Daddy’s Little Warrior by Lila Fox

Chapter Twenty-Two


She shook her head.

“Then strip.”


“Ryker needs to feel a part of this because he’s the reason you’re here now. The fact you were willing to throw away all the hard work he did to get you makes him furious. Look at him.”

She turned to look at Ryker and saw the muscle in his cheek throb, telling her without words how upset he was.

“I’m sorry, Ryker.”

“I know, honey, but if I were you, I’d listen to your daddy.”

She sighed and pulled off her clothes.

“What do you want from me, man?” Ryker asked.

“We’re going to show her how much we care about her. Get undressed. You’re going to take her ass as she rides me. You okay with that?”

“Fuck, yeah. I’d kill to be in that ass.”

“Well, it’s yours for the next while.”

Both men stripped and stood in from of her. Her breath caught in her throat when they each grabbed their cocks and stroked them.

Ryker was every bit as big as Drake, and he also had tattoos all over him.

The sight of their cocks made her cringe inside. She had no idea how this would work without her being torn apart.

Drake cupped her face. “Don’t you dare be afraid of us. Neither of us would ever hurt a hair on your head, love, and you know this.”

She relaxed. “Yes, I do.”

“Good girl.”

Drake lay on the mattress with his legs hanging over the bed and his feet on the floor before reaching for her.

“Come here.” He lifted her until she straddled him. “Put my cock to your cunt.”

She reached between them and lined his penis up to her, then slowly started to sink down. A moan tore from her throat when he bottomed out inside of her.

He pulled her face down and took her lips in a scorching kiss that left her breathless.

She jerked when she felt Ryker come up behind her and spread her ass cheeks.

His hand slid up and down her back. “You know I’d never hurt you, honey. Relax.”

She slowly relaxed against Drake’s chest as he took her mouth.

“Easy,” Drake said when she jolted as Ryker’s finger pushed into her.

God, just his finger felt huge in her ass. She had no idea how’d she’d be able to handle his cock inside her at the same time Drake’s was.

“Here’s two fingers, honey.”

“How are you doing, baby?” Drake asked her.

“Um… I don’t know…” she said, making both men chuckle.

She heard a condom wrapper and then felt a gush of liquid enter her ass.

“Here we go.”

She dug her nails into Drake’s shoulders as Ryker started to push into her.

“Oh, God…”

“Look at me, love.”

Her eyes opened, and she stared down at Drake.

“That’s a good girl. Just relax and let the sensation take over. No more worries. No more running from us. Right?”

She nodded. “Yes. I’ll never do it again.”


“Fuck, she’s tight,” Ryker said.

“Yes, she is. There’s no place on earth better than being inside my woman.”

She felt tears sting her eyes at the love that shone from Drake’s eyes.

“I’m in.”

The three groaned and took a moment to savor the feeling of closeness.

“I’m not going to last,” Ryker said.

“Me, either, and from the look on her face, she won’t either. Start moving.”

“You got it.”

The world faded as all her attention centered on the men see-sawing in and out of her body. The building pressure was getting to be more than she could take, but she still begged for more.

“Please, Daddy.”

“Fuck,” Drake growled. “Come, love. We’ve got you.”

“It’s too much.”

“No, it’s not. Just hang on to me, love.”

Her nails dug deeper, making him hiss, but she didn’t hear him. She screamed.

They both groaned as they felt her start to tighten on them, which pushed them to go faster and harder, throwing her over again and then following close behind.

When the wave of desire passed, it left all three panting and shaky.

She lay limp against Drake’s chest and concentrated on breathing because she didn’t have the energy to do anything else.


Drake felt Ryker pull out of her.

“I’ll go clean up and then help with her.”

Drake nodded, closed his eyes, and wrapped his arms around her. She whimpered when his cock slid out of her.

“It’s all right, love. Just rest.”

He couldn’t get over the fear that he’d almost lost her. Goddamn.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Never leave me. I’ll die if you do.”

She murmured the word never, pressed a kiss to his chest, and then fell asleep.

Drake opened his eyes when the bathroom door opened, and Ryker walked out wearing a towel and carrying a washcloth.

Ryker chuckled. “You haven’t moved.”

“I don’t think I can.”

Drake felt Ryker clean off Aisha. When he was done, Drake pulled them both up the mattress until their heads were on the pillow. He watched Ryker get dressed.

“Thank you.”

“I should be thanking you,” Ryker said. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen or done.”

“I can’t believe I almost…”

“But you didn’t,” Ryker interrupted him. “Stop thinking about it because it will never happen again.”

“You’re goddamn right it won’t,” Drake said.

“Do you need me for anything else?” Ryker said as he tucked his shirt into his pants.

“No. Not right now. Just get in touch when you hear anything about her cousin and aunt.”

“You got it. They’re on their way. I just hope there’s not a lot of red tape they have to deal with.”

“Fuck, I hate that shit.”

“I’ve got some men with them to help and protect them, but I’m thinking about heading there tomorrow and see if I can’t hurry things along.”

“I’d appreciate it. I want her tied to me in every possible way.”

“Well, if she’s not on birth control, you could have a baby on the way.”

Drake rubbed his hand up and down her back. “Yes, I’ve been hoping she is pregnant.”

“How does she feel about it?”

“She wants kids as bad as I do.”

“Good. You’ll both be great parents.”

“Someday, you’ll have this too.”

“I hope so. I’ll see you later.”

Drake hated to see the look of despair on his friend’s face and wanted to call him back to ask him about it but decided Ryker would tell him when he was ready.

He pressed his lips against the top of her head. “I love you so much, baby.”

He loved how she sighed and snuggled against him because even asleep, she was attuned to him.

His eyes started to droop, and he gave one last prayer before he fell asleep.