Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



“I can’t believe they’re actually giving us a day off!” Vienna squeals, rifling through the little closet at the end of her bunk. “How about this one?” She pulls out a skimpy red dress and holds it up in front of her.

I nod my head in approval. “Definitely that one.”

Vienna grins from ear to ear, trotting by me to head into the locker room to change.

When we heard that we’d have the day off tomorrow, all of the recruits were ecstatic. We’ve been training hard all week, so we’ve definitely earned a reprieve. Vienna invited Boyd, Davis, and I to come out with her and her friend Hannah. Apparently Hannah is from Goldenleaf, the town near the squad complex, and said that the squad usually goes out to a bar there on Saturday nights to let loose.

I guess good news travels fast, because Brooke showed up in the recruit barracks soon after, asking if I was going out. I’m so excited to get to spend some time with her. Even though it has only been a week, it feels like we haven’t seen each other in ages.

Vienna skips out of the locker room in the red dress and does a little twirl. She looks amazing- it’s a strapless bodycon dress that hugs her curves. I definitely need to step my game up.

“You look great!” I exclaim, flashing her a smile. I glance down at the dirty t-shirt and shorts that I’m still wearing and sigh. “Ugh. I don’t have anything to wear.”

“You can wear something of mine!” Vienna offers, heading back to her closet and rifling through the garments again.

“I’m like a foot taller than you,” I mutter, following her.

She pulls out a black dress and shoves it in my direction. “Here. This one’s a little long on me.”

I side-eye the dress, thinking to myself that there’s no way it’s going to cover my ass. I glance back to Vienna skeptically, but she looks determined. I heave another sigh and take the dress from her, heading to the locker room to try it on.

When I emerge a few minutes later, Boyd whistles in approval. “Hot damn!” he calls out, tossing me a wink.

I blush and tug at the hem of the dress. It’s a little off-the-shoulder number that’s both a bit too tight and a bit too short. If I bend over, there’s a 100% chance I’ll moon everyone.

“I don’t know…” I start to say, but Vienna waves a hand dismissively.

“Stop. It’s perfect. You look hot.” She waggles her eyebrows, tossing her wavy dark hair over her shoulder.

I chuckle, heading back into the locker room to put on a little bit of makeup. Vienna offers to curl my hair, but I toss it up into a loose bun instead. Vienna’s friend Hannah and Brooke join us in the bathroom to get ready and after a while, we’re all put together and prepared to head out.

Vienna somehow talked Brooke into a skimpy outfit, too, and she looks incredible in a black sequined mini-skirt and silk spaghetti-strap top. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail and she even agreed to swap her nerd glasses for contact lenses, which she hardly ever does. Boyd and Davis have been waiting ever-so-patiently for us girls to get all glammed up, and we wave them over and all head out.

It’s dark, but the path to the bar is easy to follow. Hannah knows the way. On the way there, I learn more about Vienna’s friend Hannah- she’s part of the Goldenleaf pack, which is led by Alpha Gray. She’s been to the bar in Goldenleaf that we’re headed to before- apparently they’ll serve alcohol to anyone over 18, which is why it’s so popular. In our own little shifter towns, we can bend the rules when it comes to things like that. Us wolves metabolize liquor a lot faster than the average human, so underage alcohol abuse is less of a concern because it isn’t as dangerous. It’d take a lot for a wolf to get alcohol poisoning.

I don’t ask Hannah about her alpha, though I want to. It’s obvious that Gray has been avoiding me since our run-in in the locker room. It’s driving me a little crazy- I mean, I didn’t even like the guy, then he gets all sexy with me in the showers and I decide I actually want to get to know him better, and then I get the cold shoulder? What gives?

To be honest, part of the reason I wanted to come out tonight was on the off chance that I might run into him in his town. He can’t avoid me forever.

I can hear the dull hum of music before we reach the bar, ever-increasing as we close the distance. It’s right on the edge of the forest, what I imagine must be the edge of town, though it sits off by itself. Neon signs illuminate the windows and cast a hazy light outside.

Boyd speed-walks so he’s the first to the door, pulling it open and leaning against it. “Ladies first,” he says, grinning and gesturing inside.

Vienna and Hannah giggle while Brooke and I roll our eyes. We actually know Boyd and how hard he tries to be a smooth operator. Vienna and Hannah may be charmed now, but they’ll learn soon enough.

We all file inside and head right for the bar, eager to grab our first drink of the night. I order a vodka cranberry and as soon as the bartender slides it to me, I take a long sip through the little swizzle straw. It’s a tad heavy on the vodka.

I pay and turn around and lean back against the bar, scanning the interior of the space. It’s crowded tonight, and some people have already turned the center of the room into a makeshift dance floor. There are quite a few tables dotting the perimeter, and I glance around to see if there are any familiar faces.

Ah, who am I kidding? I’m looking for Gray. I recognize several of the other recruits around the place, but I don’t see him. Damn.

Brooke nudges me, and I turn my attention to her.

“Will you watch my drink for a sec?” she asks, sliding it toward me along the bar top. “I’m gonna hit the ladies’.”

“Sure,” I say, raising my voice so she can hear me over the music as I turn sideways and rest my arm on the bar beside her drink. I take another sip of my own and watch her head off in the direction of the restroom.

“You’ll dance with me, won’t you Fallon?” I hear Vienna say, and I turn back to see that she’s planted herself beside me in Brooke’s spot.

I shrug. “Sure.” I take another long sip, finishing my drink. I tip my empty glass at Vienna. “Just let me get a little bit more liquid courage,” I smirk.

Vienna clinks her glass with my empty one and brings it to her lips, chugging the rest of her rum and coke. Her eyes are watery when she finishes it off and slams her glass down on the bar triumphantly. “Woo!” she cheers, turning to me and grinning. “I’m with you, girl. Let’s get another.”

I laugh, turning my body back toward the bar and leaning forward to get the bartender’s attention. We make eye contact and I hold up two fingers, gesturing to Vienna and myself. He understands the signal and starts making us each another drink.

I start to reach into the top of my dress to fish out the cash I brought from my bra, but Boyd appears on the other side of me and touches my arm, shaking his head.

“Drinks are on me tonight,” he says, winking.

I really shouldn’t let him pay, but free drinks are free drinks. Plus, Boyd’s dad’s some sort of investment banker, so his family is loaded.

“Thanks, Boyd.” I smile as the bartender brings Vienna and I fresh drinks and Boyd slips the guy a twenty.

“Okay,” Vienna says, and I turn back to look at her. She’s holding up her new drink. “After this one, we’re dancing.”

I grin, picking up my drink and clinking my glass with hers. “Deal.”