Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 9



The prospect of enjoying supper at the Earl’s estate was tantalizing and nerve-racking. Catherine was so excited that Abigail had decided to attend, as well, for that would give her a chance to spend time with Felton Andrews. All in all, when Catherine stepped into the parlour of the Earl’s estate, she could not help but remark to her dear friend, “Do you think this dress is too much?”




“You are a vision,” Abigail replied. “I have always thought that you would look sumptuous in gold, what with your beautiful red hair.”




Catherine looked down at herself in doubt. Yes, the gold shone magnificently, like the surface of the sun, but she feared that it was far too distracting and also it was quite tight. Abigail had insisted that she show off her figure, but never had Catherine shown it off to this extent! She felt like she was being entirely revealed and did not delight in the sensation of it.




Still, she was determined to do everything that Abigail instructed her to do, and that included setting her curls in a new way that made them look larger and more buoyant. They were not seated in the parlour for long before the Earl entered, with Felton Andrews just behind him. Across the way, Catherine’s and Abigail’s chaperones were seated on a sofa.




“I am so happy that you could join us, ladies,” Simmons said, bowing his head respectfully then gazing directly into Catherine’s eyes. “Your presence has been desired for some time.”




Catherine felt herself colour. Yes, there was something so enticing in his blue eyes, and also, they still had that admiration that she had noted on an earlier occasion. “We were so honoured to receive the invitation. And I must say, your estate is rather beautiful,” she added, looking all around the ornate parlour with all its paintings, rich vases brimming with flowers, and antique furniture that looked as though it were of French origin.




“I was anxious to have you see it,” Simmons explained. “I was hoping that you might be taken by it.”




Just then, Abigail provided her a surreptitious glance that was rather peculiar. Was Abigail highlighting what Simmons had just said? For Catherine, she did not overthink it. He must have merely wanted to impress her after he saw her reaction to the Duke’s estate.




Mr Andrews was the next to speak. “I must say, you ladies look rather beautiful tonight. We are the ones that are truly honoured.”




Now, Abigail was the one to colour. Catherine saw it with her own two eyes! “That is awfully good of you, Mr Andrews,” Abigail said, unleashing her fan to cool her cheeks. “I do not wish to brag, but I selected this very gown for Catherine, as I fear that she never shows herself off as the treasure that she really is.”




Catherine had the mind to scold her friend for saying this but doing so in the company of the gentlemen was uncalled for. Instead, she cleared her throat lightly and said, “Yes, it is a rather shocking gown, and I nearly protested when Abigail suggested it. But sometimes it is good to try things that might make one …uncomfortable.”




Simmons responded, “I believe the very same thing, Lady Trowbridge. It is often rather trying to do things that are frightening and new, and although I think it unnecessary to change your apparel—or anything about you for that matter—I must say that the gown is stunning, and I am proud of you for attempting it.” A broad smile came to Simmons’ lips.




“I am proud of myself. In fact, Abigail is helping me in matters pertaining to…shyness.”




Simmons clasped his hands behind his back. “How peculiar. I never thought you to be shy, merely weary of society, as I myself am.”




The parlour fell silent as Catherine was lost in the Earl’s eyes. Did he truly understand her so well to know that she was truly not shy, but just preferred to be by herself and focus on what interested her most?




She had to turn away, for the constant eye contact was too bewitching for words. Mr Andrews punctuated the silence. “Come. Let us go into the dining room. I know that the meal is ready.”




Simmons was the one to open the doors to the dining room after this suggestion, and the party of four stepped in, as well as the chaperones, who would be seated along the wall.




Once inside, Catherine tried to hide her true reaction to the Earl’s estate. She thought it even more impressive than the Duke’s! This was mostly because the Earl’s estate was more tasteful and refined. How very rich Simmons must be, not that that mattered in the slightest.




Once the ladies were situated in their seats, Simmons took the head of the table and proclaimed, “My mother shall be down late for supper. She apologizes for this, but it could not be prevented.”




“I hope that she is all right, my lord,” Catherine said.




“Remember, you are allowed to call me Simmons, if you are comfortable with that.”




She softened, remembering the time that he had suggested it. “Yes, Simmons. I am comfortable with this.”




Similar to every other occasion that she had been with Simmons, it seemed as though time stood still and everyone else vanished when she was in his company. She nearly forgot that Abigail was seated quietly beside her. Now, to the outside eye, it would appear as though Abigail was the shy one! For when Catherine was in Simmons’ presence, all at once she had a lot to say.




The soup course was served, and she delighted in it. Then, the Dowager Countess entered, and Catherine felt nerves strike again.




“Esteemed guests, I do apologize that I am late,” she said, taking a seat at the opposite end of the table.




“It is of no consequence, Mother. I would like to introduce Lady Catherine Trowbridge,” he said with a glimmer in his eye. “As well as Lady Abigail Hatcher.”




“I am so delighted to meet you,” the Dowager Countess replied.




Catherine instantly noted that she seemed like a rather pleasant woman, which made sense, considering how pleasant her son was. Also, she had a warm expression on her face that made Catherine feel truly welcome.




They carried on with the soup course and she noted that the mother’s eyes were decidedly upon her. “Tell me about yourself, Lady Trowbridge,” she asked with interest.




“I have lived in Bath all of my life, my lady. It has always been home, and I am rather proud of that.”




Simmons interjected, “She toys with tinctures. This is the lady that I said might be able to be of assistance with my…condition.”




The mother raised her brow in keen amusement. “I suppose you might as well try, though I cannot imagine that your infirmity shall be remedied.”




Catherine could not help but add, “Oh, you would not believe how effective they are! I have healed all kinds of ailments in this manner. I shall get to work concocting something tomorrow, just as soon as I have a better understanding of the symptoms.”




Simmons seemed fearful after that. Again, this filled her with dread for he had not said much about what it was that he suffered from. Still, Catherine was confident that she could help, if even in some small measure.




The Dowager Countess spoke again, as though trying to fill the silence. “Anything that you can do to help will be most welcome. I have always found it interesting, tinctures and remedies. I have never owned a garden and have no sense of traditional medicines. It is so charming to meet someone who does.”




Catherine was glowing after her statement. Never had she felt so embraced for being the rather odd girl that she felt herself to be. In fact, she had to admit to herself that she felt entirely at home on the Earl’s estate.




Just then, the main course was served by several footmen, and Catherine delighted in the aroma. It did seem as though Simmons must have had a garden, for the herbs smelt fresh and inviting. Duck with asparagus was placed before her and she sensed that she had quite the appetite. All tucked in as Abigail was the next to speak.




“Such a marvellous supper and a lovely home. Both Lady Trowbridge and I feel sincere gratitude for the invitation.”




“As I have already expressed,” Mr Andrews went on, “The Earl and I are the ones that feel gratitude. It is not every day that we get to dine with such enticing ladies.”




Simmons shot Felton Andrews a glare, as though he had said too much. Mr Andrews cleared his throat and continued, “What I meant by that was…myself and the Earl often speak of the two of you.”




Catherine felt her heart sink for poor Selina. She had not wanted to come because she thought it awkward for there to be three women and two men at such a supper, but seeing the situation for what it was, Catherine wished that Selina was there, for she knew that her friend would be enjoying herself.




As the supper carried on, Catherine watched as Abigail and Felton eyed one another constantly, and from her peripheral vision, she felt Simmons eyeing her in much the same manner. Oh, there was affection in the air! Yes, Catherine had to admit to herself that she was ever so fond of the Earl of Simmons, but could this possibly be the answer to her plight? She thought not, for despite that amorous look in Simmons’ gaze, there was no chance that he would accept someone of Catherine’s standing.




She could not help but remark to him, “You have a fine cook. This meal is sumptuous.”




Simmons cleaned the sides of his mouth with his napkin before replying. “She has been at the estate since I was a wee boy. I have been fed well.”




“I daresay,” the Dowager Countess went on, “you have been fed well, considering you are the size of a gladiator.”




Simmons closed his eyes and shook his head. “Mother, you always tease me.”




“But truly! You have always been an athletic boy, but there is no reason that your build should be so strong. One might think that you have worked in the fields all your life.”




Although the statement was humorous, Catherine did need to consider that she was speaking the truth. Simmons was a robust man, and this was only amplified by her small stature. Even though she could not admit it, there were moments when she did feel intimidated by his size.




“Let us speak of other matters,” Simmons went on, leaning back in his chair. “I have a mind to enjoy the night sky once the meal is done.”




“I do believe that it is a full moon tonight,” Catherine remarked.




“Is that so?”




“Indeed. I read of such matters. The moon does affect the garden, whether you were aware of that or no.”




Simmons smiled warmly. “I did not know, but I am glad that you have informed me.”




“I am rather silly when it comes to such things,” she shared. “I have an undying curiosity about the world.”




“And I find that most pleasing.”




Yes, it was palpable, the enthusiasm that Simmons had for her. If only he knew how much she had for him! It was only upon concluding the supper and going out to look at the moon that Abigail shared privately, “You do not require me to teach you anything. You are excelling!”




“No, I am not. I am merely being myself, as you stated.”




“And that is precisely what you are doing,” Abigail replied with a wink.