Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



I surprise myself with how easily I can lie to my friends when they ask why I left war games. I guess that’s how it has to be now, though. If I want to keep- whatever this is- going with Gray, I’ve gotta keep it quiet. And I do want to keep it going. The man’s built like a Greek god and the orgasm he delivered was like glimpsing heaven. I know I should be thinking about training, but all I can think about is how I want him to touch me again… and again, and again.

I don’t get another opportunity to be with Gray before the weekend comes. They push us hard during training for the next couple days and there aren’t any chances for us to be alone. I steal glances at him every chance I get, though, and he basically eye-fucks me all day long.

After Friday’s afternoon session, the alphas announce the first round of cuts. All of us recruits are a little shook when they wind up cutting ten of the trainees, which seems excessive for only being two weeks in. My friends and I don’t get cut, thankfully, but I know a few of the kids that do. Olly and Summer are two of them, and while I’m relieved that I’ll have a new partner next week, I feel a little bad for Olly. I know I’d be devastated if I got cut. Things are a little awkward around the barracks that night for the kids who got cut as they spend one last night at the complex, packing up and saying their goodbyes.

When Saturday rolls around, Brooke asks if I’ll go home with her for the full moon run. Even though I’ve been hoping to spend more time with Gray, I actually jump at the chance. I don’t want to stay here for the full moon run with him. I don’t what whatever this is between us to end when he realizes that I’m not his mate. I’d rather be in charge of my own destiny.

A lot of us recruits are returning home for the full moon run, so they send busses in to take us back to our packs like when we first arrived at training camp. The kids that were cut won’t be returning on them with us, though, which is bittersweet. The full moon run is a big deal for our packs- not only is it a chance to find your mate, but it’s a bonding experience. Our wolves are strongest during the full moon and shifting and running together reinforces our bond with one another and our pack as a whole. Mom’s gonna be giddy when Brooke and I show up at home for the run.

The bus ride feels agonizingly long because all I can think about is Gray and I have to hold back from telling Brooke everything. I can’t risk any of the other recruits on the bus eavesdropping. While Gray hasn’t explicitly told me to keep it quiet, there’s this unspoken understanding that it’s gotta stay between us so there’s no appearance of impropriety. It doesn’t hurt that keeping it a secret makes it feel a little more dangerous and exciting, too.

The bus arrives in the town square in the afternoon, and Brooke and I say quick goodbyes to a few of the other recruits before we head home. Boyd and Davis didn’t come- they elected to stay back with the squad for the full moon, eager for a chance to sniff around some new she-wolves. Typical male mentality.

Brooke and I each packed a little duffel bag with things for the weekend, and we sling them over our shoulders and walk the few blocks to our house. It’s weird that even though we’ve only been gone for two weeks, my hometown feels different somehow, like it isn’t really home anymore. On the walk, I fill Brooke in on what’s been going on between Gray and I, and she just listens incredulously. I’m a little surprised when she isn’t judgmental, but she warns me again to be careful and promises to keep my secret. It feels like a weight has been lifted now that she’s in on it, too.

We bound up the front steps of our house, and before we can even reach the door it flies open. Shifter hearing.

“Girls!” Mom squeals, jumping outside with her arms outstretched. Brooke and I drop our bags and fall into them and Mom gives us a long hug. It seems like she’s never going to let go, but she finally does, pulling back and straightening her glasses on the bridge of her nose. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home?”

“We wanted to surprise you,” I laugh, stooping to pick up my duffel.

“Well come on!” Mom chirps, stepping inside and waving to us to follow. Brooke picks up her bag and goes in first, then I step in and kick the door closed behind me, tossing my duffel onto the floor.

“Your dad is going to be so excited,” Mom gushes, shuffling into the kitchen. “I was just about to make dinner, I’m glad I’ve got some extra steaks!”

My mouth waters at Mom’s mention of steak. The food at the squad complex has been fine, but Mom’s steaks are my favorite. I walk around the couch and sink down onto it, toeing off my shoes and sliding my feet on, too. I sit sideways against the arm of the couch, facing the kitchen and pulling my knees to my chest.

“So how’s it going?” Mom asks as she opens the fridge and starts rifling through it. “Tell me everything!”

Brooke laughs, dropping her duffel and walking over to sit on the overstuffed chair beside me. “It’s been great, Mom,” she says, kicking off her shoes and getting comfy. I’m in my usual spot and Brooke’s in hers- being back at home feels so warm and familiar.

“What have you been doing with your IT group?” Mom asks as she starts pulling things from the fridge and setting them on the counter.

Brooke leans back, adjusting her glasses. “The IT unit,” she corrects. “Well I can’t talk about specifics, because they keep everything pretty locked down over there. But things are going well and I’m learning a lot. Plus, I’ve been able to hack into a few things that the rest of them have been working on for months without success, so I think they’re pretty happy to have me.”

I look over at Brooke and she’s beaming. I’ve been so wrapped up with my own stuff that I never even asked her about how things were working out with the squad’s IT unit. I feel a little guilty that I haven’t been a good sister to her lately. I’m so glad- and a little jealous- to hear that she’s doing so well.

“Of course they’re happy to have you!” Mom replies proudly. “My little genius.”

Brooke rolls her eyes, blushing.

“And what about you, Fallon?” Mom asks, shifting her attention to me as she mixes up a marinade for the steaks.

I shrug. “Everything’s good. Learning a lot, and survived the first cuts. Hoping to move up in the rankings next week.”

Mom smiles warmly. “I’m sure you will.”

The three of us chat a little bit more as Mom gets the steaks into the marinade, then she comes to join us in the living room, plopping down beside me on the couch.

“Your dad should be home soon,” she says, glancing at the clock over the mantel. “He’s over at Alpha Anders’ office.”

“Oh!” I exclaim, sitting up. “I forgot to tell you, Alpha Anders’ son is one of the guys who runs the training camp!”

“Oh, Theo?” Mom asks. “He was always such a nice boy.”

Brooke and I exchange glances, grinning. I’m not sure what criteria Mom uses for a ‘nice boy’, but with his foul mouth and constant innuendos, Theo surely isn’t the type that most would consider ‘nice’.

“Yeah,” I laugh, and Brooke giggles.

Mom looks momentarily puzzled, but doesn’t ask. Instead, she leans forward, nudging my legs. “And speaking of boys… are you two ready for the full moon run tonight?”

I breathe a heavy sigh, rolling my eyes.

“Oh, come on,” she urges. “You never know when you could find your mate!”

“Why are you so eager to marry us off?” Brooke asks, and I’ve gotta say she has a point. Ever since we turned eighteen, our mom has been pushing us to find our mates.

Mom gives a little wave of her hand. “I’m not trying to marry you off,” she scoffs. “I just want you two to find something like your father and I have, that’s all. I wish I found it when I was your age. The earlier you find your mate, the more time you’ll have together.” She gets a far-off look in her eyes.

“What’s the rush? I’m doing perfectly fine on my own.” I cross my arms in front of my chest protectively.

Mom pats my leg. “I never said you weren’t, honey.”

I sigh again. “I still think it’s a little unfair that fate gets to choose my mate for me, instead of me choosing for myself,” I grumble, toying with a frayed thread on the couch cushion. “With my luck I’ll get a total dud.”

“That’s not how it works, sweetie,” Mom says kindly. “I wish I could explain the mate bond to you, but there aren’t even words to describe it. When you meet him on the full moon, you’ll just know. And when the bond snaps in place, it’s the best feeling in the world. It’s like you’re finally complete.”

I stick out my tongue and make a fake gagging noise. Brooke giggles.

“Just keep an open mind,” Mom adds.

“Hate to say it, Mom, but the more you talk about the mate bond, the less I think I want it,” Brooke murmurs.

Mom darts a look in her direction, like she’s surprised by Brooke’s sudden cynicism. She’s usually the more easygoing one, so I’m sure her comment catches mom off guard.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Mom asks incredulously.

Brooke shrugs, rocking forward and standing up. “I mean you say that when you find your mate, your whole life basically becomes about living for that person,” she says, walking toward the kitchen. She pulls open the fridge and pulls out a can of Diet Coke, cracking it open.

She looks over at Mom, reading her wounded expression, and offers a hint of a smile. “No offense, I know you’re super happy with dad and you think the mate bond is this great thing, but I’m really getting into my groove with this new gig. I’m living for me right now.”

She takes a sip of her soda and Mom doesn’t respond. After she swallows, she adds, “but I’ll keep an open mind.”

“That’s all I ask!” Mom chirps, rising to her feet and heading into the kitchen. Brooke’s returning to the living room and she gives her shoulder a little squeeze as she passes by her.

The front door swings open and I crane my neck to look over the back of the couch as Dad walks in.

“Girls?!” A huge smile spreads across his face when he sees Brooke and I, and he rushes over to give us each a big hug.

“I told you they’d be back,” he comments to Mom, and she just smirks. He looks from me to Brooke, beaming. “Just in time for the run, too! Are you ready?”

Brooke and I exchange wary glances and nod.