Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



“What was that all about?” Boyd asks as I approach our little group. They must have decided to take a break from dancing, because they’re circled up at the bar, sipping on cocktails. Boyd has an arm slung around Vienna’s shoulders like he’s staking a claim. It’s about time those two took their shameless flirting to the next level.

I pause for a moment, trying to think quickly on my feet. “Oh, he had some more questions about that rogue that attacked me,” I say coolly, tossing my hair over my shoulder. “They’re still trying to identify who he was.”

Boyd seems satisfied with my answer, because he just nods and takes another sip of his drink. Vienna’s got a smug little smile on her face, though- she knows about the little fling I’ve been having with Gray, but she doesn’t give me up. I knew I could trust that girl.

“Where’s Brooke?” I ask, glancing around. Casey and Davis are also posted up by the bar, but I now realize that Brooke, Connor, and Shay are nowhere to be seen.

“Still dancing,” Vienna replies, flicking a glance toward the crowded dance floor. It takes me a second, but I spot my sister in the crowd, dancing with… Connor?!

“Wha…?” I start to ask, whipping back to Vienna, wide-eyed.

She lets out a laugh. “I don’t know, it just kinda happened!”

I shake my head in disbelief, blowing out a breath. I’m a flirt- I’ll share a dance with anyone- but Brooke? She always sticks to dancing with her girlfriends. I wonder if there’s something going on between her and Connor?!

I cast another glance in her direction to see that Shay’s dancing nearby with Judd. As fun as it is to make Gray jealous, I’m glad Judd has moved on to someone else tonight. I don’t want to have to play nice with some guy trying to pick me up; I’m definitely leaving with Gray. The thought of that has me itchy with anticipation.

I stay for another hour and a half, but I’m distracted the whole time. Gray wants to take me back to his place- which is the packhouse in Goldenleaf, I assume. I’ll get a glimpse into his life outside of the squad, which seems strangely… intimate. And I’m no fool, I know why he wants to take me home- I’m sure he wants to finish what we started in his office and I’m so on board.

Before I make my exit, I pull Brooke aside to clue her in on where I’m going. She’s a little tipsy so she’s super giggly and just tells me to ‘make good choices’.

If only she knew.

I tell my other friends that I’m heading back early because I’m not feeling well and surprisingly, they buy it. Hopefully they’ll be too buzzed to notice that I’m not in my bunk, or maybe I’ll tell them I crashed in Brooke’s room.

The last thing I do is dart a glance in Gray’s direction on my way out the door. It’s like he’s been watching, waiting, because he picks up on it right away, downing the rest of his beer and standing up.

I don’t wait for him; I know we have to keep this discrete. I head outside solo and wait there for a couple of minutes, crossing my arms and rubbing them with my hands nervously. I don’t know why I’m so nervous- I mean, I want this, I want Gray… maybe it’s the fact that I know what’s coming and I have too much time to obsess over it. He’s probably been with a lot of other girls before… how will someone as inexperienced as me stack up against them? Will he lose interest if I’m a shitty lay?

The door of the bar swings open and I lock eyes with Gray. As soon as I do, it’s like all my nerves, all my fears, fade away; and it’s just me and him. I’m done second-guessing, because it just feels right.

He stalks over to me without a word, taking my face in both hands and stamping his lips down on mine. His kiss sends a jolt of electric current through my body; my wolf practically howls in pleasure. It’s just a quick kiss, though, because the next thing I know, he’s taking my hand and pulling me toward the road, like he can’t get me out of there fast enough.

I feel the same way. The anticipation that has built up over the last hour and a half has me ready to explode. The walk to the packhouse is short, but it somehow feels like it stretches on for an eternity. As Gray leads me up the front walk, I survey my unfamiliar surroundings- the Goldenleaf packhouse isn’t as large as Summervale’s, but it’s still impressive.

Gray pulls open the front door and leads me across the threshold. I step into an enormous room with vaulted ceilings lined with wood beams- the interior is nicely appointed, with tasteful furnishings and seating for at least twenty. This must be where Gray hosts his pack’s meetings, just like Alpha Anders does in Summervale.

The back wall of the packhouse is a two-story window wall facing the forest, and though my shifter vision allows me to see the outline of the trees through the dark, I can’t help but imagine how beautiful the view would be in the light of day. When I spin back around to face Gray, he’s just watching me, the hint of a smile on his face.

“Nice place,” I breathe, feeling a little awkward.

He strides over to me, tipping up my chin with a finger. “I’ll have to give you the tour some other time,” he grumbles, leaning down to claim my mouth. My knees go weak as I return his kiss hungrily, my arms twining around his neck and my body melting into his.

Gray moves one hand to my nape and scoops under my ass with the other arm, lifting me up. I’m not small, but he lifts me effortlessly and my legs immediately part to wrap around his waist. He doesn’t stop kissing me as he carries me toward a staircase to the left of the room and I slide my arms tighter around his neck and hook my ankles together behind his back to hold on.

He takes the stairs two at a time and I’m so lost in the heat of the moment and the sensations running through my body that I hardly notice when we reach the top of the landing, or the door to his room at the end of the hall. He kicks it closed behind us as he continues kissing me passionately, feverishly, his tongue twining with mine as fireworks explode behind my eyelids.

He lets out a little ‘umph’ as his shins collide with the end of the bedframe, and I’m met with the springy softness of his bed against my back as he throws me down onto the bed. I prop myself up on my elbows to look at him and as he stands at the end of the bed staring down at me, he looks wild, predatory, his eyes bright with the gold shimmer of his wolf.

Then he’s on me again. His mouth crashes down onto mine as he starts clawing at my dress, dragging it up my thighs. I’m crazed with desire- I frantically grab at his t-shirt, wanting to tear it off, wanting to feel the heat of his skin against mine. I hear fabric ripping, but it isn’t his shirt- I feel the bite of cool air on my skin as I realize that he’s torn my dress from my body.

“Gray!” I gasp as he pulls away and tosses the shredded fabric across the room. The dress wasn’t even mine, I borrowed it from Shay!

He peels his t-shirt off over his head, tossing it away. “I’ll buy you a new one,” he mumbles, raking his eyes over my body.

I don’t argue, because the last thing I want to do is talk right now… especially when he’s looking at me the way he is. I allow my eyes to wander, too, admiring the dips and curves of his muscular chest and arms. God, he’s so fucking gorgeous I can hardly take it.

Gray leans down over me again, slowly this time, and I reach out to run my hands up the planes of his chest. I feel delightful little sparks under my fingertips as they cruise down his six-pack abs to the waistband of his jeans, but he moves away before I can find the button, trailing little nips and kisses down my neck and between my breasts. He takes my left breast in one of his hands, kneading it roughly as he attaches his mouth to the other, rolling my nipple between his teeth.

A moan escapes my lips as I arch my back off of the bed, one of my hands flying to his head and tugging at his hair. He moves his mouth to my left breast, sucking and biting at my other nipple. The sensation of what he’s doing to my breasts is sending shockwaves of pleasure straight to my pussy and the needy little whines coming from my mouth don’t even sound like my own. I’m so blinded by lust and desire that it’s like I’m having an out-of-body experience.

Then he starts moving south, dragging his hands down my waist as he plants little kisses on my belly. I’m panting hard, and even though I know it’s coming, I’m not prepared for the jolt of stimulation when he attaches his mouth to my pussy. I grab at his hair and let out a scream, my body writhing and my thighs clamping down on his ears.

Gray wraps his arms around my thighs on either side of his head, holding them apart as he takes his time stroking his tongue up and down my slit. I whimper, burying my fingers in his hair as he continues pleasuring me with his skillful tongue. I’m so fucking close to the edge already.

“Gray…” I pant, and he comes up for air, looking at me with a hooded gaze.

“Not yet, baby.” He releases one of my thighs and dives back in, screwing one of his fingers into my pussy as he traces circles around my clit with his tongue.

Holy fuck. I feel like my entire body is on fire- my need for release is so immediate that it’s almost painful. I know he wants me to wait, but I can’t hold back anymore. I slip over the edge into the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. A scream tears from my mouth as my whole body shakes and trembles, powerful waves of pleasure crashing over me like a hurricane.

It’s so intense that I’m dizzy when the sensation finally tapers, and I’m still trying to catch my breath when Gray rocks back, standing to unzip his jeans. He frees his erection and my eyes go straight to his rock-hard cock as he shucks his jeans and steps out of them. Damn. I forgot how impressive his dick is. I hope it fits.

Gray stands over me again like an apex predator, fisting his length. “Bad girl. You didn’t wait for permission,” he growls.

I’m a little shaky as I prop myself up on my elbows again, scooting my butt to the edge of the bed and sitting up. “I tried,” I breathe, gazing up at Gray through my eyelashes. His big alpha energy has me delirious with lust.

He grunts and leans down, grabbing the nape of my neck to pull me to him and smashing his lips down on mine. Heat pools between my legs again as he kisses me urgently, his velvet tongue tangling with my own. I’m so lost in the kiss that I hardly feel him pick me up and slide me across the bed, so my feet are no longer dangling off the edge. Then he slowly lowers himself onto me, nudging my legs open with his knee and positioning himself between my thighs.

I gasp into his mouth as I feel the hardness of his cock pressing against my pussy, drenched with desire for him. Gray props himself up with one arm, wrapping the other around my waist and rocking his hips until I feel the smooth head of his dick at my entrance. Holy fuck. This is actually happening- there’s nobody to interrupt us this time.

He thrusts into me in a single fluid motion, and I scream out as he penetrates my barrier, pressing my eyes closed and digging my fingernails into his back. The pain quickly cedes, and my eyes flutter open to see Gray staring back at me, wide-eyed.

“Were you… are you…” he stutters, reaching down and pulling out. My pussy aches from both the loss of my virginity and the loss of him inside of me.

I wrap my arms around Gray’s neck and pull myself up so that my face is inches from his. “I’m fine,” I breathe, pressing a kiss to his lips. Whatever hesitance he has quickly dissipates and he kisses me back, wrapping both arms around me as we fall back onto the bed.

I bring my knees up on either side of him so that he can position himself at my entrance again, and slowly, he rocks back inside of me, but this time it isn’t pain that I feel- it’s intense, mind-numbing pleasure.

Gray’s lips trail down to my neck as he pumps his cock in and out of my pussy, picking up momentum. He nips and sucks the tender spot on my neck under my ear and more breathy, wanton moans escape my lips. My body’s on fire, but it feels so fucking incredible.

“Gray… oh, Gray…” I pant, his name rolling off of my lips like a prayer.

He pushes himself up onto his knees, wrapping an arm around each of my thighs and spearing me with his erection. This new position completely rocks my world- I can feel my orgasm building with every stroke. A sheen of sweat clings to his body as he continues pumping in and out, groaning his pleasure.

Then Gray releases my thighs, scooping an arm under my back and pulling me up into his chest, pressing another kiss to my lips as he fucks me harder, deeper. My legs are dangling around his waist now, and I move my hands to his shoulders for leverage to meet every thrust, taking every inch of him. When he pulls away from the kiss, he gazes into my eyes- and from his ragged breathing I can tell he’s getting close, too.

He slides a hand between our bodies, and when his thumb finds my clit I go careening over the edge into another explosive orgasm, crying out and clawing at Gray’s back. He lets out a guttural moan as he, too, finds release, thrusting inside of me and squeezing my body so tightly into his that it feels like all of the air escapes my lungs.

We stay like that for a moment, trembling and sweating and holding onto one another for dear life. Then, slowly, Gray releases me, leaning forward and gently setting me back down onto the bed. He presses another quick kiss to my lips, then hovers over me, gazing at me with gold-flecked eyes.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, baby,” he murmurs.

My heart swells at his compliment. I smile, reaching out to cup his jaw, stealing another kiss.

Gray rolls off of me and immediately pulls me into his side, tracing his fingers up and down my arm. The warmth of his skin against mine is so soothing, my body so relaxed. My eyelids grow heavy as I listen to the sound of his rhythmic breathing.

I always wondered what my first time would be like, but this was better than I ever could’ve imagined.

It was perfect- Gray is perfect.

If only I could keep him.