Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



I agreed to come for one beer, and somehow that turned into five. Or is it six? I’ve got a nice little buzz, so I’m not sure on the count. I don’t know why I ever agree to coming out for one when I know it’ll lead to staying out all night, but I’m relaxed for the first time all week. I guess Theo knew I needed this.

I’m heading out of the bathroom when I see her walking toward me, looking like a goddamn smokeshow.


She’s all dressed up in a little skin-tight skirt and tank top, and the sight of her makes my blood rush right to my dick.

Her eyes are trained on the ground, so she doesn’t even see me stop and stick my arm out, pressing my palm to the wall to block her path.

I know I said I’d avoid her, but I’m a little buzzed and she looks so damn good, I can’t help myself. She looks up at the last minute, surprise playing on her face as she skids to a stop right before clotheslining herself on my outstretched arm.

I lean my head down next to her ear. “You shouldn’t be here.” My words come out in a low growl.

“Wh… what?” She looks up at me, wide-eyed, and I immediately know that something isn’t right.

I suddenly realize that she doesn’t smell the same, doesn’t look quite the same.


As the realization hits me like a ton of bricks, I drop my arm and take a step back. She just stares at me, confused and blinking.

Fallon’s a twin. An identical twin. This isn’t Fallon, it’s gotta be her sister.

“Uh, sorry,” I sputter, reaching up to rub the back of my neck.


Say something, moron!

“I… I thought you were someone else. My bad,” I choke out, breezing past a very confused looking Brooke before she can respond.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I keep my head down all the way back to the table, sliding into my seat silently. The guys are lost in conversation, but all turn to me when they realize how heavily I’m breathing.

“What’s up?” Theo asks, squinting his eyes.

I shake my head, reaching for my half-empty beer on the table. “Nothing,” I grumble, putting it to my lips and draining the rest.

The other guys just stare at me. I set my beer bottle back on the table, sliding it to the center to join the other empties. I calm my racing heart and erratic breathing, regaining my composure. They’re still waiting for me to respond, but there’s no way I’m going to confess to my humiliation in the hallway.

“What?” I ask, arching a brow.

“Whatever, man,” Theo says, rolling his eyes. He returns to his conversation with Jax.

“Hey,” Brock nudges me, speaking in a low voice so the other guys won’t hear. “Did you see who’s here?”

He tips his beer bottle in the direction of the bar, and I turn over my shoulder to follow his gaze across the room.

It’s Fallon. The real Fallon, evidently, because she’s dressed differently than her twin. Her little black dress is way too short, showing off her long, shapely legs. I thought her carbon-copy sister looked good, but Fallon herself is an absolute goddess. I can’t stop myself from staring at her for a little too long as she sips her drink and tosses back her head as she laughs with her friends. My wolf was subdued from all the beers I’ve consumed, but he immediately perks up and stands at attention.

I’m definitely staring for too long, because her gaze flickers to mine and our eyes lock. I quickly look away, turning around in my seat and putting my back to her.

Brock gives me a knowing look and I reach for his beer, downing it. He just smirks at me as I slide the empty bottle back onto the table, give a little shake of my head.

I know Brock won’t say anything to the other guys; he’s not the type to call people out or be up in their business.

But he and I both know that Fallon being here tonight spells one thing: trouble.