Runaways by Nicole Dykes

Lawson started working on the mural for Loraine today, and Hayden and I are just sitting here, being his “assistants,” although really, all we’re doing is staring in awe. It’s amazing to watch Lawson work. He gets lost in the moment, the rest of the world just fading away, and it’s a gorgeous sight.

The colors he uses are exquisite, and it seems to take him no effort whatsoever to choose what goes where.

“He’s amazing.” I turn to see Loraine has snuck up beside me.

I nod my head, my eyes still on Law. “Yeah. He really is.”

“You guys are close.” It’s not really a question, but I stiffen, thinking about last night in the shower with him. Yeah, I’d say we’re close.

“Yes.” I don’t know what else to say.

She smiles and watches Lawson paint a beautiful floral mural on her once sickeningly white wall. “I can tell. You all are.”

I turn to face her, my heart racing. Does she know?

“You’ve been through a lot.”

My lips part, trying to think of something to say. Hayden is rambling on about something as Law tunes him out, but I feel like I’m on display. “How do you know that?” It’s all I can say.

She offers a kind smile and places a hand on my shoulder. “I can just tell. When I saw you three on the street, selling that beautiful painting. I just knew.”

I stare at her. “Is this some sort of charity?” Lawson would hate that.

“No,” she answers quickly. “I was drawn to the art first, but then . . .” She looks wistful, and then her smile is so kind it nearly makes me ache. Is this what it’s like to have a mother? Someone who comforts you instead of making you want to die? “I noticed you three, your souls.”

My eyebrow kicks up, skeptical. “Our souls?”

She laughs and takes a seat on the sofa, pulling me down next to her. “Yes. You’ve heard of soul mates, I’m sure.”

I nod dumbly. “I thought that meant you find one love.”

She shrugs. “Maybe, but I think we have many soulmates throughout our lives. Not necessarily all romantic, but we’re drawn to them. They’re supposed to be in our lives.”

I stare at her in awe—this seemingly perfect, classy woman, who also seems to be deep as hell. “I don’t know.”

She smiles, so sure of herself. “I saw you three, and I instantly felt that. Felt like I needed to know you. Needed his art on my wall. I was drawn in.”

“Was it like that with Andrew too?”

Her smile only widens, and I can see the deep-seated love there. “Yes. It was. I needed him in ways I didn’t even realize. I was afraid and alone, and then bam, there he was.”

“Did someone hurt you?” I know my voice has gone quieter, and she tips her head to the side, offering me a knowing, sympathetic look.

“He tried. I was a news anchor, and a fan became obsessed. It scared the living hell out of me.”

I can see her being on the news, updating the world on the chaos with a calming voice and sweet smile. “I’m sorry.”

She brushes a hand over my cheek. “I survived. And I got Andrew out of it. We aren’t our past, but it does shape us.”

“You think it’s always for the better?”

She thinks that over, and I wonder if what Colin did to me will always remain with me, always making me fearful or eventually bitter. “That’s up to us, sweet girl. We decide what we turn into. No matter what happens to us, we decide.” Her head is held high. “And that,” she grins, “is power.”

I’m in awe of this woman I only just met, seeing her pain below the surface, but also knowing she rose higher than high. I look over at Lawson as Hayden picks up a color of paint and Law grabs it from him, lecturing him on being careful, and I laugh, looking back at Loraine. “Maybe you’re right. About the soulmates thing.”

Lawson came into my life at the precisely right time and never looked back. And when we met Hayden, I just felt like he was supposed to be our friend. I’m never letting him go. And Loraine—well, I have a really good feeling about her too.

“I think I am.” She smiles assuredly, making me laugh. “I’m happy you’re all here. And that wall . . .” She motions toward the wall and stands up, placing her hands on her hip as she admires the very beginnings of Lawson’s genius. “It’s going to be stunning.”

I stand next to her, and she pulls me to her side. I lean into the contact, and it pulls a deep sigh from me as my body relaxes. “It really is.”

Lawson looks over at us, still guarded, but I see the shy smile form on his lips. “I’ve barely started.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s gorgeous,” Hayden says as he moves to Loraine’s other side. “He’s one of those people who doesn’t realize how good he is.”

Loraine looks Hayden over and pulls him into her other side. “Oh, I think that may be true with all of you kids.”

Hayden scoffs, but I only smile.

I still worry every day that my mother and Colin will find me, but it’s crazy how that worry has lessened over the last year.

Because now, I’ve really found my family.