Alpha Theo by C.J. Primer



Going to the bar in Goldenleaf is somewhat of a ritual for the squad members on Saturday nights. The girls trade their workout apparel for tight dresses, the guys for jeans and nicer t-shirts or button-downs. I don’t typically put a lot of effort into my appearance, but Fallon always gets really into getting dressed up for our Saturday nights out, so I indulge her.

Tonight, she’s talked me into wearing a black pleather mini-skirt and a white lacy crop top with elbow length sleeves. I don’t know if it’s hers or if it’s borrowed, but I feel oddly exposed in the outfit. At least the skirt is high-waisted and the lace of the crop top dips down to conceal my midriff. My legs are really the only thing on full display, and I trade my usual chucks for a pair of heels because according to Fallon they ‘make my legs look longer’ and ‘complete the outfit’.

My friend Carly from the IT unit is coming out with us tonight, and she’s more of a girly-girl, totally relishing in the process of getting all dolled up. She insists on curling my hair, but her efforts are in vain- within five minutes, the curls are limp, my long blonde hair taking on more of a loose wave. She also applies more makeup to my face than I’m comfortable with- typically I’m a mascara and lip gloss kind of girl, but Carly applies smoky eyeshadow and winged eyeliner to my eyes and bronzer to my cheekbones.

At the last minute, Fallon talks me into swapping my glasses out for contact lenses. She always wears contacts, but I try not to fuss with them too often. I usually only wear contacts when I go for a run. I blink them into my eyes, glancing over at my sister. Fallon looks stunning as always, dressed in a red halter top, skin-tight low-rise pleather pants, red pumps, and her signature ponytail.

Always eager to get going, Boyd finally comes into the locker room where we’ve been getting ready to hassle us and herd us out. We’ve got a big group tonight- it’s Fallon and me, Carly, Shay, Casey, Davis, Boyd, Judd, and Connor. Gray is meeting Fallon at the bar since she wanted to get ready with her girlfriends, but I’m not sure if he’ll join our group or pull her to his. Either way, I’m excited to get away from the complex for a night.

The nine of us trek the short forest trail from the complex to the bar at the edge of Goldenleaf, filing inside and heading straight for the bar. In his typical fashion, Boyd makes a show of buying the first round of drinks for everyone- his family’s got money and he’s never shy to throw it around.

Before the drinks even make it to our hands, Fallon’s mate is prowling up behind her, sliding his arms around her waist and tucking his chin over her shoulder. The two of them can’t keep their hands off of each other. I don’t know if I’m grossed out or a tad… jealous.

Boyd hands me my usual vodka soda and I take it from him with an appreciative smile. I glance around the bar as I sip on it, Carly sidling up beside me.

“Mister sexy is here,” she whispers, looking over toward the table in the corner where the alphas always post up.

I roll my eyes. “Mister sexy?”

Carly giggles. “Well yeah, he… oh crap, he’s looking over here!”

She brings a hand up beside her face, blocking her view.

I glance over to Theo’s table and sure enough, I’m met with those intense hazel eyes staring from underneath a furrowed brow.

“Is he still looking?” Carly hisses.

I sigh, spinning around to face the bar and bringing my glass to my lips. “Mhmmm…” I hum as I take a sip. I swallow it down, wincing a little as the liquor burns my throat. The bartenders here always pour heavy. “Total creep.”

“Ugh, he’s so hot,” Carly laments, flipping her brunette curls over her shoulder. Her hair holds curl much better than mine does.

“He’s a jerk,” I mutter, taking another sip of my drink.

Carly shrugs. “Well he’s been really nice to me so far.”

“Probably because he wants to get in your pants.”

“I’d let him.”

My eyebrows shoot up. I guess I’d just assumed that Carly was as inexperienced as I am when it comes to men.

“What were you guys talking about today?” Carly asks. “He sat with you for a long time.”

I toss back the rest of my drink, setting it on the bar top. “Music.”

“Music?” She parrots, blinking.

I shrug. “I sent him a Spotify playlist.”

I lean forward onto the bar, throwing up a hand to get the bartender’s attention.

Carly leans back on the bar beside me, sipping her daquiri. “Are you guys friends or something?”

God no,” I sigh, exasperated. “I wish he’d just leave me alone so I can get my work done.”

The bartender delivers me another drink and I fish some cash out of my bra to pay for it.

“Feel free to send him my way instead, then,” Carly says, grinning mischievously. “I wouldn’t mind him posting up at my desk for the afternoon.”

“I’ll do that,” I mumble, grabbing my fresh vodka-soda off the bar and taking a little sip.

I glance over at Fallon and Gray, still tangled up in one another nearby.

“You go ahead,” Fallon purrs, pushing at Gray’s chest. “I’m gonna hang with my friends for a little while.”

Gray plants a steamy kiss on Fallon’s lips before he turns around to head back over to his table. Fallon swivels to face Carly and me, wiping her bottom lip with her thumb.

“You’re so lucky,” Carly gushes, grinning at Fallon. She treats my sister like she’s a celebrity now that she’s mated to an alpha.

“The luckiest,” Fallon winks.

She steps closer to me, slipping an arm around my shoulders. “Gray said we can put our drinks on his tab tonight.”

“Oh, that’s so nice,” I reply.

It really is. Gray’s a good guy. I’m glad my sister wound up with someone like him, even if I may be just the teensiest bit jealous of her for it. It’s so obvious that Gray’s head-over-heels for Fallon. I hope I’ll find a love like that for myself one day.

As if on cue, Connor makes his way over to me, giving me an awkward little wave and a lopsided smile.

“Hey Brooke,” he greets, dragging his fingers down through his shaggy bangs. “I was gonna get another drink, do you want one?”

Ugh. He’s so frickin’ cute.

I glance down at the full glass in my hands, wishing I could take him up on his offer.

“I’m good for now,” I say, holding up my drink. “In a little bit, though?”

“Yeah, totally.” Connor swallows, looking down at the floor, fidgeting. “Well I’m just gonna…” he trails off, motioning to the bar.

“Yeah, of course.” I sidestep to allow him access.

Fallon rolls her eyes, grabbing my drink out of my hand. I open my mouth to protest, but she’s already downed it, tapping Connor on the shoulder.

“Hey Connor! Brooke could use that drink after all,” she says, tossing me a wink.

Connor swivels around, raising his brows. “Oh yeah?”

I stifle a laugh, shaking my head at Fallon.

“Yeah, vodka soda,” I say, my cheeks heating in a blush. “Thanks, Connor.”

He flags down the bartender to order our drinks and Fallon leans in beside me, waggling her eyebrows.

She drops her voice to a whisper. “Don’t say I never did anything for you, sis.”