Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



“Pair off!” I call out, and the trainees on the field start scrambling. It’s another early morning of training, and I’m eager to see what these recruits can do. “Spread out. We’re going to do a little bit of sparring today.”

The trainees follow my command, breaking off into groups of two and distancing themselves from one another. Theo steps up on my right side.

“Let’s see what you’ve got!” he says, clapping his hands together.

The recruits just stand there for a minute, looking around at one another.

Theo claps his hands again. “One of you attack while the other defends. Hand to hand combat, let’s go!”

Without wasting another moment, the pairs begin to circle one another. I start walking through to observe, careful to avoid any stray kicks or flailing limbs as the trainees spar. Some of them are better than expected- they take down their opponent quickly. Others look like they barely have a clue how to fight.

The flash of a long blonde ponytail catches my eye and I spot Fallon positioned across from a guy twice her size. She’s wearing a tiny pair of shorts today and I can’t help but steal an appreciative glance at her perfect ass. She’s got a t-shirt on again, but I bet her tits are fucking perfect, too.

No. I can’t think about her like that.

As hot as she is, she’s twice as frustrating. I’m still pissed at the stunt she pulled yesterday, talking back to me in front of the other recruits. I immediately realized that she’s definitely not my type. I pictured her being sweet and submissive, but that girl is all alpha female. Sure, she’s sexy as hell, but she’s also more trouble than she’s worth.

Fallon lunges toward the guy across from her and just as he’s about to block her move, she catches him off guard by juking to the left. It throws him off balance just long enough for her to duck down and sweep his feet out from under him with a leg. For a second, I think he’s going to land on her, but she’s quick- she tucks and somersaults out of the way, springing back to her feet and balling her fists in front of her, bouncing.

Atta girl.

I have to admit, I’m impressed. As mouthy as she is, I assumed Fallon was the type that fought with her words instead of her fists.

Apparently I’m wrong.

Fallon’s partner groans, struggling to push himself up. It looks like the fall knocked the wind out of him and he takes a moment to gather himself before he charges at Fallon, fists cocked.

Again, she’s too quick for him. She ducks out of the way at the last second and he nearly loses his balance and falls over. Her lips spread into a self-satisfied smirk as the guy turns back around to face her, now seething.

I make my way closer to them.

“Perhaps you need more of a challenge,” I suggest, looking to Fallon and cocking an eyebrow.

She gets this adorable deer-in-the-headlights look, but quickly buries it takes a step backwards, settling her hands on her hips.

“Oh yeah?” she asks. “You want some of this, sir?”

Game. On.

I shake my head. “Tsk, tsk. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to cop an attitude with me again.”

“No sir,” she says, feigning innocence and putting her hands up in surrender.

Her tone is still dripping with sarcasm. I can see right through her; she’s challenging my authority again. My temper flares and my wolf claws to the surface, but I shove him back.

“Good girl,” I cluck, knowing full well that my patronizing tone will insult Fallon’s alpha nature. I know I’ve succeeded when her eyes flash silver, her wolf showing.

I’m surprised how quickly she’s able to shove her wolf back down, and she doesn’t respond- she instead raises her fists and begins bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet, ready to spar.

My lips twitch into a half-smile as I position myself across from her, crouched slightly and ready to defend. She comes at me fast- faster than I expected- but I’ve got years of training on her. I duck out of the way and she skids past me.

When she turns to face me again, I can see that she’s flustered, but focused.

“Is that the best you’ve got?” I challenge, and she flies at me again, drawing back her fist to deliver a left hook.

Again, I’m quicker. I maneuver out of the way at the last second, and in doing so, I catch her bicep with my hands. In one swift motion, I flip her body over and she lands on her back with a thud.

I’m not worried about injuring her- shifters heal fast- but we still feel pain. She winces a little, but she looks more angry than hurt as she pulls herself back to her feet. I’m surprised when she puts her fists up and starts to bounce, ready to try again. This girl has even more fight in her than I’d thought.

She comes at me again, and I use the same move to take her down to the ground for a second time. This time, the impact is harder- I bet it knocked the wind out of her. She lays there on the ground for a moment, panting.

I stand over her, folding my arms across my chest. “Looks like you’ve still got a lot to learn, recruit,” I taunt.

I offer her my hand to help her up, but she just scowls at me, picking herself up off of the ground and brushing off her shorts.

I turn away from her, giving her original partner a nod to step back in and continue. I swear I can feel Fallon’s eyes burning into my back as I walk away, and I can’t help but grin.

She may have won the first round, but I’ve just evened the score.