Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



I’m pretty sure Judd’s trying to flirt with me. When he spotted me at the bar, he basically made a beeline in my direction and has focused his attention on me ever since. Not that I mind, of course- it’s nice to be complimented- but Judd was the last person I expected to hit on me tonight. He’s got alpha energy in that he’s pretty arrogant and full of himself, and from what I’ve seen he’s got a type- he’s only shown interest in the quieter, smaller, more dainty girls at camp. I’m none of those things. I’m slender, but I’m tall and toned, and I’m far from quiet.

Judd’s an attractive guy- he’s bulky and muscular like Davis and he’s got shaggy light brown hair and boyish good looks. His fighting skills make him even more attractive in my book; the dude’s a beast and has consistently stayed near the top of the rankings. He’s probably one of the hottest guys at training camp, but I haven’t paid much attention to that since I’ve been wrapped up in Gray.

“The way you kept on fighting even after Carter broke your leg was incredible to watch,” Judd says, tossing back the rest of his drink. I can smell the whiskey on his breath as he speaks.

“I didn’t really have a choice,” I shrug. “I’m not a quitter.”

“Clearly.” Judd grins, inching closer to me. “When I saw that fire, that determination… I knew I had to get to know you better.”

Yep, he’s flirting. I guess I should feel flattered? I mean, I’m not interested, but plenty of other girls would be. I don’t know how to respond, so I just raise my glass to my lips, finishing off the rest of my vodka cranberry.

“Can I get you another?” Judd asks, gesturing to my empty glass. He doesn’t even wait for me to answer before he leans over the bar, waving to get the bartender’s attention.

“Sure,” I breathe, throwing my hair over my shoulder and sliding my glass onto the bar. This is why I rarely wear my hair down; it always feels like it’s in the way.

While Judd orders my drink, I steal another glance around the bar. Gray’s still sitting with his back to me, but surely he knows I’m here by now. I’m a little annoyed that he hasn’t come over to say hello yet, but I guess that wouldn’t be ‘casual’. I’m not going to be the one to approach him, though- if he wants me, then he can come to me.

Judd shoves a fresh vodka cranberry in my direction, and I take it from him with a smile. “Thanks,” I say, stirring it with the swizzle straw before taking a sip.

Judd grins, like he should receive a damn award for buying me a five-dollar drink. “Don’t mention it. Always happy to buy a drink for a beautiful woman.”

I want to gag at how cheesy his line is but force a smile instead. “That’s sweet,” I say, taking another long sip of my drink.

“Hey!” Vienna chirps, approaching Judd and me. “Are you gonna come dance or what?”

Judd gazes at me, nudging my arm. “I’m down to dance if you are.”

Ugh. I was kinda hoping that this would be an out from my conversation with Judd, but it looks like he’s planning on sticking to me like glue tonight.

“C’mon, Fallon!” Vienna urges, tugging at my arm.

I sigh, rolling my eyes. “You’re relentless!” I laugh, allowing her to pull me from my spot at the bar.

We weave through the crowd, Judd following closely behind me. I catch sight of Hannah on the dance floor and as I pass by her she scowls and stares me down. I just look away- I don’t know what her fucking problem is, but I’m not dealing with it tonight.

Vienna finds our other friends in the crowd and steers us over to them. Davis and Casey are basically dry humping on the dance floor, while Brooke and Shay dance together and Boyd and Connor bop on the periphery.

Brooke catches sight of us and waves us over, and the four of us girls form a little circle to dance with one another. I start swaying my hips to the music, careful to hold my drink steady so I don’t spill it all over myself as I dance. I feel Judd’s presence behind me as he slides a hand onto my hip, trying to dance with me. Brooke and I lock eyes and she tilts her head questioningly, her gaze darting from Judd to me. I just shrug, lifting my glass and taking a sip of my drink. I guess there’s no harm in sharing a dance with the guy.

It’s kind of a pain to try to dance with a drink in my hand, so I finish it quickly. Shay takes the empty glass from me as she heads to the bar for another, right as the song changes to one of my absolute favorites. I cheer, throwing up my hands and swaying my hips back and forth to the bass beat.  Apparently, Judd takes that as an invitation, because he presses closer to my backside, his hand still on my hip.

Ah, what the hell. I love this song, and it’s just a dance. I spin around to face Judd, throwing an arm over his shoulder. He’s got the biggest, goofiest grin on his face as he slides both hands to my waist, displaying some truly terrible dance moves. The guy can’t even find the beat!

I whip my hair back, dancing a little wilder as I get lost in the music. I spin back around, arching my back and grinding my ass against Judd while his hands find their way to my hips again. I’m really getting into the dance when I suddenly feel a hand on my arm, fingers locking around in a tight grip, pulling me sideways.

“Wha…” I start to ask, but my breath gets caught in my throat when I snap my head around to see who has a hold on my arm and I’m met with Gray’s icy stare. He doesn’t say anything, just yanks me away from Judd and starts stomping through the crowd toward the door. I follow- not like I have any choice- he’s got my arm in a death grip.

He doesn’t let go until we’re outside and the door swings closed behind us. I immediately bring my hand up to my bicep, wincing. “What the hell?” I ask, my eyes thrown wide.

Gray takes a few steps away, then turns to face me, his eyes dark, swirling with golden flecks that tell me his wolf is close to the surface. “What the hell was that?” he growls, stalking toward me. I back up until I’m met with the cold wall of the building and then he crowds me, slapping one of his palms up on the wall to cage me in.

“Dancing?” I ask, arching a brow.

Is he serious right now? This guy’s fucking lost it.

“Like that? With him?” His steely gaze slices through me.

I push at Gray’s chest, forcing him to take a step back. “What’s your fucking problem, Gray? I was just dancing, what’s the big deal?”

Gray scowls, stabbing his fingers through his hair. “I saw you chatting him up at the bar.”

“Yeah, so what? It’s no different than you and that waitress,” I scoff.

That trips him up a little. He narrows his eyes, tipping his chin, considering. “Who, Kelly?”

“Oh, so that’s Kelly,” I say, my tone accusatory. The puzzle pieces in my brain click together- Hannah mentioned a girl named Kelly that night in the dining hall. My instincts about that waitress were spot-on.

Gray shakes his head. “She’s just a member of my pack.”

“And Judd’s just a friend, another trainee. Come on, Gray, do we really have to do this?”

“Looked like he wanted to be more than friends,” he grumbles.

I sigh, shaking my head as I recline against the wall, tucking my hair behind my ears. “I’m just keepin’ it casual, babe,” I cluck, the corner of my mouth tipping up into a smirk.

Gray glares at me, closing the distance between us. He slides one hand around my waist and brings the other to the nape of my neck, pulling my body into his with such force that I’m dizzy. His face hovers inches from mine but he just stares into my eyes, drawing ragged breaths.

“Let’s get outta here, go back to my place,” he murmurs. His voice sounds strained, but his suggestion sends a flood of heat straight to my core.

“I… I can’t,” I breathe, reaching up to cup his jaw with my hand, his stubble scratchy against my palm.

Gray’s hand on my waist starts roaming downwards, cupping the cheek of my ass roughly. “Why not?” he growls as he moves his hand down my thigh, snaking it under the fabric of my dress and back up to squeeze my bare ass.

His touch is electric, sending shivers up and down my spine. “I… have to stay with my friends,” I pant. “It’s Vienna’s last night.”

“Fuck,” he murmurs. Then, without warning, he crushes his lips against mine. I devour his kiss, twining my tongue with his and wrapping my arms around his neck. He moves his other hand to my ass, cruising up under the hem of my dress so he can caress both cheeks with his skillful hands as my pussy starts pulsing in anticipation.

Suddenly, Gray stops, pulling away from the kiss. “You’re not wearing anything under this dress, are you baby?” he grumbles.

I bite my lip, smiling coyly and giving a little shake of my head.

“Fuck,” he groans, sliding his hands out from under the back of my dress. Slowly, he runs them up the front of my thighs, to my hips, to my breasts, to my shoulders. He cups my face with both hands, staring down into my eyes. “How the hell can I let you go back in there now that I know that?” he asks, his voice gravelly.

Before I can answer, Gray stamps his mouth down over mine again, kissing me greedily, hungrily. A little whine escapes me as I feel his velvet tongue stroking against mine, conveying the urgency behind the kiss. There’s nothing more I want right now than to leave with him- I’m practically helpless with need as I savor his delicious mouth.

No. I can’t do this to Vienna. It’s her last night, and I’d be a horrible friend if I abandoned her and left with Gray right now.

Begrudgingly, I pull away, pushing at his chest with my palms. It takes me a second to catch my breath, and Gray’s just staring down at me like I’m his prey.

“I have to go back to my friends.”

Fuck, Fallon,” he growls, scrubbing a hand over his face. “I want you so fucking bad. I need you…”

His voice is still raspy, desperation behind his tone. He’s not alone in that feeling- my body is practically on fire right now and Gray’s the only one who can put it out. Still, I have to be sensible, prioritize my friends over my own selfish impulses.

“Then you can wait an hour or two,” I say, trailing my fingers up his bicep along the dips and curves of his muscles.

He takes a step back, like my touch pains him, scrubbing his hand over his face again. “Fine,” he sighs. “But no more dancing with that guy, or I’ll be forced to carry you out of there and straight to my bed.”

His threat only turns me on more, if that’s even possible. My pussy weeps with arousal.

I step toward him and stroke a hand down his chest, toying with the waistband of his jeans. “Yes, sir,” I whisper.

He throws an arm around my waist and yanks me closer, his lips crashing down on mine again. When he pulls away, his eyes are clouded with lust. “One hour,” he says, spinning me around to face the door and delivering a little swat to my ass.

I dart him a sultry little glance over my shoulder as I pull the door open to go back in the bar, and I can’t keep from grinning from ear to ear as I walk in.