Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



Fallon and her friends are dedicated, I’ll give them that. Even after full day of training, the five of them are already in the arena waiting for me when I arrive on Monday evening, eager to get started.

Call it overprotective, but I just don’t like the idea of Fallon being out in the forest at night- not since that rogue attacked her out there a couple of weeks ago. I’m also not fond of the idea of Boyd putting his hands on her to spar, but I digress.

Since there are only five of them, they don’t form even pairs for practice exercises. It isn’t a problem, though- I pair myself with Fallon, and sparring with her is like an intense form of foreplay.  Every touch is electric, and though I should take it easier on her so she can learn, all my wolf wants to do is take her down every time, dominate her and get her underneath us. The heady mix of adrenaline, endorphins, and arousal is driving us both mad.

I teach Fallon and her friends several new moves, more advanced than what they’ve learned at camp thus far. They all seem really excited to try them out, though it feels a little bit like cheating that I’m teaching them these, giving them an edge during their future training exercises. I rationalize it by telling myself that none of the other recruits have asked for extra help- and that if they did, I’d happily instruct them, too.

Ah, who am I kidding? I’m doing it for Fallon. As much as I’ve tried to resist it, I fucking like her. She’s one of a kind- different from any other she-wolf I’ve met. I have this immense urge to please her in every way I can, and if that means helping her and her friends out with some extra practice, I’ll do it.

Halfway through our training session it’s getting really stuffy in the indoor arena, so Fallon shucks her t-shirt and continues on in her sports bra. I don’t know if it’s a tactic, but either way, it fucking works- I’m so distracted that she takes me down with my own move.

Fallon’s generally pretty cocky, but she still doesn’t know how great she is when it comes to fighting- it’s the one area where she seems to be the hardest on herself. If she’d learn to focus her energy and stop allowing herself to be ruled by her emotions, I know she could turn out to be one of the best fighters on the entire squad. Then again, her feistiness is what drew me in from day one. After a lifetime of ‘yes sir’, ‘no sir’, maybe all I ever really needed was a dose of ‘I didn’t catch your name’ in a leggy blonde package.

I take Fallon down to the ground for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, and as she stares up at me with those big blue fuck-me eyes, panting, I know the tether I have on my control is about to snap. I roll off of her quickly, helping her up and dusting off my shorts.

“I think it’s time we call it a night,” I announce.

Davis, Boyd, Shay, and Connor all mumble in agreement and I turn my back to them, leaning in close to Fallon.

“You’d better find an excuse to get right back in here,” I grumble, adjusting my dick in my gym shorts in an attempt to disguise the fact that I’m sporting a semi.

Her eyes light up as the faint scent of her arousal hits my nose.

“I don’t know what I…” she starts, but trails off when I peel my shirt off overhead, balling it up and using it to wipe the sweat from my brow.

Fallon darts her eyes away, biting her lip and glancing over at her own t-shirt on the ground. I follow her gaze.

“Leave it,” I murmur. She peers up at me again and I crack a smug smile. “There’s your excuse.”

A flicker of understanding crosses her face and she doesn’t say anything, just nods and walks away to join her friends.

“Hey, thanks for the pointers tonight,” Davis says, and I swivel toward him and the others, holding my t-shirt in front of me to conceal my partial erection.

“Yeah, we really appreciate it,” Shay adds.

I give a little nod. “No problem. Go get some rest, it’ll be another early one tomorrow.”

The five of them turn to go and I keep my eyes trained on Fallon’s tight little ass in her shorts as they make their way to the exit, slipping out of the arena.


I wait until we’re almost to the door of the barracks before I mention my forgotten shirt. It allows me to put enough distance between the arena and my friends that they won’t hang back and wait for me. It’s a flimsy excuse, but I’m not exactly thinking clearly right now. Spending hours pinned beneath Gray’s hard body has my pussy burning with a desire that only he can satiate.

“Shoot…” I say, skidding to a stop. “I left my t-shirt in the arena.”

I’m many things, but I’m not an actress. Shay side-eyes me curiously.

“I’ll go back with you,” Boyd offers. Does his tone seem a tad suspect, or am I just nervous and reading into things?

I shake my head, sighing and feigning annoyance. “No, it’s alright, you guys go ahead. I’ll be right behind you.”

Before anyone can argue, I turn on a heel, jogging back across the field toward the indoor arena. I want to break out into a sprint, get to Gray as quickly as possible, but I play it cool just in case anyone’s watching.

I pull the heavy metal door of the indoor arena open, ducking inside. I glance around as it swings closed behind me, and right as the latch clicks my eyes connect with Gray’s across the arena. He’s sitting on the bottom step of the bleachers, slumped forward with his elbows resting on his knees.

Slowly, he rises to stand, and my mouth practically waters as my eyes feast over his incredible body, the muscles of his arms and chest rippling beneath his gorgeously tanned skin.

“Get over here, beautiful,” he growls, smirking as he beckons me by crooking a finger.

I sidestep next to the door, folding my arms over my chest and reclining back against the wall. I prop one leg up on the wall behind me, trying to come off cool, aloof. “Why don’t you come over here?” I arch a brow.

I know it’s silly, but this little cat and mouse game we play really gets me going. I don’t want to be the eager one, I want the big bad alpha to acquiesce to my demands, keep the upper hand and make him show me he wants me.

Without missing a beat, Gray starts stalking across the arena in my direction. His predatory stare makes my belly flutter, heat pooling between my legs.

He’s on me in a moment, slapping a palm up on the wall and crowding me in. “Still so defiant,” he mutters, jutting his other hand forward to roughly grab my pussy through my shorts. “Even after you’ve already given yourself over to me.”

I run my hands up his six-pack abs and over the planes of his chest, up to the scratchy stubble of his jaw. I stare into his dark eyes, his gaze intense, smoldering.

“I don’t belong to anyone,” I quip, craning my hips forward, pressing myself into his hand.

I see a flicker of gold swirl in his eyes, then his lips come crashing down onto mine. He lets out a little grunt as I nip his bottom lip, then tilt my head to devour his mouth. His tongue finds mine, tangling with it while I snake my hands around his neck. As he kisses me, he starts rubbing my pussy through the fabric of my shorts and I melt into his hand, craving more contact with his adept fingers.

I’m breathless when Gray pulls away from the kiss, needy when he withdraws his hand from between my legs. A little whine escapes my lips, protesting the cessation of his touch, and I’m completely unprepared when he suddenly grabs for the waistband of my shorts on each hip, yanking them down with my panties in one fluid motion. Gray dives to his knees, leaning forward and licking his tongue into my slit.

Holy hell.

My knees buckle underneath me- I throw my head back with a breathy moan, slamming my hands against the wall to hold myself up. My reaction only seems to egg him on, because Gray grunts and throws one of my legs over his shoulder, attaching his mouth to my molten hot pussy. My hands fly to his head, tangling in his hair as he kisses and sucks my most sensitive place, sending all of my sensory receptors into overdrive.

He starts focusing in on my clit, giving it a soft little nip as he screws one of his fingers inside of me, pumping it in and out. My vision tunnels and I press my eyes closed tightly, panting and moaning as he continues to pleasure me with his skillful mouth and hands.

“Gray… please…” I whine, grinding my pussy against his face, tugging at his hair. I’m so fucking close to the edge.

“Go on, baby,” he says, his gravelly voice rumbling against my sensitive flesh as he continues fucking me with his finger. “Come for me.” He flicks my clit with his tongue.

A scream tears from my throat as my orgasm rips through me, my body shaking and writhing with surges of white-hot pleasure.


My girl’s so fucking sexy when she comes. Once she crests, I pull back to watch her, still working her pussy with a digit while she trembles and moans. As her orgasm subsides, I rise to stand in front of her, giving her a chance to catch her breath as I tug my shorts down and kick them away. I fist my rock-hard cock with one hand, bringing the other to the nape of her neck, tilting her head up to look at me.

Her eyes flutter open and fuck, she’s so beautiful in the afterglow of her release that I can hardly take it. My dick is painfully hard- I have to have her, have to be inside of her. I reach down to grab her by her thighs, lifting them to part around my waist and pressing her back against the wall for leverage. She wraps her arms around my neck, holding tight to me as I rock up and down, rubbing the head of my cock along her slick entrance. I want to tease her, make it last, but I can’t wait another second- I thrust my hips forward, plunging my entire length into her wet heat.

Another scream tears from Fallon’s mouth and I cover it with my own, kissing her hard as I pump my cock in and out of her tight little pussy. She wraps her legs tightly around me, hooking her ankles as I fuck her fast and rough up against the wall. Her tongue twines with mine, her fingernails score the skin of my back.

I drag my mouth from hers, kissing my way down her neck to the soft spot where it meets her shoulder. Her mouth is right against my ear and her breathy little moans of pleasure are driving me absolutely out of my mind. Suddenly, I feel a strange prickling sensation in my mouth… my canines are descending, like my wolf wants to mark her.

Fuck. This has never happened before, and I’m completely caught off guard. I try not to panic- instead, I slow my thrusts, grab Fallon by the hips, and pull out. She looks a little dazed as she drops her legs from my waist, finding her footing.

Now that her pussy’s no longer wrapped around my cock, I feel my canines recede, my wolf slinking back. Thank fuck.

I can’t stop, though. I need to have her this way, every way. Still holding onto her hips, I spin Fallon around, dragging my hands up her belly to the band of her sports bra and yanking it off overhead. I toss it away, attaching my hands to her perfect little tits and kneading them roughly as I lean my head down over the top of hers.

“Put your hands on the wall, baby. Stick that ass out for me,” I mumble into her hair, and she instantly complies, slapping her hands up against the wall and arching her back, pressing her backside against me.

I’ll never get over how responsive she is. As stubborn as Fallon is in everything else, when we’re in the throes of passion, she’s always so eager, so willing. I had no clue she was a virgin when I took her back to the packhouse that night- she carries herself with such confidence I guess I just assumed she was experienced. That blowjob she gave me in my office definitely didn’t scream ‘virgin’. As shocked as I was, my wolf was fucking delighted that we were the first there. She’s magnificent- I’m still in disbelief that I had the immense privilege of being her first.

Fuck. I’m catching feelings. She’s too perfect- I want her to be mine and mine alone.

I fist my cock with one hand, placing the other on the small of Fallon’s back, pressing down gently to get her body in the right angle. Then I lean forward, dragging the head of my dick up and down her slit. I slide my other hand from her back to her hip, holding on as I thrust inside her pussy, spearing her with my erection to the hilt.

She takes my dick like a pro, gasping and pressing her ass back against me to take me deeper. I move both hands to her hips and start pounding into her hard, relentlessly, grunting my pleasure. I don’t think there’s any sensation in the world that could feel better than Fallon’s pussy does in this moment. My entire body’s on fire, aching for release.

I’m close- so close- and I want her to fall over the edge with me. I snake one hand around the front of her thigh, trailing it down to her sex, my fingers finding her sensitive little clit. I barely make contact before she crashes into another orgasm, her pussy clamping down on my dick. I let out a roar as I come, too, my release rocketing through me.

I’m still coming hard as I slide an arm up around Fallon’s waist, pulling her body back against mine. As her back collides with my chest, I grab her chin, turning her to face me as I lean my head over her shoulder, claiming her mouth again. She moans into my mouth and I swear it feels like I come for a second time, another wave of bliss rolling through me. Her post-coital kisses taste even sweeter, saccharine like honey.

When our climaxes subside, I slowly pull out of her, breaking the kiss momentarily to spin Fallon back around to face me. I crush my lips over hers again, her arms instantly twining around my neck, her soft tongue massaging mine.

I wish I could just carry her off to the packhouse, keep her all to myself. Spend every day finding new ways to make her writhe in pleasure while screaming my name.  Reluctantly, I pull away from the kiss, staring down into her eyes while we’re both still panting.

“Damn, baby. You’re incredible,” I murmur.

A light blush forms on her cheeks and her lips tip up into the cutest little smile. I wish I could capture it in a photograph, see her like this every day- satiated and content and happy.

As quickly as it appears, though, it fades- Fallon slides her hands off of my shoulders, ducking under my arm and away from me to stoop down for her sports bra on the ground.

“I’ve gotta get back,” she breathes, shaking it off and pulling it on overhead. She adjusts the band, looking around for her shorts.

My wolf whines at her concealment of her gorgeous body. I just watch her for a moment as she locates her shorts, shaking them off, too, before she pulls them on. Only then do I find my own and step into them, tugging them up to rest on my hips.

“I’ll, uh… catch ya later,” Fallon says, adjusting her clothing and looking up at me through her eyelashes. As close as we were moments ago, it now feels a little awkward between us, like neither of us know what to say or do. We can’t just fall back in my bed and go to sleep. She gives me a funny little wave, turning to head to the door.

“Not so fast,” I growl, reaching out to catch her wrist and spinning her back into my chest. I bury my other hand in her hair, planting another kiss on her lips. There’s a sizzle of sensation as our lips meet again and I kiss her hard, wanting to make it last. With her, everything’s so indefinite- I never know when it’ll be our last kiss, so I’ve gotta make every one count.

She’s the first to pull away this time, pushing at my chest and grinning up at me.

“Off to bed, recruit,” I bark. I spin her around again, deliver a playful little slap to her ass. As usual, she darts me a sultry little glance over her shoulder on her way out the door.

After the door swings closed, I make my way back to the other side of the arena for my shirt that I discarded after practice. I’m riding a high after fucking Fallon senseless, but there’s a little nagging thought in the back of my head telling me to rein in my emotions, stop getting in so deep.

I almost fucking marked her tonight. That’s never happened before, and honestly, it scares the shit out of me. I don’t know what it means or why it happened, and if I didn’t have better control of my wolf I might’ve bit down to mark her, embedding my scent under her skin- and then what?! She’d hate me forever for marking her before she has a chance to find her fated mate. I can’t take that choice away from her.

Therein lies the real problem. I’ve decided that Fallon’s mine, but I don’t think she’s made her mind up as to whether she wants to be.