Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



I waited until everyone else went to lunch before I snuck away to take a shower. I just wanted a little bit of alone time.

No dice. As soon as I open the door to the locker room, I see him. That fucking prick, Gray, standing beside the bench in a towel and looking like a sex god. Seeing him shirtless for the first time, he doesn’t look how I expected.

He looks better.

Small beads of water still cling to the broad muscles of his chest and his six-pack abs. The towel hanging from his waist dips down below his Adonis belt, the v-shape beckoning.

Shit, is my mouth hanging open?

I snap it shut, then take a step into the locker room, the door swinging closed behind me.

I’m hoping that Gray didn’t catch my appreciative reaction to seeing his body, but a little smirk crosses his lips that tells me otherwise. I’m immediately irritated that I’ve just unintentionally inflated his ego further.

“Well, well,” Gray growls, his eyes trained on me. “If it isn’t my favorite recruit.”

I roll my eyes. “Favorite recruit to torture, maybe,” I bite back.

I look away, determined not to give this asshole another moment of my attention, and stroll over to the end of the long bench, dropping my clothes that I brought to change into.

“Oh, I think you like it,” Gray retorts, his voice low. I snap my head in his direction, tossing him a dirty look.

“Go fuck yourself,” I say, casually striding over to the row of showerheads and twisting one of the faucets on.

I start back toward the bench to wait for the water to heat up, but before I can reach it, Gray’s there, blocking my path. His huge forearms are folded across his chest and he’s staring down at me. If looks could kill, I’d be a goner.

I glance up at him through my eyelashes, biting my lip.

Shit. He’s mad. I just can’t keep my mouth shut, can I?

Slowly, I turn around, heading back for the shower. Maybe he’ll just leave me to it and walk away. A girl can dream, right?

I reach out to test the water, and as steam begins to rise from the stream, I can feel him prowl up behind me. I whip around and he slams a hand against the tile wall, caging me in between his arm and the hot spray of the shower. My breath catches in my throat as I gaze up at him. I should be frightened, but as he towers over me, half naked and drawing heavy breaths, I’m… turned on.

“That mouth of yours just keeps getting you into trouble,” Gray rasps. A low growl starts in his chest.

I lick my lips, my breathing ragged. “Seems that way,” I say, wrapping my arms around my chest to secure my towel.

Gray inches closer, dropping his head beside my ear. I can feel his breath on my neck and my knees start to get a little wobbly. “What are we going to do about that?” he murmurs.

Get it together, Fallon.

This big wolf is all up in my space and I should be intimidated.

I should be cowering.

But why am I so turned on right now?


If I sensed she was scared, I’d back off- but even through the heavy steam in the air, I can smell her arousal. She fucking likes this, and from the way my dick’s getting harder by the second underneath my towel, so do I.

It doesn’t make sense. I don’t stand for this kind of disrespect. I should punish her with extra patrols and laps to run. I should throw her out of training camp. But all I want to do is rip that towel off of her body and fuck her right here, up against the shower wall.

I pull back to look down at her and she peers up at me with her big blue ‘fuck me’ eyes, her lashes fluttering.

“I… I don’t know…” she says, her breath coming out in short little pants.

She drops her hands from her chest and places them on the wall behind her, angling her hips toward mine. Her lips tip up into a mischievous smirk

I’m acutely aware of the fact that someone could walk in at any minute, but I can’t pull myself away from Fallon. Something about our bodies being in close proximity feels right; I’m drawn to her like a magnet. My wolf is howling, pacing, and I’m trying my best to shove him down and tune him out.

“Are you ever going to learn how to behave?” I grumble, and I see a flash of silver in her eyes. Her wolf is rearing up in defiance.

Fallon pauses, and I can see her mind working. Is this all a game to her? The squad isn’t a game to me, it’s my life. We’re all that stands between the shadow pack and the six-pack. I won’t let another wolf I care about die at their hands.

When she doesn’t say anything after several moments, my temper flares. I press forward against her, pinning her to the wall. I’m careful to position myself so she can’t feel how fucking hard I am for her. I’m not sure if I’m going too far, but I can’t stop myself. My wolf is clawing at my insides; he wants me to claim her right here.

A growl rips from my chest. “Answer me!” I roar, and I swear Fallon presses forward into me again, rubbing her body against mine like she wants me to. The heady scent of her arousal hits my nose again and my head swims. I want her.

What the fuck is wrong with me?


Guess I have to admit it- I’m hot for Alpha Gray.

I thought he was just an arrogant prick before, but right now, the way he’s crowding me all growly and dominant is stirring new and powerful sensations in my body.

I want to drop my towel, see what his skin feels like against mine. I want to tear his away and see what his dick looks like underneath. I’m not blind, I can see his hard-on tenting up the front of it.

I bet it’s as huge as his ego.

“Yes,” I reply, and my voice comes out as a breathy moan. It doesn’t even sound like me; it’s like I’m having an out of body experience.

And loving every second of it.

“Yes what?” he grumbles, staring down at me with those dark eyes. Flecks of gold are swirling within them, and they’re so beautiful that I’m momentarily lost. His wolf is obviously rattling his cage as hard as mine is right now.

I press my body forward into his again, almost involuntarily. It’s like I have some innate need to be closer to him. I twist a little and feel his dick twitch against my hip in response.

Down, boy.

I was right- he’s enjoying this every bit as much as I am.

I stare up at him demurely, licking my lips. “Yes sir,” I whisper. My heart feels like it’s going to pound out of my chest.

Gray leans his head forward again, next to my ear. “Good girl,” he mumbles, his velvety voice sending tingles up my spine.

He drops his hand from the wall and pulls away, and my body immediately aches with the loss of his presence. All I can do is stare and hold my breath as he turns around, stalking back over to the bench to retrieve his clothes.

He heads for the door, not bothering to look back to steal another glance before he pulls it open and steps through. The door swings closed behind him, and I blow out my breath, melting back against the tile shower wall.

Holy fuck. What just happened? And why did I enjoy it so much?

My head’s spinning, and for a moment I forget what I came in here for. I steady myself and push off the wall, removing my towel and hanging it on a hook beside the shower. I step underneath the hot stream of water, pressing my eyes closed and drawing deep breaths.

Damn. If that’s the kind of reaction I get from Alpha Gray when I smart off to him, I can’t wait to do it again.