Alpha Theo by C.J. Primer



“Ah, he’s back,” I drawl as Gray approaches our table, stabbing his fingers through his hair. “What happened man, trouble in paradise?”

Gray slides into his seat beside me, but not before he delivers a jab to my bicep.

Jax snickers on the other side of me. I can always count on him to laugh at my smartass comments.

I press further. “Don’t tell me you guys broke up already…”

Gray rolls his eyes, reaching for the beer he left stranded when he got up to greet Fallon. Little does he know, I downed it in his absence, impatient for the waitress to bring over more.

“Please,” Gray scoffs. “She’s hanging with her friends for a while. We don’t have to be together twenty-four seven. I know who she’s going home with.”

Gray picks up the beer, realizes it’s empty, and reaches for a fresh one instead, bringing it to his lips and taking a swig.

“I don’t know man, if she was mine, I wouldn’t let her out of my sight,” I say, casting a sidelong glance at Fallon. “With a body like that…”

A warning growl starts in Gray’s chest and I throw my hands up in surrender.

“I’m just sayin’!”

Across the table, Brock and Reid roll their eyes at me. Those guys are no fun.

“Her sister’s not bad,” I shrug. “A little prudish for my taste, but…”

Gray cuts me off by slamming his beer back on the table. “Leave Brooke alone.”

I can’t help myself- I just love pushing people’s buttons. When I start to get under their skin, I dig deeper.

“What, is she with you too, now?” I tease. “Was it like a two-for-one deal?”

Gray’s jaw ticks and he takes another swig of his beer, setting it down and drawing a deep breath before he turns to face me. Even though I know I’ve ruffled his feathers, he’s calm, cool. “No, but she’s family now. And you’re the last guy I’d want sniffing around a sister of mine.”

I roll my eyes. “Do you really think that little of me?”

“When it comes to women?” he asks, arching a brow. “Absolutely. You know you’re a dog, don’t deny it.”

I laugh because I can’t. And he’s right to warn me to stay away from Brooke, though I don’t plan to listen.

“Fuck,” Reid mutters from across the table, dropping his face into his hands. Slowly, he picks it back up, looking warily in the direction of the door.

All four of us follow his gaze to see who just walked in. It’s Arabella, the girl that Reid was seeing and recently broke things off with- and she’s entering the bar arm-in-arm with Leo. He’s another squad member, one of our best trackers.

Jax whistles, eyebrows raised. “She moved on fast.”

Reid heaves a sigh. “I don’t even care, man. She can do what she wants, I just wish she wouldn’t rub my face in it.”

He rummages through the beer bottles on the table in search of a fresh one.

I finish off the last swig of my own, looking around for the waitress, Kelly. It’s busy as hell in here tonight and she usually stands out with her platinum and pink hair, but I don’t spot her anywhere.

“What’d I tell you, man,” Brock grumbles, shaking his head. “Don’t get involved…”

“Ohhhkay, Brock,” I scoff, rolling my eyes as I rise to stand. “Not everyone wants to live like a fucking monk until they find their mate.”

“And not everyone wants to fuck everything that moves, either,” Brock bites back.

I just wave him off, turning to head to the bar for more beers. I thread my way through the crowd, relishing in the way that women ogle me as I pass.

What can I say? I like the attention.

And I get a lot of it.

Brooke and her friends aren’t posted up by the bar anymore, which is a damn shame. I spotted her earlier and from what I saw, nerd girl cleans up good.

When I approach the bar, the other patrons part to let me through.

Gotta love those alpha perks.

I throw a hand up to the bartender, spreading my fingers out to indicate that I need five beers, and he nods in affirmation, heading to retrieve them.

“Hey, Theo,” a voice beside me purrs, and I turn to see Arabella giving me major fuck-me eyes. Her sleek dark hair is in a single braid over her shoulder, dipping down to rest beside a truly spectacular pair of tits. Her tight black tank top accentuates her slim waist and flat stomach, and… fuck I need to stop checking her out. Arabella is smokin’ hot, but I’m not interested in Reid’s sloppy seconds. Not even when she pouts those full lips of hers and brushes her fingertips along my bicep.

“Hey,” I grunt, turning back to watch the bartender carry over the beers I ordered. I can still feel Arabella’s eyes on me.

“Put it on Gray’s tab,” I mutter, winding my fingers around the necks of the bottles so I can carry all five at once. I pick them up and turn away, heading back to the table.

Again, the females pay attention as I pass. I smile at one, wink at another.

Damn, it’s good to be me.

When I reach our table, I dole out the beers. Brock actually thanks me when I hand him one, so I guess he’s done being surly for now.

The five of us down our beers, order another round, then another. After a while, Gray takes off with Fallon while the rest of us stay for another round. Then another.

I’m feeling pretty fucking good when I get up to head to the bathroom, side-eyeing the scantily clad girls on the dance floor as I go. I pause for a moment to check out the talent when I feel a pair of soft hands snake around my waist from behind, sliding up under my t-shirt and cruising across my hard ab muscles.

“Hey Theo,” comes a breathy whisper in my ear, and I glance over my shoulder to see a cute little brunette with big eyes and full lips.

“Hey,” I breathe, swiveling around to get a better look. I recognize her- I think her name is Kailey? Hailey? Whatever her name is, I got a blowjob from her once out behind the bar. She used a lot of teeth.

“You wanna go outside?” she asks, voice so husky that she’s practically moaning.

I give her a once-over. Her full tits are spilling over the top of her strapless dress, eyelashes fluttering as she blinks up at me. She’s 100% my type- petite, brown hair, big boobs.

I crack a smile. “For what?”

Hailey/Kailey places her hands on my pecs, leaning in to whisper in my ear.

“I want you to fuck me this time.”

My dick twitches in my jeans.

Who am I to turn down an invitation like that?

I slide an arm around the girl’s waist, leading her toward the door. Despite the crowd, we cross the distance in thirty seconds flat, and I push open the door, tugging Hailey/Kailey out behind me.

I step a few feet away from the bar entrance and she giggles, following me, reaching straight for my dick. It’s already semi-hard and she grabs at it through my jeans, biting her lip as she gazes up at me seductively.

I sag back against the wall, let her do her thing. It feels good. Hailey/Kailey goes to work on the button of my jeans, unfastening it and pulling down my zipper, reaching into my pants. I jolt a little bit when I feel her nimble fingers wrap around my cock.

Then the door beside us swings open. Hailey/Kailey is undeterred by the interruption, still fondling my dick, but I crane my neck to see who steps out.

My eyes are met with a very surprised looking Brooke. She’s startled to see me, and then it takes her a second to comprehend what’s going on. Her eyes go from me to Hailey/Kailey, to her arm, to where her hand disappears in my pants.

“Oh! I, um…” Brooke stammers, but she doesn’t move. It’s like she’s frozen, glued to the spot she’s standing in.

I smirk, raking my eyes over her body. Little miss goody two-shoes is dressed to kill tonight in a tight little skirt and heels. Her glasses are gone, her blonde hair falls in waves over her shoulders, and fuck, those legs. They go on for days. If I wasn’t all the way hard before, I am now. My dick strains against the fabric of my jeans and Hailey/Kailey’s hand.

“A little privacy?” I arch a brow.

Brooke glances around, flustered. “I… ew.”

She doesn’t look disgusted though, not exactly. Her wolf appears in swirls of silver in her irises, and as her gaze trails down to the other girl’s hand in my pants again, there’s something else behind her eyes… curiosity.

Brooke spins around, pulling open the door and ducking back inside the bar with lightning speed.

I rake a hand through my hair, sighing as Hailey/Kailey starts tugging on my dick again. I pull her hand out of my pants, lead her around the corner to the back of the building.

And yeah, I fuck her. Because I can, and because it feels good.