. Loud music, then banter back and forth, then more music. The crazy thing is, I actually enjoy talking to Brooke. I can’t remember the last time I had a real conversation with a girl, let alone more than one. It’s fun to rib her a little, to try to get her fired up or get her to laugh. I fucking love the sound of her laugh. It’s not one of those annoying, high-pitched fake laughs, it’s the real deal.

I mean, I still want to sleep with her. Even more now than before, because the more I get to know her, the more intrigued I am. She’s my opposite in every way- I’m impulsive, she’s cautious. I’m wild, she’s guarded. I’m hot-tempered, she’s patient. I used to find her whole ‘good girl’ persona annoying, but it’s real. She’s just a good person.

I’m not.

A one-night stand with a guy like me could break a girl like her.

Fuck, since when am I concerned about a female’s feelings?

I need a reality check. If Brooke isn’t down, maybe I can get my dick wet with one of the Denver she-wolves.


We arrive in Denver in the early afternoon, pull up to the gate at the edge of the pack’s territory, and punch the intercom to announce our arrival. By the time we wind the streets up to the packhouse, they’re ready for us- a couple of huge guys are waiting in the driveway like bouncers at a club.

Security’s tight around here.

One of the big guys gathers our bags while the other escorts us up the front walk and into the biggest packhouse I’ve ever seen. It’s all sleek and modern, clean lines and minimalistic furniture and decoration. It’s fucking impressive.

Alpha Cole meets us in the foyer. He’s different than I expected- shorter than me, with buzzed black hair and dark eyes. A cute little brunette girl trails behind him. I wonder if she’s his mate.

“Theo, I presume?” Cole asks, extending a hand to me.

I take it and shake it firmly. “You must be Cole. Great to finally meet you.”

“Likewise.” Cole moves aside and the girl accompanying him steps forward. I give her a once-over, get a better look at her. She’s sexy as hell- nice and petite, curves in all the right places. Curly light brown hair and dark eyes with thick lashes. Totally boneable.

“This is my sister, Astrid,” Cole says, and my interest is officially piqued.

Not his mate. Which means I can totally put the moves on her.

“Theo,” I drawl, reaching out to take her hand. I bring it to my lips, dropping a kiss on the back of it like I’m in some old-timey movie.

Astrid blushes, smiling coyly and eye-fucking the shit outta me.

Oh yeah. It’s on.

Cole looks to Brooke, and I’m so distracted by his sister that I forget to make an introduction.

She steps forward, holding a hand out to Cole and introducing herself. “Hi! I’m Brooke. Nice to meet you, Alpha.”

He shakes her hand, smiling politely. “The pleasure’s all mine. C’mon, I’ll show you guys your room so you can drop your bags off, then we’ll head over to the hive.”

The hive? I stifle a laugh. What a lame-ass name for the Denver security complex.

Cole and Astrid lead us further inside the packhouse and down a wide hallway. The two bouncer types follow behind. Tall windows line the hallway, letting in a lot of natural light, but I’m not paying much attention to my surroundings- I’m watching Astrid’s tight little ass in front of me the whole time.

Cole stops in front of a door, throwing a thumb over his shoulder. “We’ve got this room set up for you. It has an en-suite bathroom, towels are in the closet. Just let us know if you need anything else.”

The two bouncer types push past us to bring our bags into the room, and as I crane my neck to see inside, it dawns on me that they’ve got Brooke and I set up in the same room.

I glance over at her and she looks like she’s fucking panicking.

“Um… are we… sharing?” she stammers, chewing her bottom lip nervously and wringing her hands.

Cole’s eyes narrow questioningly. “Are you two not…” he points from Brooke to me.

I chuckle while Brooke shakes her head so hard that I swear it’s gonna fly off her shoulders.

“Oh,” Cole’s eyebrows shoot up. “I’m sorry, I just assumed. We’ve got another guest room across the hall.”

I turn to Brooke, flashing her a charming smile. “I’m alright with sharing a room.” I wink.

She rolls her eyes, heaves a sigh, and turns back to Cole. “I’ll take you up on that second room, Alpha.”

The corner of Cole’s mouth ticks up in amusement and he gestures to the room directly across from the one our bags were carried into, then motions to his guys. Without a word, one of them picks up Brooke’s duffel and backpack, carrying them past us and into the other room.

“You’re no fun,” I tease as the big guy passes by me with Brooke’s bags.

She gives me another exaggerated eyeroll, folding her arms over her chest. If only she knew how much I appreciate her doing that- her arms squeeze her tits together and pull the fabric of her t-shirt tight across them. The ‘T’ of the Beatles logo disappears in her modest cleavage.

Now I’m a little torn between continuing my attempts with Brooke or trying to get on Alpha Cole’s hot sister.

“You two need a few minutes, or are you ready to head out?” Cole asks.

“I’m ready,” Brooke replies eagerly. “Just gotta grab my laptop.”

I nod in agreement as Brooke breezes past me and into her room to fish it out of her backpack, catching a whiff of the delicious scent of coconut and summer rain. She always smells like that- it must be her shampoo.

It stirs my wolf, and I know I’m not done with her yet.