Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



“They’re ready for you, Alpha,” Deke says, peering in the doorway of my bedroom at the packhouse expectantly, a grin spreading across his face.

He’s looking forward to this almost as much as I am- the moment I finally get to tell my pack that I’ve found my mate. While Deke and I have done our best to hold our fractured pack together since I was forced to prematurely step up as their alpha, having a luna completes our pack in some sense, makes us more whole. The future of our pack is brighter than ever.

I’m so fucking proud to introduce Fallon to the pack as my mate. She’s a perfect luna- so strong and brave, a force to be reckoned with. I couldn’t have designed a better she-wolf to lead the pack with me if I’d tried; she’s so much more than I could’ve ever imagined.

I can tell she’s nervous- she’s changed her clothes twice since we returned to the packhouse and she’s been fiddling with her hair in the mirror for a good ten minutes now. I know she’s anxious, but I find it pretty fucking adorable that she’s fussing so much over her appearance. The girl could wear a burlap sack and outshine every other female in the room.

“You ready, babe?” I ask, glancing over to see her smoothing her long hair over her shoulder for what seems like the hundredth time.

Fallon breathes a heavy sigh, throwing her hands on her hips, still staring at herself in the mirror. She looks like a fucking dream in a red sundress. “Is this too casual?”

I chuckle, crossing the room to my mate. I slide up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and tucking my chin over her shoulder, my eyes meeting hers in the mirror. “You look perfect, baby,” I growl, nipping at her ear.

“Alright, I’ll see you two down there,” Deke says, rolling his eyes and ducking out of the room again.

With how much PDA I’ve had to endure between him and Holly over the years, he’s definitely earned some payback. And with the way I can’t keep my hands off of Fallon, he’s going to have to deal with a lot of it around the packhouse.

“Are you sure?” Fallon asks, running her fingers through her hair again.

I laugh, stepping back and spinning her around by her waist to face me. “Positive. Now c’mon… I can’t wait for them to meet you.”

She chews on her bottom lip, her gaze fluttering down. “What if they don’t accept me?” Fallon asks quietly.

I shake my head, sliding a finger under her chin and tipping her face up to mine. “Don’t even think that way. They’re going to love you as much as I do.”


I shake my head again. “You’re my fated mate. I was prepared to choose you even if we weren’t fated, and my pack would’ve respected my choice. But now with the mate bond… who can argue with fate?”

She blows out a breath, nodding. “Yeah, you’re right. Okay. Let’s do this.”

I grab her by the nape, pulling her in for a quick kiss before we go. She whines a little into my mouth as our lips connect, those familiar sparks between them delivering a jolt of pleasure. When I pull back to look at her, she looks a little dazed, dreamy, and it’s all I can to do stay on task and bring her downstairs rather than pulling up that dress of hers and having my way with her again. When it comes to Fallon, I’m fucking insatiable.

I take her hand in mine, leading her out of my bedroom and down the hall. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long- and there’s no one I’d rather share it with. Ordinarily, I have no trouble remaining composed, but today I can’t stop fucking smiling. I feel invincible. This must be what true happiness feels like.

When we hit the bottom of the stairs, hand-in-hand, every eye in the place flies to the two of us. The whole pack is here, crowded into the great room, scattered on couches and chairs and leaning against walls. The dull roar of the crowd immediately quiets, the pack respectfully deferring to me to announce what I’m sure they’ve already gathered by Fallon’s presence.

“Thank you for coming together today on such short notice,” I begin, stepping farther into the room, scanning the curious and eager eyes of the people gathered. “I called you all here to share some very happy news.”

I feel Fallon stiffen beside me under the heavy gazes of the pack members. I glance over at her, beaming.

“I want you all to meet Fallon. My mate.”

The room explodes in celebration. I pull Fallon closer, slipping an arm around her waist and tucking her into my side. She’s grinning as she looks out at everyone, their positive reaction shoring up her confidence. She stands straighter, taller, looking so strong and sure of herself that my heart swells.

In this moment, I swear I’m falling in love with her all over again. She’s a perfect mate, a perfect luna. Mine.

I chuckle, practically fucking giddy at my pack’s reaction to my news. I’m overwhelmed by how well they’re taking this, how supportive they’re being, especially since Fallon’s a stranger to them. Deke was right, I underestimated them.

I hold up a hand to settle the crowd. “Alright, we’re gonna fire up the grill, get some burgers going. Feel free to come introduce yourselves to Fallon, she’s excited to meet you all.”

I nod to Deke, and he heads to the kitchen to retrieve the food that Holly’s spent the afternoon preparing.

“Trust me when I say that fate couldn’t have chosen a better luna for this pack,” I add. “Fallon’s a fighter on the squad, one of our newest and best. Our pack is stronger with her as a part of it.”

Deke steps out of the kitchen with a heaping pan of burger patties and I nod to him again. “Alright, Deke’s getting the grill going. Let’s eat!”

If there’s one thing you can count on wolves to get excited about, it’s a meal. The dull roar of chatter arises again as my pack members start heading toward the big glass doors at the back of the packhouse, filing past Fallon and me. Several stop to greet us on their way out, expressing their excitement and congratulations. Fallon fields their questions like a pro, so kind and confident. A true luna.

As the room slowly empties, one pack member in particular catches my eye- Hannah’s sulking in the corner, arms folded across her chest and face pinched into a tight little scowl. I know Fallon’s history with Hannah, and as alpha, I shouldn’t get involved… but Fallon’s my mate.

“Hannah,” I bark, and her eyes fly wide, meeting mine from across the room. I gesture for her to approach and she pushes off of the wall, looking profoundly uncomfortable as she makes her way over.

I feel Fallon bristle beside me. I’m doing this for her, facilitating a way for them to clear the air so she can be comfortable with the whole pack. And hey, it may be petty, but Fallon fucking deserves the satisfaction of rubbing Hannah’s nose in it after all she’s put her through.

“Alpha,” Hannah greets, showing her neck in submission. “Congratulations.” Her face contorts, like it physically pains her to say it.


What the hell is Gray doing?! This whole thing has been going so well, and now he wants me to make small talk with the one person who tried to rip us apart, who tried to make my life a living hell at training camp? I was hoping I’d just be able to steer clear of Hannah today, pretend she wasn’t here.

Okay, it may be the slightest bit satisfying to see her squirm. Still, I’ve gotta wonder what the method to Gray’s madness is here. I glance up at him and his jaw tightens, his eyes dark as he peers down at Hannah.

“I know you two have had your differences, but if you want to remain a part of this pack, you’ll put them behind you. You will respect your luna,” he says sternly.

Ah. Now I get it. He’s standing up for me, trying to show me he’s got my back, even above his pack. He doesn’t have anything to prove to me, but damnit if it doesn’t make me love him even more.

Hannah swallows hard, nodding. “Understood. Absolutely.”

She turns to me and I hold my breath, wondering what bullshit she’s planning on spewing today.

“I’m sorry, Fallon,” Hannah breathes, and I’m so shocked by the apology that I could be knocked over with a feather. “For everything. We’re pack now, and I hope we can be friends again someday.”

Well I’ll be damned. I don’t know if she’s being sincere- I doubt she is, but I’m not above being the bigger person. For Gray’s sake and the pack’s, I won’t kick her while she’s down. After all, what’s the point? I’ve already won.

“Thanks,” I say, giving her a little nod.

Hannah scurries away and Gray scoops an arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

“Bet that felt good,” he says, waggling his eyebrows.

I blow out a breath, a smug smile creeping across my face. “You have no idea.”

He leans down, brushing his lips against mine. “Guess we’d better head outside.”

I’d rather we head upstairs given the way he’s undressing me with his eyes right now, but I suppose if I’m going to be Luna to his pack, I should try to mingle a little and get to know them.

Our pack, rather. It still feels strange to say.

In hindsight, I now feel a little silly for being so nervous about meeting them. The stakes were a lot higher for Gray, as Alpha, and he had every confidence in his pack. I should’ve had more confidence in him. He’s proven time and time again that he’ll stand by me, no matter what. I still don’t know how I got so lucky.

We head out to the backyard, and watching Gray interact with his pack all evening only makes me adore him more, if that’s even possible. I can tell how much they all love and respect him as their leader and he’s so charismatic, so damn charming. Just watching him is like foreplay. He doesn’t make me feel like I’m just the girl on his arm, either- he seems so proud to have me by his side, like I’m his equal, his partner in every way. I can’t ever remember being this happy.

The last of the pack members head out around dusk, and Gray and I help Deke clean up the mess while Holly takes Mason upstairs for a bath. I’ve just tossed away the last of the paper plates when Gray lunges at me, scooping me up and throwing me over his shoulder in a fireman carry.

“Gray!” I scream, kicking my legs and squirming against his hold. He delivers a firm swat to my ass, sending me into fits of giggles.

He doesn’t say a word- just carries me up the stairs, through the hallway and to his bedroom. I flail the whole way, but I’m not putting up too much of a fight- we both know I’m putty in his hands.

Instead of his usual move of throwing me down on the bed, Gray stops after he kicks the door closed, slowly guiding me down to my feet, my body dragging against his on my way down. I find my footing, smoothing the front of my dress and peering up at Gray. His gaze is dark, predatory.

“Take off your panties,” he growls, leaning back against the door, watching me intently.

His command sends a flood of heat straight to my core. I keep my eyes trained on Gray as I slowly reach to glide my hands under my dress and up my thighs, hooking my thumbs into the waistband of my panties at either hip and sliding them down my legs. When they hit the floor, I step out of them, toeing my shoes off in the process.

I stare at Gray, drawing heavy breaths, waiting for his next instruction. Just the anticipation of what’s to come has my pussy throbbing with need.

His nostrils flare, like he’s scented how turned on I am right now. He grabs me by the waist, spinning me around and pinning me between the door and his body.

“You were so fucking great today, baby,” he murmurs against my neck, tangling one of his hands in my hair. He trails the other down to my chest, groping each of my breasts before his hand continues cruising down my belly, up under the hem of my dress.

The sensations of his breath on my neck and his fingertips trailing up my thigh have me ready to explode. I shudder when his fingers finally make contact with my sensitive pussy, gently rubbing along my slit, teasing me.

“I’ve been dying to get under this dress all day.”

He plunges one of his thick digits inside of me, a breathy moan escaping my lips as my knees wobble and my body goes slack against the door. Gray starts fucking me with his finger, trailing little nips and kisses down the side of my neck, licking at the spot where he marked me last night.

“Gray…” I moan as his thumb finds my clit, throwing my head back against the door. “Fuuuckkkk…” my voice dissolves into a whine as my body ignites with pleasure delivered by Gray’s adept fingers.

“Not yet, baby,” he growls, withdrawing his hand. I nearly fall over from the loss of his contact, but he pulls his pants down with lightning speed, his hands returning to my body. “Spread those thighs for me.”

I do, and he grabs my ass with both hands, lifting me up to position me over his rock-hard cock. He covers my mouth with his, swallowing my scream as his dick glides into my pussy. His tongue twines with mine, his palms grip my ass cheeks, and he’s only two pumps in when I crash over the edge of my orgasm, shaking and moaning into his mouth as he starts drilling me with his cock, slamming my back against the door.

I’m fucking delirious by the time I ride out my orgasm, nipping Gray’s bottom lip and going limp in his arms. He pulls back, pulls out, and smiles down at me, carrying me over to the bed.

He lowers me onto the bed gently, my hair pooling around my head on the sheets as he slowly stands, stroking his hands down the curve of my waist. I lean up on my elbows, watching him as he leans over to plant a trail of kisses down my chest, fisting his cock.

I don’t know what’s come over me, but in this moment, I feel so sexy, so desired. So naughty.

“How do you want me, baby?” I ask, my voice husky.

He whips his head up to stare into my eyes, his alight with the golden shimmer of his wolf.

I smile coyly, rolling onto my belly and rising up on my knees and elbows, my dress bunched around my waist as I wiggle my ass at him. I peek at him over my shoulder with a devilish smirk. “Like this?”

Fuck, baby,” Gray chokes, the expression on his face almost pained. He reaches out to knead my ass with his hands, positioning himself behind me. Then he grabs his dick again and starts rubbing the velvety head up and down my slit, teasing my clit a little bit as I press myself backwards onto him needily. He lines cock up with my entrance and grabs my hips, thrusting himself inside me to the hilt, taking my breath away. I gasp and moan as he starts hammering me from behind, digging his fingertips into my hips.

I rock back to meet Gray’s thrusts as he fucks me, hard, rough, relentless. His breathing grows ragged and I can tell he’s getting close. I’m right on the edge, too, and when he leans his body forward over mine, reaching between my legs and brushing my clit with his fingertips, I crash over it into another delicious, blissful orgasm. My belly flutters against his hold on my waist and Gray grunts, yanking his dick out of me right before he comes, pumping it with his fist and spilling his seed onto the sheets, roaring in his release.

My body goes limp and I collapse onto the bed, drawing heavy breaths as Gray crawls up beside me. I’m glad he was thoughtful enough to pull out since we’re still in close proximity to the full moon- I’d love pups with him one day, but I’m nowhere near ready for that yet. He presses kisses along my spine and on the backs of my shoulders before he slips an arm around my waist, pulling me sideways so my back is to his chest.

Our bodies fit together so perfectly in this spooning position, like they were made for one another.

According to fate, I guess they were.