Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



It feels a little strange returning to the squad complex on Tuesday morning, like I’ve been away for weeks rather than days. So much has happened since I passed through the gate on Saturday afternoon, staring out the window from the backseat of Boyd’s dad’s SUV, turning over in my mind whether I’d have the courage to come back for the full moon run.

I’m so fucking glad I did.

I was being a total chicken, which isn’t like me at all. Then again, love makes you do some crazy, foolish things. Thank god my sister was there to make me realize how stupid I was being and talk me into coming back to face the music- I definitely owe her one.

I’ll add it to the list of debts I owe Brooke for always coming through when I need her.

Gray slides the Jeep into his usual spot outside the gate, throwing it in park and cutting the engine. He turns to me, dark eyes alight with their now familiar intensity.

“You ready, babe?”

This is the easy part. I was anxious to tell my parents, terrified to tell his pack, but to tell our friends at the complex? I’m stoked.

“Oh yeah,” I smile, tossing Gray a wink.

I unbuckle my seatbelt, throwing open the passenger side door and climbing out. We intended to arrive earlier this morning, but Gray slipped into the shower with me, delaying our departure. My thighs are still quivering, a little sore from my efforts to hold myself up while he fucked me against the tile wall of the shower. Shifter healing will take care of that in no time, so I’ll be tip-top for my first day of training with the squad today.

Gray gets out and circles the Jeep, taking my hand in his as we head to the gate. When we walk through, the practice field is already crawling with people. It looks like the squad’s out for their daily workout, no longer relegated to the basement weight room or the forest or the stuffy indoor arena now that training camp’s over and the space is freed up again.

I hold my head high, strolling confidently beside Gray as we make our way onto the field, headed to where Brock, Theo, Jax, and Reid are huddled together, chatting. Jax is the first to see us approaching, a huge grin spreading across his face.

“Hey hey!” he calls out, and the other guys turn to look in our direction, too. “So the rumors are true?!”

I just smile, side-eyeing Gray to see that he’s got a big, goofy grin on his face to match Jax’s.

“Congrats, man,” Reid says as we draw closer, reaching for Gray’s hand and slapping his back in a bro-hug. “I had a feeling it was going to work out for you two.”

The other guys take turns hugging us both, congratulating us. The only one who seems less than enthused is Theo, who seems a little… annoyed?

“So what, is Fallon gonna be helping you run the squad now?” he asks.

Definitely annoyed.

Gray just shrugs. “I’m sure she’ll be involved here, but she’s got responsibilities as Luna, too. One step at a time.”

He glances down at me, slipping an arm comfortably around my waist.

“I’m gonna catch up with my friends,” I say, wriggling out of his hold.

He nods, pulling me back in for a quick kiss before I go. I can practically feel the eyerolls from his friends as he does.

I toss Gray and the other guys a little wave over my shoulder as I turn to jog toward the track, flagging down my friends as they pass. Davis, Casey, Boyd, Shay, and Connor break away from the other runners, coming to meet me in the field.

“Fated to the alpha, huh?” Casey teases as she approaches. “I frickin’ knew it!”

We both laugh as she throws her arms around me in a hug. Before she can even pull away completely, Davis scoots in, picking me up off of the ground in a bear hug.

“Congrats!” he chirps as he sets me back on my feet, beaming. “We’re so happy for you guys.”

“I guess good news travels fast, huh?” I giggle.

Shay and Connor both congratulate and hug me, but to my surprise, Boyd’s lingering on the periphery, the last to offer his support. I glance his way, arching a brow.


He heaves a sigh, a smile creeping across his face as he spreads his arms for me to fall into. I do, and he hugs me tight, rocking me from side to side.

“Oh, I’m happy for ya,” he mumbles into my hair. He pulls back, looking into my eyes. “Honestly.”

“Thanks,” I breathe. “I’m happy too. I mean, I have no fucking idea how all of this actually worked out, but I’m glad it did.”

Boyd smiles again, but behind his smile I can tell he’s a little wounded. I mean, we’ve been really close friends over the years and I’ve always suspected that he might carry a torch for me. Still, I don’t think I’ve ever led him into believing that there was anything more than friendship between us. Once he finds his fated mate, he’ll understand why I was never the girl for him.

“So what, do we have to call you Luna now?” Shay teases, waggling her eyebrows.

I laugh, shaking my head. “Only if you wanna get your ass kicked.”

“Luna of a pack, late for practice… I don’t even know who you are anymore!” Connor grins.

I lunge at him, punching him in the arm playfully.

He’s right, though- being late for my first day of practice with the actual squad isn’t a good look. The six of us rejoin the others, taking a few laps around the track before we start our drills for the day.

Practice goes fast- lightning fast- and before I know it, Gray’s helping me pack up my things in the squad barracks and carry them over to his room in the dorms. I’ve been in his room several times, but I never really imagined that I’d be living here. It’s dark, masculine, filled with his things already. I’m not sure where mine will go.

As if he’s reading my mind, Gray takes my suitcase handle from my hand, leaning my bag against the wall and sliding an arm around my shoulders.

“You can probably just leave a few things here, take the rest to the packhouse,” he suggests, and my eyebrows fly up.

“What? You want me to move in with you? At the packhouse?” I ask, wide-eyed, spinning to face him.

It seems a little fast to go from sneaking around to full-on shacking up in a matter of days. I kind of assumed that I’d just be taking over his dorm at the squad complex.

Gray gives a curt nod, as if it isn’t even a question. He slides his hands onto my shoulders, pinning me down with his steely gaze.

“I want to spend every day with you, every night,” he murmurs. Gray drags a hand up to cup my cheek, his palm rough and warm. His lips hover just inches from mine. “Now that I’ve found you, I’m never letting you out of my sight.”

I trace my fingertips up the curve of his bicep, down his hard forearm to cover his hand with my own. I bite my bottom lip, smiling up at Gray. “Promise?”



Two weeks have passed since the full moon, and Fallon and I have fallen into some semblance of a daily routine. We spend most mornings training, most afternoons attending to pack business. Fallon has taken so well to being Luna, like she was born to do it. I guess she was, in a way.

Today, we did things a little backwards- pack business in the morning, training at the complex in the afternoon. Ordinarily, I’d stick around to eat dinner at the complex afterwards, but Holly’s cooking a big meal at the packhouse that we’ve gotta get back for. Fallon’s sister and a couple of the guys are coming over, too. All the more reason for us to hurry back and play the part of gracious hosts.

When I slide into the drivers’ seat of my Jeep, Fallon’s already seated on the passenger side, her long legs thrown up on the dashboard. We’re both sweaty and tired, but the sight of those long tan legs on display for me delivers a fresh surge of energy, my dick stirring to life underneath my gym shorts.

I crank the key in the ignition and the engine roars to life, drowning out my dirty thoughts of my hot little mate in the passenger seat. I back out of my spot by the gate, throw the Jeep in drive, and start down the road to Goldenleaf, side-eyeing those long legs again.

I can’t help myself- I reach over, trailing one of my hands up her toned thigh. I know I should focus on driving, but she’s fucking irresistible.

“Why don’t you spread those legs for me, baby?” I murmur. “Give me a little preview of what’s waiting for me when I get home.”

Fallon turns to look at me, her ponytail whipping around her face. Her cheeks flush.

“Gray…” There’s a hint of warning in her tone, but also mischief.

I wrap my hand around the front of her leg to her inner thigh, slowly dragging it up, the sparks of contact tickling my fingertips as I move closer to the apex of her thighs.

“Do you want me to stop?” I ask, keeping one eye on the road as my deft fingers roam under the seam of her shorts.

“Mmmm….” She whines as my fingers find her pussy, already slick with desire. I take her soft moan as an invitation to continue. I tease my fingers along her slit, then find her swollen little clit, tracing circles around it.

Fallon’s breathing rate increases and my dick’s so hard in my shorts that I could practically steer my Jeep with it. I keep my driving speed slow, steady, while I increase the speed of my fingers against Fallon’s clit.

“Come on, baby,” I growl. From her sweet little moans and her labored breathing, I can tell how close she is already. Still so fucking responsive to my touch. “Come for me.”

Fallon screams as she topples over the edge of her climax, legs trembling on the dash, fingernails digging into my arm. My eyes leave the road for a moment to watch her, always so fucking beautiful when she comes. It’s a glorious sight to behold.

Her long legs stop shaking, ragged breaths slowing as her orgasm subsides and I withdraw my hand from her shorts, patting the front of her pussy through them. “Good girl,” I smirk.

Fallon sighs, dragging her legs from the dashboard and turning her body toward mine. I’m not prepared when she reaches over, grabbing my dick through my shorts. I grunt at her contact, jerking the steering wheel and nearly driving off the road.

“Later,” I choke, taking her hand and prying it off of my erection.

“Aw, you’re no fun.” Fallon sticks her bottom lip out in a pout, her eyes sultry, seductive.

Fuck. Me.

I hit the fucking jackpot when I found this girl- when she stepped off of that bus on the first day of training camp and I instantly wondered what her skin felt like, what she’d taste like. Now the moon has confirmed that she’s my mate and we’ve sealed the bond forever. I don’t question how lucky I am.

When we pull into the driveway of the packhouse, the two of us waste no time heading inside and upstairs to shower and get ready. I’m looking forward to having some of our friends over for dinner tonight, but I’m even more excited to see Fallon’s reaction to the surprise guest that Brock’s bringing along.

I can already hear people downstairs by the time I get out of the shower, finding Fallon in front of the mirror, brushing her long wet hair back into a ponytail. Even in jeans and a cropped t-shirt, she’s a knockout. I’m going to have blue balls all through this dinner.

I grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt out of the dresser, quickly changing and hustling Fallon along. She rolls her eyes at my insistence, but soon she’ll realize why I wanted to hurry her downstairs.

The smell of Holly’s cooking hits my nose before we reach the top of the stairs and my mouth starts watering. I take Fallon’s hand, leading her down, rounding the corner to the dining table and chairs situated just outside of the kitchen in front of the big windows at the back of the packhouse.

Two girls are seated at the table and my face spreads into a grin when Fallon squeals beside me, dropping my hand.


She runs over to Vienna, practically tackling the small girl before she can fully rise to stand from her chair at the table.

“Fallon!” she laughs, hugging her tightly. “I’ve missed you, girl!”

Fallon relinquishes the embrace, turning to me and pointing a finger. “Did you do this?” she asks, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

I nod, striding over to join her at the table. “Surprise, babe,” I whisper, leaning down to plant a kiss on those pouty lips of hers. She shows her gratitude through her enthusiasm in returning my kiss, pulling away and mouthing ‘thank you’ before a bright smile returns to her face.

Fallon slides down into the seat beside Vienna, positively fucking giddy. “Did you know?” she asks Brooke, looking across the table to where her sister is seated.

Brooke shakes her head, holding her hands up in surrender. “No idea! I was just as excited as you were when I got here!”

I leave Fallon to chat with Vienna and Brooke, heading into the kitchen to see how dinner’s coming along. Holly’s putting the finishing touches on the plates while Brock leans idly against the counter chatting with Deke.

“Hey,” I greet as I walk in, clapping Brock on the shoulder. “Thanks again for bringing Vienna with you. Totally made my girl’s night.”

“Yeah, no problem,” he breathes. “Have you heard from Theo?”

“I was just gonna ask you the same thing,” I say, looking around. He’s noticeably absent, but it’s pretty on-brand for Theo to run late to just about anything.

“Should we wait for him?” Holly asks, picking up a plate in each hand.

I shake my head. “Nah, there’s no telling now long he’ll be.” And I don’t want the meal to get cold after Holly’s worked so hard on preparing it.

Deke, Brock, and I pick up on Holly’s cue, grabbing the other plates and following her into the dining room. I slide one in front of Fallon, setting the other at my place beside her at the head of the table and sinking down into my seat.

It’s then that the front door opens, a breathless Theo pushing inside.

“Sorry I’m late,” he offers, shrugging out of his leather jacket and slinging it over the back of one of the couches as he makes his way over. “Bike stalled out.”

“You still haven’t gotten that thing fixed?” Brock grumbles, sinking down into a chair at the table. Theo often uses his motorcycle as an excuse since it always seems to be breaking down.

“I’ll get to it,” Theo sighs, waving a hand dismissively. He heads to the empty chair at the opposite end of the table, pointing at it. “This seat taken?”

I nod. “That’s Deke’s.” He’s disappeared back into the kitchen to grab something else for the meal.

Theo looks around and I flick my head at the empty seat beside me.

He pauses for a moment, awkwardly looking from the empty chair to Brooke seated on the other side of it. Then he makes his way over, pulls it out, and it seems like he hesitates again before sinking down into it. His eyes meet Brooke’s, then dart away.

I don’t have a chance to give the strange exchange a second thought, because Deke’s returned from the kitchen, taking his seat and clearing his throat to yield the floor to me.

I clear my throat, too, picking up the glass sitting in front of my plate and raising it up. Holly found some fancy-ass wine to serve up with the meal that she claims ‘pairs well’ with the chicken.

“Thanks for coming tonight,” I boom, looking around at the faces seated around the table. “I hope we can make a habit of this, get together more often. And a big thanks to Holly for cooking all this food, I can’t wait to dig in. Cheers.”

It isn’t the most eloquent speech, but the others say ‘cheers’ and clink their glasses, nonetheless.

The meal is as delicious as it smells, and throughout the evening I’m continually struck by how fucking good this feels, how happy I am. Two months ago, I never would’ve dreamed that I’d be here now, laughing around the dinner table with my mate by my side, surrounded by friends that are like family.

I know there are still challenges to come, but I’ve never been more ready to face them, never been surer that I’ll persevere through them. Fallon and I will get through them together; having her by my side only makes me stronger, better. The shadow pack’s still out there, but I’m more confident than ever that when they come, we’ll be ready.

I’d take on a hundred crazy alphas for that leggy blonde that takes my breath away with every glance. Fallon has given me renewed purpose, a future.

And honestly? I can’t wait.