Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 4



Once the ball had concluded, Catherine was on cloud nine, but she could not understand why she had ascended to such a great height! Was it because she finally let down her inhibitions, ever so slightly, to attend the ball? No, it was certainly because of the presence of the Earl of Simmons.




“What a marvellous night!” Abigail exclaimed as they walked through the gardens with the moon overhead. “I had such a wonderful time dancing with Mr Andrews.”




Selina remarked, “It seems that you have a new man that you are in love with each week, Abigail. I beg of you not to break Mr Andrews’ heart.”




“I would never do such a thing,” Abigail assured her. “In fact, I have the mind to tell him that I am equally as fond of him as he is of me.”




“How do you know that he is fond of you?” Catherine asked, genuinely interested.




“It is the way that he looks at me,” she replied dreamily. “The way that he dances with me. There is no doubt in my mind that he is in love with me.”




Catherine thought this nearly preposterous. How could Abigail make such an assumption? She also hoped that Abigail would not break his heart, for Mr Andrews seemed like an amusing and kind man.




Oh, why did it even matter? Why was Catherine asking for the signs of love? It was all too clear. She wished to know if Simmons might have such feelings for her.




“You have a very fine evening,” Abigail said suggestively. I saw the Earl speaking with you for quite some time. Is there anything that you wish to share, Catherine?”




Before answering this, she turned to see if they were in earshot of their chaperones, who were following behind but at a great distance. “The Earl is a very kind man. I did enjoy his company.”




“And?” Selina exclaimed, seemingly eager to hear more.




“And nothing more. I have not spent enough time with him to answer further. I found his presence most agreeable, which was surprising, at first.”




“Why should that be surprising?” Abigail asked.




“Because of the way you described him! You made him sound as though he were the most intimidating man in all of Christendom. But he was not like that at all. The Earl of Simmons and I…we have much in common.”




The girls fell silent, and Catherine was left to wonder what they might be thinking of her response. Did they think that she was withholding, or even worse, lying? Well, Catherine would tell them no more because there was nothing else that she was willing to say. The sensation within her was still too new, and she did not know how to broach the subject.




Abigail wrapped her arm around Catherine’s waist as they continued to walk, the cool evening air kissing their skin. “Do you see how much fun you can have when you release yourself from your shell? I daresay, you could have met countless men like Simmons, had you come out with me sooner.”




This had to have been a lie, for there was no one like Simmons that Catherine had ever met in her life! Never had she met a man that comported himself with such ease and affability. Was that merely because she had not ventured into society enough?




“I would like to be more outgoing,” Catherine admitted. “It is rather trying at first dealing with all of the nerves, but as my parents said, I need to find a husband.” She turned downcast at the very thought of it.




“I am sure that the Earl of Simmons could be a good candidate,” Abigail said suggestively. “He needs to find a wife, after all.”




Catherine felt her skin tingle. The thought of marrying the Earl was too much to bear, and she tossed the idea aside. “Let us not talk of such things. And besides, the earl mentioned that there is no need for him to take a wife in the immediate future, and what’s more, there is still no indication that he has those kinds of thoughts about me.”




There was silence yet again. Did Selina and Abigail know something that she did not? If so, they refused to share it, for the silence continued for a considerable length of time.




Within this silence, Catherine’s thoughts yet again returned to the Earl. He had mentioned them coming to his estate for supper. Had he made the same request to Selina? For surely, it would be most nerve-racking for Catherine to attend such a supper by herself. Her chaperone would be there, of course, but it would still be most overwhelming.




“Selina?” Catherine inquired. “Did the Earl make any future plans with you?” she asked, her voice hushed.




“Of what nature?” Selina asked, brimming with curiosity.




“Oh, I do not even know what I am referring to,” Catherine replied, tossing her hand in the air. “It was a slip of the tongue.”




“Ha!” Abigail exclaimed. “Did you make future plans with you, Catherine?”




Her two friends stopped and now all eyes were upon Catherine. It was horrible to be put on the spot so, and she huffed, wishing that her friends would change the subject once more.




“No, it is not that,” she replied, telling a fib. “It is just that she and the Earl were dancing for such a considerable length of time, that I had to wonder.”




Selina frowned, gazing up at the moon. “The Earl made no such plans. Oh, I feel like such a fool for asking him to dance. I know that he was being polite in accepting! And then, I was foolish enough to ask him to dance again!”




Catherine asked, “What did he say?”




Shoulders slumped, Selina replied, “He excused himself and said that he was in need of refreshment. I must say, there was something strange in his response. Perhaps he thought me impossibly forward.”




Catherine’s heart broke for Selina because she could sense that her friend was disparaged. She brought a hand to her shoulder. “Do not fear. The Earl is a kind man, and I am sure that was not it. Perhaps he was parched.”




Selina shook her head. “It was something different than that. His eyes became glassy and there was something fearful in his expression. I must say that I was a bit taken aback by it.”




A wave of fear came over Catherine as she remembered the sweat that had clung to his brow. Had there truly been something amiss? No, that was not possible, for once they started conversing, he had seemed as right as rain.




The ladies continued their walk, which led them to a marvellous fountain, the water of which reflected the bright light of the moon. They sat on the lip of it, their chaperones seating themselves on a nearby bench. Catherine dipped her fingers into the water, feeling the coolness. She sighed to herself, thinking that overall, it had been an exceptionally pleasing evening and she would have changed none of it for the world.




“These are the healing waters,” Abigail said with assurance. “They run it in from the spas of Bath. At least, that is what the host expressed to me.”




Catherine felt gratitude rush through her. Yes, she loved her hometown of Bath. There was nowhere else in the world that she would rather be, but the Earl’s remark about travelling certainly stirred something in her. She truly did wish to travel! Bath was her home, but there were so many things in the world to explore and so many places to see.




She sincerely hoped that she married a man who was fond of travel, as well. Oh, but why was she thinking of men so frequently that evening? Catherine secretly scolded herself.




As they chatted and carried on, Catherine found herself wondering when she would see the Earl of Simmons again. Would she have to attend several balls in order to encounter him? No, he had invited her to his estate! Certainly, she would invite Selina and Abigail to come along. Catherine was unsure of how she could bear it without their company.




The evening came to a close when the chaperones finally decided that the hour had grown too late. They each found their separate carriages and departed, but not before several embraces and plans to meet again the day after tomorrow. During the ride home, Catherine gazed out the window at the moon, which was now brighter than ever.




Where was Simmons right now? Certainly, he had returned to his estate, or he and Mr Andrews were out late carousing. Though Simmons did not seem like the sort of fellow that cared for such things.




The chaperone finally said, “I am sure that your father will be pleased that you encountered the Earl.”




“It is of no consequence. He is merely a new friend.”




“A new friend with a great deal of money, he is.”




Catherine assured her, “As I said, it is of no consequence.”