Daddy’s Little Warrior by Lila Fox

Chapter Twenty


Aisha listened to the elevator door close, and then it was silent, telling her Drake had gone back to his office.

The first thing she did was pull out the bag she’d brought with her. She needed to remember to pack the outfit she’d worn when she’d left Afghanistan. If she didn’t wear the tombaan and parahaan outfit, she would stand out, and the chaadar head covering was essential to an Afghanistan woman.

All the new clothes she got would have to stay because there was no place she’d be able to wear them back home.

She packed only the things she’d brought with her. After that was done and the bag was hidden in the back of the closet just in case Drake came back, she looked in the office for Ryker’s number. He was the only one she knew who would help her.

She was starting to get desperate when she saw the card he’d given her in the top drawer of Drake’s desk. She picked up the phone on the desk and dialed.

“Ryker.” His bark and the rough tone of his voice startled her for a second.

“Yo, I don’t have all fucking day, so if you got something to say, say it.”

“Oh, um … hi.”

There was a pause. “Aisha?”

“Um … yeah.”

“Honey, what is it?”

“I need you to do something for me.”

“I told you I’d be here for you, whatever you need.”

“I need you to take me back to Afghanistan.”

She heard him inhale hard. “Wait a fucking second. I didn’t just hear you say you wanted to go back to that hell hole?”

“I … yes. I have to.”

“Really. I’d love to know what Drake has to say about it.”

“It wasn’t fair for me to be thrown into his lap.”

“What the fuck, honey?”

“He doesn’t want me here, Ryker, and I totally get it. I’m useless.”

“Whoa, wait a second…”

“No, listen. I can’t do anything by myself, and he’s starting a business, for God’s sake. He doesn’t have time for me. The fact that he doesn’t like looking at my back makes me feel bad.”

“Hold on…”

“No. Please. I’m begging.”

“Have you talk to him at all?”

“There’s nothing to say. Another reason is I left my cousin and aunt to take the fall for me if the town found out they hid me. They are the only family I have left.”

“God, honey. If you go back, you’ll die.”

“Not necessarily.”

“You and I both know the chances are high you won’t survive a week back there.”

“Please. If you don’t do it, I’ll have to go to the embassy.”

“That’s bullshit. Listen, I’ll come over, and we’ll talk to Drake together.”

“No! I’ll leave him a note. It’s not fair to put him on the spot like that.”

“Jesus Christ, Aisha.”

She exhaled. “Stop, listen. I’m sorry I bothered you…”

“No, wait a second.”

“No. I’ve got to go. Please don’t feel bad. I’ve got to learn to do things on my own. Take—”

“Don’t you fucking hang up,” he yelled.

“—care. Bye.”

“Goddammit, Aisha.”

She hung up and laid her head on the desk. The misery was fighting to take over, and if she let that happened, she wouldn’t be able to do anything.

She pulled out a piece of paper and pen.


Dear Drake,

I have decided it best if I go back. My aunt and cousin need me, and it’s where I belong. I’ll never fit in here, and we both know I was thrown in your lap, and it’s not fair. Thank you for everything. I will cherish our time together for the rest of my life.



After she stood, she took the note into the kitchen and put it on the island where he’d see it. She turned and went back for her bag. Then, she took one more look around and walked out.

It wasn’t until she was on the ground floor that she remembered she had no idea where the embassy was or had money to get there.

She stood looking out the front window, trying to decide her best course of action, when she saw a black SUV screech to a stop out front of the building. Ryker jumped out of the driver’s side and strode toward the door to the building.

There was a tall planter on the side of the front door that she stepped behind. She watched him stride in and head to the front desk. He didn’t have to wait long before the receptionist pointed to the elevators.

Aisha saw the doors start to close and stepped out from behind the planter to head toward the door. She glanced back once to see Ryker had seen her and tried to stop the door, but it was too late.

She could feel his anger from where she stood, and it shocked her.

Without waiting, she headed outside and looked right and left. A man in uniform walked past her.

“Sir, would you happen to know where the embassy is?”

He stopped. “It’s ten blocks that way.” He pointed behind her.

“Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.”

Ten blocks didn’t sound that far. She knew she’d walked much farther in her lifetime.

The walk took so much longer than she thought because she kept having to dodge the people walking past her. She had no idea how many times she apologized, but she kept going. It was her only option.

Her head jerked around when she thought she heard her name yelled. She was so short, she couldn’t see over anyone’s head. The tone sounded a lot like Drake’s, and he was the last person she wanted to see right then.

She started to rush, almost tripping a few times. A scream tore from her throat when an arm came around her and stopped her in her tracks.

She lifted her head and looked behind her, and her heart sank when she saw her the person who detained her was Drake. She didn’t want to have to say goodbye in person because she knew she wasn’t strong enough.

“Please let me go.”

He growled. “Don’t talk right now, baby, because I’m so close to spanking your ass right in the middle of the sidewalk.”


His hand slid over her ass. “Do you really want to push me right now?”

Her shoulders sagged, and she shook her head. She was going to have to say goodbye the hard way.

“Let’s go.” He wrapped his hand around her upper arm and started back toward the building.