Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



“Incoming,” I whisper as I see a flurry of movement across the forest. I’m on the periphery, falling back and observing how the recruits fare in their first war games while still giving a little bit of direction here and there. So far, I’m impressed with my team- they’ve taken out every encroaching member of the black team before they can get close to the bunker. I’m not sure what strategy they employed for offense, but it’s clearly not working for them.

I see someone sprinting toward the bunker- tall and lean, with a long blonde ponytail streaming out behind. Fallon’s making a run for it, and it looks like she’s doing it without any backup from her own team.

We’ve got a few defenders lurking in the brush and they leap out, running in her direction to head her off. She’s faster, though. I’m impressed by how she dodges and outruns each of them, her singular goal being to reach the bunker. Her grit and determination are sexy as hell.

Fallon reaches the platform, grabbing ahold of one of the boards to swing herself up. As she does, one of the recruits that was tailing her closes in and snatches her other patch off of her shoulder just as she swings onto the platform. It should be game over, but either she doesn’t know that her patch was taken or she just doesn’t care. Once on the platform, she lands a couple of good jabs on Brennan, one of the gold team recruits guarding the flag. As he staggers back and falls, she wheels to Summer, the other flag guard, and knees her in the stomach so hard that it knocks the wind out of the poor girl.

I advance, calling out to her, but Fallon doesn’t hear me. She reaches for the flag and pulls it off of its stand.

“Fallon, you’re done!” I shout, waving an arm.

She finally hears my words and looks over at me with a confused expression, but Brennan is getting to his feet and she wastes no time jumping down from the platform with the flag. She sticks it into the waistband of her shorts and takes off in a sprint.

I try to call after her, but she just keeps running. The gold team recruits look to me, wide-eyed and confused, and I realize I have to step in. I give chase- and while Fallon’s fast, she’s winded. I catch up to her quickly, try to call out, but she doesn’t stop. I finally do the only thing I can to stop her- I tackle her to the ground.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, I throw my body so that it hits the dirt instead of hers. Fallon sputters at the impact and frantically claws at my arm around her waist. I release her quickly and she rolls off of me sideways as I grab at the flag hanging out of the waistband of her shorts. I snatch it away, rising to my feet and offering her a hand to help her up.

“What the fuck?!” Fallon’s lying flat on her back, panting and glaring up at me. She looks pissed. She sits up, pushing off of the ground to rise to her feet. She moves to snatch the flag back out of my hand, but I pull it away. Then she shoves my chest, going for it again.

“You’re out,” I growl, but she just keeps coming at me, pushing at my chest and trying to get the flag back.

“Fallon!” I shout, shoving her backwards. She stumbles a bit but doesn’t fall. “You’re out!” I point to her shoulders, and from her expression I can see that my words are finally starting to register. She looks down wildly, realizes her patches are missing. Then she comes at me again.

“You can’t take it, it has to be a recruit!” she screams, pounding on my chest. I push her back again.

“I didn’t!” I hold out an arm, blocking her from shoving me again. “Reilly took it when you were climbing up the bunker!”

Fallon’s eyes are thrown wide and she just shakes her head in disbelief. “No! I would’ve felt it!” She lunges for the flag in my hand again, but I hold it out of her reach. “You’re cheating!” The anger and frustration in her voice are palpable and she’s basically throwing a temper tantrum at this point. “You just don’t want me to win! You’ve got it out for me, Gray!”

She’s making a scene and I have to put a stop to it. I stoop down and lunge forward, grabbing Fallon by the waist and hoisting her up, throwing her over my shoulder in a fireman carry. She’s fighting me hard- kicking her feet against my chest and pounding her fists against my back as I stomp into the thick brush of the forest, tossing the flag at one of the gold team’s defenders.

I carry Fallon all the way out of the war games area, deeper into the forest. She fights me the whole way, kicking and punching and screaming. When I finally feel like we’re far enough away, I spot a wide tree trunk and bend to set her on her feet in front of it. I immediately straighten, pushing forward and holding her against the tree with my forearm at her throat.

“I thought we already established that you will address me as sir, or Alpha Gray,” I bark, a low growl starting in my chest.

Fallon squirms against my hold, digging her nails into my forearm. “You’re not my alpha,” she hisses.

I tighten my hold, restricting her air slightly to show I mean business. “That’s where you’re wrong,” I say, staring into her eyes. I raise my voice, putting command behind it. “While you’re here, we’re all your alpha.”

Fallon must realize that her resistance is futile, because she stops struggling against me. She holds my gaze, narrowing her eyes. “Why do you hate me so much?”

Her question takes me by surprise- I release her, dropping my arm. She doesn’t run, though. Instead, she steps forward, pressing her palms into my chest and craning her neck to look up at me.

“Why?” she asks again, blinking, her voice barely a whisper.

I shake my head and turn away, take a couple paces away from her. I feel like my brain is scrambled when we’re in close proximity. I heave a sigh, rubbing the back of my neck as I turn back to her. “I don’t hate you,” I grumble. I let my eyes wander back up to hers, and they’re so wide, so blue.

Fallon takes a shaky step backwards, resting her body against the tree trunk. “Yes you do,” she mutters bitterly, scowling. “You’re always singling me out, playing these fucking mind games with me.”

My temper flares and I stalk toward her again. I stop right in front of her, invading her space and resting my palms on the tree trunk on either side of her. My arms cage her in as I lean forward, my face inches from hers. “You think I’m the one playing mind games?” I growl. “How could I be playing mind games when I can’t even fucking think straight when I’m around you?!”

“Wh… what?” Fallon asks, her words coming out in a breathy little moan. She stares back at me with such vulnerability and I catch a whiff of her arousal that sends my wolf surging to the surface.

All rational thought leaves my body as I move my right hand from the tree to her jaw, cupping it roughly with my thumb under her chin and tipping her face upwards. I lean forward and crush my lips against hers. The moment our lips touch, it feels like a bolt of lightning rips through me. Fallon’s body immediately relaxes against mine, her lips gently parting to accept the kiss.

I wrap my other arm around her waist, pulling her body into mine. When her thigh brushes my dick, all of my blood rushes to it and I’m lost. As her lips part, I sweep my tongue into her mouth, kissing her hungrily, needily. I feel her hands on my body, her nails scoring the skin of my biceps as they snake around me and she presses herself closer, whimpering and returning my kiss with the same feverish urgency.

I press forward, backing her up and pinning her against the tree as I move my lips from hers, kissing down her jawline to the side of her neck. As I do, I slide my hand down from her face to her breast, giving it a squeeze. Her perky little tits are fucking perfect. She lets out another breathy moan and her body melts against mine. She’s so damn responsive to my touch- and what little hold I had on my control is lost completely.


Gray’s kisses and nips on the tender flesh of my neck are driving me absolutely fucking wild. My pussy is throbbing with need as Gray begins sliding his hand down my belly to the waistband of my shorts.

Holy fuck. Is this really happening?

I don’t have time to think about it or question it, because I’m completely lost in the sensation of what he’s doing to me, how he’s making my body come alive like it never has before. I feel his fingertips tease into the waistband of my shorts, then delve down into the front of my panties.

Yes,” I breathe, throwing my arms around his neck and holding tighter to him. His hand continues cruising downwards, and when his fingertips brush against my clit I let out a desperate whine and almost come right there.

Gray stills his movements, pulling his face back to look me in the eye. “Don’t come until I give you permission,” he commands, and his words send another flood of heat straight to my core. “Got it?”

I’m absolutely wild with lust, the line between my human and animal side paper thin. I grind my pussy wantonly against his hand, but he’s still frozen, waiting for my response. “Yes sir,” I pant, and as soon as the words fall from my lips he darts his hand down, sinking one of his thick fingers deep into my pussy.

He moves his face down next to mine, his mouth right beside my ear. “Good girl,” he whispers as he begins pumping his finger slowly in and out of me. I can feel his breath on my neck and his dick against my thigh- it’s rock hard. Knowing that he wants me right now as much as I want him sends another flood of molten heat through my body.

My knees go weak, but Gray’s got a secure hold on me around my waist. I practically go limp in his arms as he continues to work my pussy, grinding the heel of his hand against my clit as he works his finger in and out. His touch is giving off sparks, bringing the most intense heat- but it’s a good heat. I can feel my orgasm building and it takes everything inside of me to fight it back.

“P… please…” I choke, and Gray just shakes his head, returning his steely gaze to mine.

“Not yet,” he murmurs, leaning forward and crushing his lips against mine again. Fireworks explode behind my eyes when he kisses me, and I kiss him back greedily. I need him. I want him. Fuck, he feels so good.

Gray pulls away from the kiss, looking into my eyes again as he fucks me with his finger. I stare back at him pleadingly- I’m crazed with need; I can’t hold back much longer. His thumb brushes my clit and the corner of his mouth tips up into a little smirk as he whispers, “now”.

My orgasm rips through me like a freight train. I’m completely lost- all I can do is scream and pant and moan and hold on to him for dear life as wave after wave of intense pleasure washes over my body. He keeps working his finger in and out of my pussy, wringing every last ounce of pleasure from me before my vision tunnels and I go limp in his arms.

Gray gently steadies me, giving my pussy a little pat and slowly withdrawing his hand from my shorts, leaning me against the tree trunk for support. I’m still catching my breath when he grabs me by the jaw again, roughly stamping his lips over mine. The kiss brings more fireworks and I go dizzy again with what feels like another little aftershock of my orgasm. I part my lips and twine my tongue with his, savoring his taste. He’s delicious.

He plants another little peck on my lips, then pulls back and grins. His broad chest is rising and falling as he draws heavy breaths, staring down at me as his eyes swirl golden. My eyes flutter down the muscular planes of his abdomen to the sizable bulge in his shorts. I reach my hand out to touch him. He made me feel so good, now it’s his turn.

He takes hold of my wrist before I can touch him, though, and stops me. My wolf whines but Gray just gives a little shake of his head. “We’d better get back,” he grumbles.

Fuck. I completely forgot about war games. Some of the other recruits definitely saw Gray carry me away. What are people going to think about us disappearing together, returning together?

Gray is clearly contemplating the same thing, because he looks a little worried as he scrubs a hand over his face. “Why don’t you head back to the complex,” he suggests. “Say I made you go back because you weren’t playing by the rules.”

I wrinkle my nose, scowling. “What, I’m being punished now?”

The corner of Gray’s mouth ticks up into a smug smile. He steps toward me, pressing his body against mine again and cupping the front of my pussy through my shorts. “Oh, I think that was hardly punishment,” he drawls.

Fuck. Me.

I’m breathless as he withdraws his hand and steps back again.

I gaze up at him through my eyelashes, smirking a little. “Fine,” I breathe, steadying myself and pushing off of the tree. I start to walk past him, but he darts out a hand, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back. I spin into his chest and he wraps an arm around my waist, pressing another kiss to my lips.

The sizzle of his touch lingers on my lips as he pulls away, releasing his grip on my body. “Hurry back,” he says, swatting me on the butt as I turn to leave. I glance back at him and he’s just standing there with his arms folded across his chest, watching me and grinning.

Arrogant prick.

I take off in a sprint toward the squad complex, feeling utterly weightless.