Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 2



Lady Catherine Trowbridge was at a loss for words. How was it that Abigail fit into society so effortlessly? In fact, Abigail Hatcher was the toast of the town! For Catherine, this was certainly not the case. As Abigail and Selina carried on, Catherine was left to think about her garden back at home, and how much she missed the hounds and horses.




“Catherine, you are daydreaming again,” Abigail scolded with a smile.




“This is not anything that I am accustomed to.”




“Then make yourself accustomed to it.” Abigail placed two friendly hands upon her bare shoulders. “You know that it is inevitable. You were saying last week that your mother and father wait in anticipation of a marriage.”




Selina added, “Do not put so much pressure upon her, Abigail. I see Catherine as the sort of lady that does not require a gentleman. She could spend the rest of her days riding her horse and reading her books, perfectly content.”




Catherine could not help but smile. Selina knew her all too well, perhaps better than Abigail did. What’s more, Selina always accepted Catherine, just the way that she was. This left a rather pleasant feeling in Catherine’s heart.




Abigail removed her hands from Catherine’s shoulders and rolled her eyes. Why was it that she was so intent upon Catherine marrying? “Abigail, you cannot scold me for not finding a husband when you yourself do not have one!” Catherine protested.




Abigail crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I am in no hurry to be wed. There are far too many fetching gentlemen in Bath. I should like to dance with all of them before I make a decision!”




Now, Catherine was the one to roll her eyes playfully. Abigail could be so conceited at times, and although she loved her friend dearly, Catherine knew that Abigail’s haughtiness might get her into trouble one of these days.




Oh, but Bath was ever so pleasant this time of year, and it made it easy to distract oneself from such thinking! Catherine already planned to walk down to the coast the following morning. How could marriage be so important when there was the sea, the sky, and the healing waters of the town? She estimated that she was very fortunate that her parents, the baron and baroness, did not send her to London for the Season. It would be abominable. There would be nowhere to escape.




“Come, let us find some eligible bachelors,” Abigail exclaimed, looking about the room as though she were on the hunt.




“I am nervous,” Catherine admitted, not liking the notion of having to converse with men that she did not know.




Selina surmised, “It is most fortunate that ladies are not allowed to approach men, Catherine. That way, you can stand here, being your beautiful self, merely waiting for them to come to you.”




Catherine constricted her brow in curiosity. What was Selina implying? She felt no more beautiful than her friends, but Selina was making it sound as though there was something particularly special about Catherine’s appearance. This made no sense to her in the slightest.




“Oh, heavens! Selina, do you see what I see?” Abigail asked. She nodded her head in the direction of two gentlemen directly across the ballroom.




Catherine watched as Selina’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Is that Felton Andrews?” she asked, returning her attention to Abigail.




“Indeed.” Abigail raised her brow. “In fact, I caught him looking this way earlier in the evening. I think that he is positively spying on us!”




“Who is Felton Andrews?” Catherine asked earnestly.




“Catherine, you really must go to more balls. Mr Andrews is at every single one! Oh, he is ever so handsome, and I hear tell that he has some kind of sentiment for me.” Abigail tossed her head to the side in pride. “Not that he is all that spectacular. In fact, I have seen more handsome gentlemen.” Her voice became hushed. “But I do fancy him, I must admit. Yet, I cannot let on as such. If Mr Andrew approaches then I shall be as cool as the waters of Bath. There’s no benefit to letting a man know that you have feelings for him.”




Catherine thought this abominable. She did not care for the games that society played. What’s more, if she were ever to fancy a man, she would tell him plainly. But these thoughts vanished as Catherine had a chance to view the gentleman just to Felton Andrews’ left. “Who is that?” she asked in a small voice.




Abigail grinned from ear to ear. “Catherine, there is so much for you to learn. If you do not know who that man is, then you are past help.” Her voice turned mischievous. “That is Lord Jasper Spranklin.”




“Lord Jasper Spranklin?” Catherine asked, having never heard the name. Oh, but he was ever so handsome and tall!




“The Earl of Simmons?” Abigail said, waiting for recognition to take hold. “You do not know the Earl? Why, I am positively aghast. Everyone knows Simmons, as the more distinguished call him. He is perhaps the most handsome man in all of Bath.”




Catherine examined him from afar once more. Yes, the blond hair and blue eyes were striking enough. In fact, he almost looked like a painting with his defined jaw and brow. Then, she caught him looking right at her, and Catherine turned away in fright!




“Was he just viewing you?” Selina asked.




“I believe that he was.” Catherine brought a hand up to her warm cheek.




Abigail went on, “If you can capture the heart of Simmons, you might be the luckiest girl in all of London.”




Catherine considered this. What was it about Simmons that Abigail found so appealing? Did he have a great deal of wealth? Noble parentage? Maybe he was a fine conversationalist.




“I have never seen a man so handsome,” Selina cooed. “But I daresay, he rarely attends balls. No one can seem to understand why. He could have himself a wife within moments if he wished to!”




Catherine found herself feeling rather curious about this Simmons fellow. Yes, he was viewing her once more! She looked down at her simple white dress, wondering what all the fuss might be about. Off to the right, a large mirror hung in the ballroom, and she gazed at her reflection. Yes, she had always been told that she was pretty, but Catherine did not see anything beautiful about her auburn hair and green eyes.




Returning her attention to Simmons across the room, their eyes locked, and Catherine feared that she might never be able to look away. Those ocean eyes were transfixing, and what’s more, there was kindness behind them.




“Catherine, don’t be caught staring!” Abigail scolded.




She cleared her throat nervously. “I suppose that he is rather handsome.”




“Catherine is flushing from ear to ear!” Selina exclaimed, taking out her fan and pumping it in front of her face. “Your blush has caused me to blush.”




All three girls laughed at this. It was rather funny that Catherine had had such a reaction to the Earl of Simmons. It was rare for her to have such a visceral reaction to a man. She felt her heart flutter in her chest and promised herself that she would not look back again. It would be impossibly forward to do so. “Let us talk of something else,” Catherine said, hoping that the flush might cool if the ladies spoke of gardening, horseback riding, or perhaps scheduling a picnic by the sea.




Although she hoped for distraction, this was not afforded to her as Abigail observed, “They are coming this way!”




Selina fanned herself more forcefully. “What shall you say to Felton Andrews?”




“I shall not say a word,” Abigail proclaimed, jutting her chin into the air. “I shall behave just as planned. There is no need to blush like Catherine.”




Oh, but the teasing was so vexing, for the flush continued! There was no chance that it would cool before Simmons and Andrews were upon them. So be it. There was no time to remedy the situation, and Catherine would do her best to be composed.




It was not long before the two men had joined their company, and Catherine observed that Simmons was ever taller when so nearby! His towering presence was gracious and genteel. She could feel it, for she dared not look at him directly once more.




“Good evening, ladies,” Felton Andrews said, bowing his head politely.




“Good evening, Mr Andrews,” Abigail replied with the most admirable composure. “I hope that you are enjoying yourselves.”




“We are immensely,” Simmons said, his voice impossibly deep.




Catherine wanted nothing more than to look up at him and see those ocean eyes from such a close proximity, but she could not bear to do it! She wished to conceal the flush, although she felt his eyes upon her, and she knew that he had no doubt seen it all too plainly.




“My lord, to what do we owe this honour?” Selina asked, still pumping her fan nervously.




“My friend, Mr Andrews, thought it best that we chat for a bit.”




“How very forward of you, Mr Andrews,” Abigail said with a tight smile.




Andrews cleared his throat. “I could not help it. You were attracting my attention from across the room.”




How very forward, indeed! Abigail’s jaw dropped open at this admission, and Catherine could not help but smile. It was humorous that moments ago, Abigail said that he would present a cool demeanour, and now she was lighting up just as Catherine had when she made eye contact with Simmons! How the tables had turned.




Beside her, she heard Simmons laugh, and Catherine finally looked up at him, delighting in his smile. Their eyes locked yet again, and Simmons said, “I am told that you are Lady Catherine Trowbridge.”




“You have heard correctly. I am indeed that lady,” she replied humorously.




“Why have I never seen you before?”




“I do not attend these events often,” Catherine admitted. “If I were to be perfectly honest, I would say that this is not my cup of tea.”




Simmons seemed intrigued by this. “Why is that?”




“I am unsure.” She shrugged. “I suppose that there are just so many people. I enjoy my own company far too much.”




Simmons smiled warmly yet again. “Yes, I can see that.”




“What do you mean?” Catherine asked, entirely forgetting that Selina, Abigail, and Andrews were still in attendance.




“You strike me as the sort of lady that fancies her books and horses.”




Was Simmons seeing right through her? “I can say with some surety that you have observed my character precisely.”




“I am much the same. It is not often that I attend balls and parties.”




“Oh, but you should!” Selina exclaimed. “Your company is always requested, I am sure.”




Simmons seemed confused by this. “Requested?”




Selina went on. “Yes, do you not receive invitations to all the most important balls.”




Simmons scratched his chin. “I suppose that I do.”




Andrews clapped him on the back. “I am afraid that my esteemed friend does not think much of such things. Like Lady Trowbridge, he prefers to read his books and tend to his horses.” Andrew raised his brow as he looked at Simmons.




Catherine was at a loss for words, which was not uncommon for her. Was Andrews implying that she and Simmons were similar in some regard? And what was it with the arched brow, as though he was being mischievous?




Just then, the music started up once more and ladies and gentlemen took to the dance floor. Abigail went with Andrews, leaving Catherine, Selina, and Simmons entirely alone. Oh, but she felt her heart race once more.




“Would you care to dance, my lord?” Selina asked.




Catherine could not believe her ears. Selina knew that it was a scandal to ask a gentleman of Simmons’ standing for a dance. Still, Simmons appeared respectful and complied. As they departed, he turned back to look at Catherine once more, and she felt her knees go weak.