Alpha Theo by C.J. Primer



The squad barracks are quiet by the time I leave my room- it’s already late and most everyone is out at the bar tonight. Apparently Brooke found some ‘bug’ in her program and wanted to fix it, so I’ve been bored as hell sitting in my room waiting for her text to tell me she’s ready to leave.  As soon as I received her message, I practically ran for the door.

I could’ve found Brooke’s room with my eyes closed given how strong the pull of the mate bond is. I can already scent her from the other side of the door when I lift my hand to knock, shoving my hands in the pockets of my gym shorts and stepping back.

I hear her footsteps as she approaches the door, my heart rate increasing. Then she pulls it open, greeting me with a bright smile.

“That was fast,” she remarks, settling a hand on her hip. “Did you check the weather forecast this time?”

Her words don’t even register because I’m too busy checking her out. I rake my eyes up her body- from her black gym shoes to her bare tan legs, from her tiny black running shorts that give such an incredible view of those long legs to her grey Foreigner t-shirt that conceals those perfect little tits of hers, from her long blonde hair hanging loose around her shoulders to those striking blue eyes, unobstructed by her glasses. Even dressed down, my girl’s sexy as hell- I practically have to pick my jaw up off the floor when I meet her gaze.

She arches a brow questioningly and I just stare back at her. What was her question?

“You’re plotting to get stuck in a storm again, aren’t you?” Brooke teases.

I chuckle, shaking my head.

Right, that was what she asked about. The weather.

“It didn’t end so badly last time,” I grin, thinking back to how hot it was sharing a shower with her, even from opposite sides of the locker room.

Brooke rolls her eyes, giving me a little shove as she steps out of her room, closing the door behind her.

We start down the hallway, and I slide a hand to the small of her back almost instinctively, guiding her beside me.

“Are we gonna try the same trail again?” she asks as we reach the double doors to leave the complex, each of us pushing open one of them.

“I was thinking we’d try a different one,” I say. Little does she know, I’ve got a trick up my sleeve for our night hike tonight- and I’m practically fucking giddy with anticipation.

After we pass through the complex gate, I grab Brooke’s hand to lead her around the side to pick up the forest trail.

“You sure you’re okay with not going out?” she asks, lacing her fingers with mine as we walk side by side.

Truthfully, I don’t mind skipping the bar one bit if it means I get to hang with Brooke. I feel like going to the bar with her would be a recipe for disaster anyways, given my history with several of the females that frequent the place.

“Of course. I’d rather do something with you.” I flash her my most charming smile, and even through the dark, I swear I can see a blush form on her cheeks.

“I could actually use a drink after the week I’ve had,” she chuckles wryly.

“We could’ve gone for a drink,” I shrug. “We still could, the bar isn’t far.”

Brooke snorts. “Yeah, and just walk in there together holding hands?”

“Why not?”

She gives a little shake of her head. “What are people gonna think?”

“Psh, they won’t think a thing of it,” I scoff. “It wouldn’t be the first time I showed up there with a chick on my arm.”

I regret my words as soon as they leave my lips, cursing my mouth for moving faster than my brain. I glance over at Brooke and she’s just biting her lip, staring at the ground. She wriggles her hand free from mine.

I immediately redirect to try to salvage the conversation. “Why do you care what people think anyways?”

“I’d rather stay out of the rumor mill,” she grumbles.

I blow out a breath as we walk in silence for a few minutes, kicking myself for the comment I made that shifted her mood.

“Listen, kid, I get why you don’t want people knowing about the mate bond until we decide whether we’re going to seal it, but can’t we at least tell people we’re dating?” I ask, my own mood shifting with hers. Is that another trick of this goddamn bond? “I don’t want other guys sniffing around what’s mine.” A low growl starts in my chest at the thought of another guy even fucking looking at my female.

“You can drop the whole possessive alpha thing,” Brooke grumbles. “You don’t have a claim over me.”

“Tell that to my wolf.”

“Well what about all the girls that are always throwing themselves at you?” she asks, her tone sharp.

I shake my head. “I don’t want any of those girls.”

“Why, because you’ve already had them?” she asks bitterly.


“Now who’s being possessive?” I look over at her and she just rolls her eyes, stomping down the path.

After another minute or so, I heave a sigh, reaching for her hand again and skidding to a stop. “Listen, can we start over? I’m sorry for what I said, it was shitty. I don’t want it to ruin the night.”

I step closer to her, sliding my hands onto her waist, looking down into those ocean blue eyes. “Please?”

Brooke sighs, placing her palms on my chest as she gazes up at me. “Yeah, okay,” she whispers.

Her tongue swipes across her bottom lip to moisten it and my eyes follow the movement. I lean down, pressing my lips to hers, stealing a quick kiss. When I pull back, a coy smile tugs at her lips, telling me we’re back on track.

I grin in response, stepping beside her again and reaching for her hand. “C’mon.”

We amble down the trail together, and before long, I can hear the faint sound of water flowing. We’re close- and I wonder if she’s picked up on it, too; if she knows where we’re headed. This place isn’t far from the complex and a lot of the squad members know about it.

I dip from the trail onto a little offshoot, tugging Brooke behind me by the hand. It’s narrow, so we have to travel single file.

“Where are we going?” she laughs as she follows my lead, and the sound of her laugh and the excitement in her voice warms me from the inside.

“You’ll see,” I say over my shoulder, navigating the uneven terrain as I keep a grip on her hand behind me.

The sound of flowing water gets louder as we make our way down a little hill. I duck under a low hanging branch, the swimming hole coming into view as I pop back up on the other side. I turn to watch Brooke as she grabs for the branch overhead with her free hand, stepping down beside me and taking in her surroundings.

Above us is a rocky ridge, where a thin waterfall streams down to form a wide, deep pool of water. In the dark and with the soft illumination of the moonlight, the place looks almost magical. I hear Brooke draw a shallow breath, her hand tightening in mine as she lifts the other to my bicep.

“It’s beautiful,” she breathes, looking up at me with wide eyes.

I can’t contain the smile that spreads across my face. “You up for a swim?” I ask, waggling my eyebrows.

Brooke’s eyes dart nervously to the swimming hole, then back to mine. “What?” she asks hoarsely, releasing her hold on me and taking a step back.

I chuckle, raking a hand through my hair. “C’mon, kid,” I coax, grabbing for the hem of my t-shirt and pulling it off overhead. “Live a little.”


My breath catches in my throat as Theo’s shirt comes off and he tosses it to the ground. Every time I see his body it’s like the first time- it’s so beautiful that it doesn’t even seem real, rippling with hard-earned muscle. The moonlight dances off of the well-defined dips and curves of his broad shoulders, his wide chest, his abs. My belly fills with the flutter of butterflies.

He turns from me and strides to the edge of the pool of water, my eyes feasting upon his bulging back muscles. Then he kicks off his shoes and slides down his shorts- and my eyes go straight to his butt. My body heats as I watch him take a step down, lowering himself into the water, diving forward. He splashes up a few feet away, rising to stand waist-deep, the water rippling around his torso as he reaches his inked arm up to slick his hair back and whirls around to face me.

“Oh c’mon, you’re not gonna make me swim alone, are you?” he asks, that charming smile stretched across his lips.

I’m powerless to resist. I start toeing off my shoes, my eyes still locked on his. I’m used to being naked- nudity is normal for shifters- but for some reason I suddenly feel self-conscious, like my body’s unfit to be near this gorgeous man’s. I fiddle with the hem of my t-shirt, hesitating.

Theo must pick up on my discomfort because he gives me a little nod, spinning around and swimming out closer to the waterfall. While his back is turned, I quickly pull my shirt off, then my sports bra. I toss them to the ground, then tug my shorts and panties down together, stepping out of them and trotting over to the water’s edge, lowering myself into it quickly.

I let out a little puff of air when the cool water hits my skin, unprepared for the chill. The sound catches Theo’s attention and he starts to spin back around, so I lunge forward into the water, sinking down to my shoulders in the pool.

He swims over to me, a devilish look in his eye like a predator stalking prey. Once I’m within his reach, he grabs for my waist, pulling me closer as I let out a little yelp.

“Why do you want to hide from me?” he asks, pulling my back to his chest and tucking his chin over my shoulder.

“What do you mean?”

He sighs, and I can feel his warm breath beside my ear. “Your body. Why don’t you want me to see it?”

A shiver runs through me, and I don’t know if it’s the chill of the water or the feeling of his arm around my waist, his chest against my back.

“I don’t know,” I lie. The words are on the tip of my tongue, but I’m not sure if I can bring myself to say them. If I can’t even expose my body to him, how can I expose my soul?

Theo brings his other hand to my waist, spinning me around to face him. “Yes you do,” he says, his voice silky smooth. “Tell me.”

Those hazel eyes have me wanting to share all of my deepest truths, all of my most guarded secrets. I loop my arms around his neck, allowing my body to float weightlessly in the water across from him.

“Because…” I whisper. “I’ve seen some of the girls you’ve been with, Theo. And I’m…” I swallow hard, looking down into the water. “I’m not beautiful like them.”

Theo grips my waist tighter. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

My eyes fly up to meet his.

“You’re so beautiful, Brooke,” he declares, tipping his head forward to press his forehead against mine. “You’re stunning. Fuck, you’re so beautiful that it’s painful to look at you sometimes. Everything about you is beautiful, your mind, your face, your body…” He draws a ragged breath. “I have no idea why fate put you with a guy like me, but I feel so fucking lucky.”

My heart feels like it’s shattering and knitting itself tighter together at the same time- Theo has this incredible way of making me feel seen and heard, like I’m the most important thing in his universe.

I tip my chin up, pressing my lips to his. My eyes slide closed as I feel his lips move against mine, returning the kiss- gently at first, then harder, feverishly. Water splashes between us as I smash my chest against his, wrapping my legs around his waist, giving in to the sensations of the sparks between our lips, the heat rushing through my body.

Theo’s tongue finds mine, his hands sliding down my waist, under my butt. He squeezes my cheeks with both hands and I grind my hips forward into him, a shudder running through me as I feel his hardness against my belly.

I don’t know what’s come over me. It’s like all of these new sensations have unlocked a part of me that I didn’t know existed.  I’m lost in the moment, in the feeling of our bodies intertwined in the cool water. Theo’s lips start to move down my jawline to my neck and I toss my head back, a soft moan escaping my mouth as I drag a hand from his neck down his chest, between our bodies. I feel the hardness of his chest, his abs, and then… his dick.

Theo’s body jerks as my fingertips graze the tip, his lips leaving my neck as his head snaps back and he blinks at me, his expression a strange mix of confusion and desire.

“Brooke,” he gasps as I move my fingertips down his shaft, wrapping my hand around his thick member. It’s both rock-hard and enormous- I can’t even get my hand all the way around it.

I’ve never done this before, but I know the gist of it. I slowly stroke my hand down his length, then back up, staring at him with lust-filled eyes.

A guttural sound falls from Theo’s lips as he grabs for my wrist, pulling my hand off of his dick. Then he scoops an arm under my butt, wrapping the other around my back, finding his footing on the bottom of the pool and lifting me out of the water. I wrap my legs around him and crush my lips against his as I feel him start striding through the water, carrying me.

I claw at his back, kissing him hungrily as he sets me down on the far edge of the swimming hole, breaking the kiss to take a small step back and look at me.

Nobody looks at me like Theo does. His eyes linger on my neck, my collarbone, my exposed breasts. I don’t know if it’s the surge of confidence from the way he’s looking at me or the sheer desire for this man that’s coursing through my body, but I suddenly feel sexy, wild. As he rakes his eyes down my body, I plant my palms in the moss behind me, arching my back and pressing my chest forward, slowly letting my knees fall apart.

Theo’s eyes swirl with copper shimmers as I spread them further, his gaze feasting on my most intimate parts. My own eyes travel down his muscular chest to his erection bobbing above the water, pointing in my direction.

A smirk spreads across my lips as I raise a hand, crooking a finger to beckon him toward me again. Water splashes as he surges forward, grabbing me by the waist and stamping his lips against mine in a hard, bruising kiss. His hands slide up to cup my breasts, then he starts roughly kneading them, moving his mouth down to nip at my neck.

I throw my head back, gasping for air. “Theo!”


The way my name falls from Brooke’s lips in a sigh is almost too much. I feel like I’m in a frenzy, like I can’t get enough of her as I rub my thumbs over her sweet little nipples, hardening in response to my touch. I attach my mouth to one of them, rolling it between my teeth as I palm her other breast. Her tits are fucking perfect- everything about her is perfect.

‘Good girl’ Brooke is naughty as hell, and I’m so fucking turned on that I feel like I could blow my load by just touching her. She’s so responsive to every touch, every caress, like her body was made for me to please. She chokes on a moan as I move to her other nipple, trailing my fingertips down her belly, lightly tracing them across her skin.

I know she’s inexperienced, so I hesitate, withdrawing my hand and gliding my fingers up her inner thigh, unsure how far I can take this. Then Brooke loops her arms around my neck, gazing into my eyes, her own clouded with lust.

“Touch me,” she breathes.

Holy fuck. My cock jerks and I nearly choke. Hearing those words from Brooke’s mouth seems so wrong… yet so damn right. I drag my fingertips to the apex of her thighs where her hot little pussy is spread open and waiting for me.

“Like this?” I murmur, tracing circles around her clit with a finger.

“Yes,” she gasps, digging her fingernails into the backs of my shoulders as she throws her head back. “Oh yes yes yes…”

A growl starts in my chest as I go to work, wrapping an arm around her waist and screwing a finger into Brooke’s tight little pussy, pumping it in and out as I rub her hard little clit with my thumb. I watch her as her body writhes, her chest rising and falling, breathy moans of pleasure escaping her mouth. She grinds her pussy down over my hand as I fuck her with my finger, like she can’t get enough. I hook it forward, searching for her G-spot, still torturing her sensitive clit with my thumb. She’s so fucking tight- I can only imagine what her pussy is going to feel like wrapped around my cock.

Her breathing grows more labored, and I can tell she’s getting close. Her cries become more frantic, her nails scoring the flesh of my back.

“Theo! Oh my god, it feels so goodoh oh oh…” Brooke cries, her back arching against my arm and her body tensing.

“That’s it, baby,” I murmur, watching her intently. “Come for me, beautiful.”

Fuuuuuck!” she screams, hips bucking as she crashes over the edge of her orgasm. The sight of her so wild and uninhibited in the throes of her climax and the feeling of her pussy clenching around my finger has me ready to blow- I keep finger-fucking her with one hand, yanking the other from her waist to fist my cock. Three pumps later, stars explode behind my eyes and I’m coming with her, blowing my load on my hand.

The forest is silent, save for the trickle of the waterfall and our ragged breathing. I withdraw my hand from between Brooke’s legs, rinsing both hands off in the water while my eyes stay trained on her. I’m completely in awe of this girl- she’s fucking incredible. I lift my hands from the water, sliding them up her legs, across her thighs, to her waist. I lean forward, pressing a kiss to her trembling lips.

I pull back to stare at her again and she blushes, raising an arm to cover her breasts.

“Nuh uh.” I shake my head, peeling her arm away. “No more hiding from me. You’re perfect.”

Brooke’s blush deepens, a smile tugging at her lips.

I reach out to cup her breasts again, giving them a little squeeze before sliding my hands to the sides of her waist. “So fucking sexy,” I growl. “Mine.”